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  • Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    There are many ways to achieve your end goal. Keep this in mind and be flexible about the journey that takes you there. Personally I need to remind myself of this on a regular basis and it saves me a lot of stress.

    I see university as an insurance policy. If you need to work for an income then it is usually quicker and easier to get a higher paying job if you have a degree. Most universities let you defer for at least a year either before starting your course or during it. Part time study might also suit you. There are also many positions for degree qualified people to work part time – again on a higher hourly rate than positions generally available to people without qualifications.

    Also, the higher your income, the quicker you can start saving and investing in whatever you choose. While there are high income earners who do not have a university education, these people are, statistically, a minority. Do your due dillegence and check it out for yourself with the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

    Another thing to be aware of is that there are plenty of well educated drop-outs. University alone will not be the deciding factor when it comes to achieving your goals.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    It breaks my heart to see people start smoking. I have watched a few friends start and have been unable to have any influence on their behaviour.

    Gatsby, I hope it is different with you but all of the people I have seen start smoking have denied being physically addicted for a long while after they obviously were. They started as you are, by smoking while drinking… out of five, four are now addicted and are still smoking years after they started. Please be careful.

    G7, I have never been a smoker but I believe that quitting takes a lot of resolve. Good luck with it and sorry I can’t offer any better advice.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    The valves in my kids drink cups are too small to clean properly with the bristles on the bottle brush so I clean them by soaking in Coke overnight. In the morning they rinse clean without any trouble. Now that I see what I have written it seems very scary indeed.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I only have one IP and guess that I’m very fortunate at the PM team (two people) that look after it are fantastic. We have been with them for about 4 years and they are like friends.

    As we live about 6 hrs away they send us photos with their inspection reports. With the monthly statement they send us a newsletter updating us on their office, the local RE market in their area and with the most recent one also an outline of the effects that the NSW mimi budget will have on their landlords. These people go way above and beyond their call of duty.

    Like I said, they are the first and only PMs that I have dealt with as a landlord (yes I do hate that word too – does anyone have an alternative?) and I assumed that this was normal. From now on I think that I’d better let them know how much I appreciate them!


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I grew up with powerlines on our property (two legs of the tower on our side of the fence and two nextdoor on electricity commission land). Personally, now that I’ve left home, I will not live under them again. Once they fell down and smashed the windscreen on my car – lucky we were all inside at the time. Of course the electricity commission paid damages but still a bit scary.

    I don’t know if all the cancer, depression etc claims are supported by research but why live there if the possible risk worries you (as it does with me)? Then again I know people who couldn’t care less (my parents for example).

    When my parents were looking at selling a few years back, the RE said that the powerlines would have a -ve effect on the price. If you are looking at buying this could be a good tool for negotiating the price down.

    All things have good and bad points.


    PS If the trees are too close to the powerlines or tower, the electricity commission will cut them down when they come to inspect and do mainainence. The have a right of access to do this but will write and tell you before they come.

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I don’t know SA at all but my first suggestion would be to look outside of Adelaide. There are people from SA on this forum – even a group of investors that was/is? meeting in Adelaide if I recall correctly. Try doing a search & see what comes up.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I sort of assumed that you all knew each other from the way it read. Mainly it was Peter LonelySingleMan with his 5 posts that threw me. I sort of thought that he sounded like a mad stalker who had developed an infatuation with a photo. Obviously I’m a bit naieve. Once again, very amusing thread… I’m catching on… I hope.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Does anyone else find this whole thread totally bizzare? I don’t know if I should be laughing or have genuine concerns about some of the posts…

    Maybe you all know each other and I’m missing something…

    Either way, it makes for some very entertaining reading!


    BTW where do I go to look at members pics? Didn’t even know about this.

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    OK, this thread got really deep and heavy but I had a good laugh at the purple bath tangent! I must admit that I also like purple baths – most things purple in fact.

    The definiton of success is subjective but, for me, right now, I’d feel pretty successful if I could just remember what it was that I was about to do next…


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Hi again,

    Just thought that I’d let you know that I decided not to go with that particular deal but still find the idea of properties that include a combo of commercial and residential interesting. Any general info on financing this sort of deal would be appreciated. How do you know if it is a residential or commercial loan? Is there any general rule here? Exactly what is the difference between a commercial and a residential loan? Is it just the LVR or is there more to it?


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    OK… can anyone tell me what it is? I get the idea that someone else owns the land but that eventually, somehow, it has the potential to become yours. Is this on the right track? Anyone have any idea about this?


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Yes, it is in a small town (pop approx 1000) but near a larger rural centre. I am aware that, for finance, this is not as important as the postcode. No way that I would sign without finance but thanks for looking out for me. The wierdest thing is that the vendor wants a 1 yr lease on the shop (at 100 p/w) so that he can stay there 2 or 3 times a month as he has been transferred to Melbourne for work – perhaps the shop counts as residential too? As yet I haven’t even seen this place and it is a bit of a hike from where I live but when I’ve had a look I’ll get back to you.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    140p/w from the shop & sheds, 260p/w from the flats…

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Never heard of them but… if you feel that something is dodgy it probably is, in my experience anyway.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    We’ve only bought one property but our solicitor arranged both the building and pest inspections for us. I felt this was the best option as we lived a long way from the property and it is supposed to be the solicitors job to look after our interests.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Apart from being a bit on the low side, is it safe to say that the land value given by the council is close to accurate?

    I ask because there is a block of land that I like but think the vendors want an unrealistic price (asking 140k) considering the council said it was valued at 77k and it would cost an extra 25k to dig under the road and connect the sewer. I personally like the size and location of the land but can’t be bothered getting ripped off. Was sceptical about both the council’s valuation and the vendor’s asking price with nothing similar either on the market or sold recently to compare it to. The agents don’t even seem to want to bother talking about this block.

    Any thoughts?

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Thanks for your ideas everyone. I was trying to get a bit of an idea as to how these things work. Just one question for Rob though. Out of curiosity, who are HSBC???


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I live in rural NSW and know of a property in town that fits the 11 second rule (asking price 100k return 200p/w) on the market at the moment. I am not able to follow up on it as I’m busy with something else at the moment and not an experienced investor (each single deal takes most of my spare time and $$$) but these deals do come up more often than I can buy tham. Spending hours on the internet and phone is also necessary.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I’ve recently moved from Sydney to Leeton NSW.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Yes, Google is a good friend!

    I got the CD set as a result of a seminar that I went to in July 2003. The seminar was by Peter Flanagan and one of the promised bonuses was an ongoing CD turorial by him. However, for reasons that were not given to me, this was replaced by the Warren Borsje 6 CD set.


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