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  • pelican replied to the topic Jamie McIntyre in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 7 months ago


    Jamie has made a few enemies along the way at ASIC….. but he has NOT SWINDLED anyone….

    He is a nice bloke who I have communicated with on many occasions….

    His courses and the theories DO work…. it’s up to you to be committed to make it work for you……

    Do your homework, but have an open mind…..



  • pelican replied to the topic ASIC update on Jamie Mcintyre in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 1 month ago

    so now what happens ?

    He goes out, gets a licence, and continues ??

  • pelican replied to the topic Woodridge in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Yasmina & welcome to the forums !!

    Woodridge when compared to Logan is seen/said to be a rougher place…..


    It has improved GREATLY Over the years, and there is some good potential there….. It may need you to keep a close eye on any investments there, but prices are cheap, rents are good……..

    Do your homework… talk to…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic TV! A WASTE OF LIFE. in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 1 month ago

    The best thing on the tv is the OFF switch !!!

    Personally feel my kids watch way too much…. When we move back to Australia next month, I’m going to start restricting it heavily……

    Newspapers aren’t much better when it comes to objective reporting……

  • pelican replied to the topic Logan QLD in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago


    I gather by your tone of your message, Logan is beneath you, and, you have contempt for others opinions…. Please read what has been mentioned…..

    If you have read the Draft SEQ regional plan, you would clearly see that Logan is an area that will get some needed attention going forward……

    No one has mentioned that logan is paradise…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic Logan QLD in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Jewel,

    We have a few in Logan area….. what would you like to know ?

    Growth has been phenomonal….. Still has more room to move…..

    Don’t forget Logan is one of the “golden” suburbs due for the Gov’t touch, if you read the SEQ regional plan…..


  • pelican replied to the topic Need Standard QLD Purchase And Sale Contract!!! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago


    In QLD everyone uses a standard REIQ form…. suggest you check their website for a copy…… I think.


  • pelican replied to the topic Discussions concerning Jenman in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 1 month ago


    Whilst I can understand your approach, I can’t necessarily agree with it…..

    I think the technical term is “head in the sand”…….

    The person in question is simply way out of line…. and needs to be shown as such…. ignoring him will not work……

    well, your site, and, your choice……..


  • pelican replied to the topic Stinkin’ Gurus in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Boy did you get grumpy all of a sudden…..

    Try living in Asia, then tell me how “bad” it is in Australia…..

    You ever heard of an “internal security act” which allows the govt to lock you up for any reason it chooses, with trial, without access to a lawyer……

    Australians have it very good…..

  • pelican replied to the topic Stinkin’ Gurus in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Lets be thankful that we are in what is essentially a free market…..

    In Singapore, Land is release by the goverment, and, in fact 80% of the population live in Gov’t provided housing…..

    RE market…. you’re kidding right ??? it’s a fixed game……..

    There are restrictions as well……. so… we are VERY LUCKY…….

    we have freedom of…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic Congratulations You Survived in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 1 month ago

    I’ve seen this before, but ISN’T IT SOOOO TRUE….. I’m a kid of the 70’s and EVERY point I remember from my childhood…..

    It’s amazing how much things have changed…..

    Whatever happened to personal responsibility…. ??

  • pelican replied to the topic Review of Ed Burton in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Just think…. that Golden circle is how big ??

    lets say it’s limited to 1000 people…. so, he’s earning how much now boys n girls ??? 280,000 PER MONTH……

    Bloody ell… !!!!

  • pelican replied to the topic Norlane, Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Norlane is ex-housing commission places… a bit rough in some areas, but in general not too bad….

    A good place to start out…..


  • pelican replied to the topic DISGRACEFUL AUSSIES!!! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 2 months ago

    I think most of us have to remember we were not privy to the actual court proceedings, and only heard what was fed by emotional outbursts….

    I feel bad for Schapelle, and, there is much that does not make sense…. Yes I would like to see her home, but the fact remains, this was tried in the media…

    ABOVE ALL we must respect the sovereignty…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic Sourcing International Funds in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago


    How do you manage currency changes ?

  • pelican replied to the topic Who is Spruiker No. 5? in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Tim,

    I heard the figure “$20 Million” bandied about last year……

    Yes, we should all live like paupers and give away all our millions like he does….. right ?????

    DOH !!!!

  • pelican replied to the topic The end of wrapping in Qld????? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago

    Originally posted by apostle:
    Just pointing out that Wrapping is Illegal in West Australia. So watch out anyone thing about this in WA!!



    Sorry, but your information is a bit misleading…..

    it IS illegal if you aren’t a licenced credit provider… ( this is a good thing )

    if you ARE licenced then it is NOT…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic Who is Spruiker No. 5? in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 2 months ago

    I always thought Jenman looked a bit like Mark Latham !!!!

    Yes, spruiker no.6 has GOT TO BE, mr. J himself…… I have yet to see anyone in this world who so shamelessly promotes fear & uncertainty, to further his own agencies….

    1. Spread fear about RE Agents
    2. Show that Jenman Agents are kosher
    3. client goes thru Jenman agent to…[Read more]

  • pelican replied to the topic NEW GOV. PLAN FOR SOUTH EAST QLD in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 2 months ago

    Sorry…. got the spelling wrong… its :

  • pelican replied to the topic NEW GOV. PLAN FOR SOUTH EAST QLD in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 2 months ago

    bjmaca, and all….

    visit to see the regional plan (DRAFT) as well as the infrastructure plan….

    Yes, it’s always nice to know in advance which areas will be receiving all the govt attention……



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