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  • Thanks for the response.I was sort of expecting this, which is why I was asking the question. I doubted I could but would prefer to find out rather than close the door on that option altogether.So really my choices are:Keep the 100,000 dept and make it a +ve rental Sell it and use the money to clear out most of the debt for the new homeTransfer…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic EXPENSIVE WEDDINGS YET HIGH MORTGAGES in the forum General Property 17 years, 4 months ago

    My wedding 2 years this month (part of the reason I haven't been here for so long…) cost 6-7k. 60-odd guests and the ceremony was held as a historic house in Brisbane (Newstead). While the reception was held nearby and the guests were served danishes and fruits while waiting for our photos to be taken and then had really great foods served for…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic apprentice shortages in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 6 months ago


    It wasn’t all roses in the trades, especially during the early to mid 90s when many electrician employers either put employees on reduced hours or forced them to use holiday time up. They were not game to get rid of employees though and in many cases this is an excellent show of foresight.

    Skilled labour is hard to get and sticking…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic apprentice shortages in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 6 months ago

    On ABC radio today they discussed this very thing. TAFE were not blaming the government on not doing enough btw, the system setup is a very good one, but rather the preconception that people should always go to uni.

    Personally we can look at our ever increasingly ‘lazy lifestyles’, Tradies are quite often at a job at the ‘crack of dawn’ working…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Favourite Movie? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 6 months ago

    No one has ever died for a flag. A flag is a piece of cloth. They may have died for ‘freedom’ which, by the way, is the freedom to burn a flag?

    Flags/banners/colours are all throwbacks to the past in which the falling of a flag/banner or unit colours would signal chaos for the force that lost their peice of cloth.

    Morale was so important during…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic john howard’s lies in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    The UK is one of the oldest, if not the oldest surviving democracy in the world…voting is not compulsory.

    Population difference probably helps, Australia is amazingly underpopulated compared to the other major democracies.

    [/quote] My point: There is no correlation between compulsory/non compulsory voting and the preservation of personal…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic OK Muppet what about the Big Game on Saturday in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 7 months ago

    Yep we definitely need impartial refs. With an impartial ref the Goodies would have won by an innings and 56 runs.

    Sounds like selective blindness here (much like Phil Gould who demanded the ref be changed after Origin 2 even though the ref made many glaring mistakes in the first half to the blues advantage and about as many in favour of qld in…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic OK Muppet what about the Big Game on Saturday in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 7 months ago

    Jones using the ‘Phil Gould Book of stupid things you say to win friends’ trick has put me off this game a bit.

    Those that don’t know (head in sand perhaps), Phil gould would slag off an opposing team for supposedly using a dirty tactic in a move to take the referee’s objectiveness from the game and monitor the opposition more while the side he…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic john howard’s lies in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    It has links to the ALP.

    ALP freely link to it in its electronic newsletter.

    The company hosting it :-

    – is run by a former ALP staffer and former ALP member

    – company donates to ALP

    Freedom of expression became so much harder in this world of litigation. Unbound freedom or true freedom ironically leads to more leanient jail terms for…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Line of Credit in the forum Finance 20 years, 7 months ago

    Depends on what you are using the account for. Just for paying a house off where extra funds are not needed for renovating or anything along those lines then an Offset Loan would be a better investment.

    If you suck with a credit card just imagine how much you would suck with up to 100 times the credit limit?

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Favourite Movie? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 7 months ago


    Ice Pirates
    Army of Darkness
    Ice Age


    Die Hard
    5th Element
    Blade Runner
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade




    The Last Emporer

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Seventeen Mile Rocks starts leading into less reputable suburbs. Not heard too much bad about the suburb itself though.

    Probably not a bad spot if you like Golf being in between 3 major courses (at least) and a couple of driving ranges.

    A big range of prices (%-wise) Anything from 250,000 to about 750,000 for places in 17-mile rocks.

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Giving up Smoking! in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hypnosis is in contravention of my religious beliefs. Despite this I did contact a hypnotherapist who said it could not be done with a one-off visit and would require repeated visits and a 100% success could not be given even then..

    Religion is in fact itself a form of hypnosis. I came across many examples when I found an interesting book on…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic reality check – realestate implications!! in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Technology for many similar inventions have been purchased by the oil companies. Patents for methods of combining petrol and water in a 1:3 ratio in a special efficient engine that could be compartmentised from anywhere from 1 to 48 chambers was sold about 15 years back if my memory serves me.

    Now BP may own the patent for the engine but they…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Giving up Smoking! in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 7 months ago

    If you want to get out of a hole, first stop digging.

    First of all does this quote really mean anything to you Brenda? As how I look at it, smokers are forever digging themselves holes they have to desparately try to get out of later.

    There are still many ways to try that may work for each individual. If you really want to give up the smokes…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic $600 bonus in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Having children does not make someone more important than someone with no children.

    Depends on how you look at it. You have two sets of partners, one decides to have children the other doesn’t bother. You cannot call the former a partnership but a family after the birth of the child(ren). Two have become 3+, 3+ is larger than 2 so how can they…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic Andrew Johns to Rugby in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Johns would’ve been an ordinary rugby player, plus he would’ve spent even more time off the field as his back gives in after the first big ruck he gets stuck on the bottom of.

    As for the ‘tahs, they need to learn how to beat the Reds before they can make the semis [medieval]

    Fortunately they are not trying to poach Lockyer, who was clearly voted…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic $600 bonus in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Families with children are ‘future viable’. In general who are going to look after the elderly when you have no kids? Friends? pig’s backside, a country with no kids is only a country for one generation.

    A short-termed view would be to not reward families, it only results in a dwindling population. With a dwindling population what do you think…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic $600 bonus in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Re single mothers, may be the answer lies in education. Well I’m talking more about teenage pregnancies here.
    I think a lot more could be done in the area of sex education. I know they have programs like drug and sex education (my own kids took part in these programs) but these programs may not be intense enough for many teenagers.
    I believe that…[Read more]

  • sizzling_duck replied to the topic $600 bonus in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Rather than a straight cash ‘injection’ which seems to create this whole ‘evil single mum’ issue how about just way higher tax thresholds for those having kids and actually earning money?

    The issue of cheaper just getting welfare than working when kids are involved just doesn’t help the system nor does it really help the kids who have a really…[Read more]

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