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  • Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Just on the topic of taxi drivers… (sorry to the many honest and hard working ones out there).

    <Sorry everyone but I’ve decided to edit the details of the story. Basically a taxi driver took us the long way home when we were too out of it to save ourselves.>

    Our fare was about five times what it usually would have been but it was a lesson. Even in a taxi there needs to be a designated passenger to ensure you get home safely!


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Gotta agree with Steve…

    God is always right…

    I love to see Biblical quotes used in context!

    Sorry for the loss Newgen, sounds like you’re having a rough time. There are heaps of honest people out there – here’s hoping one of them helps you out.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Hi Conan6314214,

    Just wondering if that is the chat club that runs in the Toongabbie/Seven Hills area of Sydney?


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
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    I would just like to say one more time that you should be vary wary of anything that anyone from Centrelink tells you. Insist on seeing it in writing before making any major decision.

    I’m not sure what goes on at their call centres but I have asked the same question four seperate times and recieved four different answers. In the end the guy I dedided to believe quoted a document and reference number that stated “xyz” is the case. Strangest thing is that he asked me not to tell anyone that he had given me the reference details of where to find the appropriate rules relating to my question…

    My husband’s pet name for Centerlink is “Morons’R’Us”. Simply because of the conflicting advice that they have given us on so many issues. Don’t get me wrong we are lucky to live in a society where so much assistance is available. It is just scary that you could loose that assistance by believing what someone at their call centre tells you.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I looked into buying one of these transportable homes to put on a block of land as our PPOR before we found a free house that was going to be demolished for a development.

    Some of them are VERY nice (also VERY expensive). The council here is OK with them but some of the new subdivisions have protective covenants that will not allow them unless you get brick venering done.

    They range in price and size by a huge amount, also depending on the manufacturer – there are quite a few in Wagga and also a couple near Albury. I’ve also seen secondhand ones advertised for removal in the local papers.

    The more I think about this idea the more I like it. In a smallish rural town I think there are a lot of reasons it could work if done well.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I don’t know much about Nth Qld myself but the area has been mentioned here a number of times. Try doing a search of this site for Townsville if that is the particular area that you are looking at. Local council up there may also have some interesting info on their site. The local paper is probably also online and will be worth a look.

    Best of luck with it!


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Where I grew up in Sydney there was something that sounds sort of similar to this.

    A large triangular shaped block with three SMALL but self contained houses. It was originally designed and used as self care retirement homes by some church or another.

    Around fifteen years ago the church either abandoned or sold it and the three houses sat vacant for a number of years. Local kids broke in and used them as somewhere to have parties etc.

    About five years ago they were put up for sale (land value only) and all local people (my mum still lives in that street) thought that they would be demolished and a new development of some sort would be built. The clever purchaser didn’t do this but simply fixed the little houses up (amazing but they weren’t in too bad condition) and rented them out individually.

    Although they are entirely self contained (with their own clothes lines and gardens) there are no fences between them, there is no off streeet parking (but it is at the very end of a quiet culdesac) and they are really minature houses.

    They rent for about halfway between what a standard house and a unit would in that suburb. They are never vacant for long.

    On the down side they seem to attract tenants who, in general, (may or may not be good from the owners perspective) have loud parties that go untill late at night and end up on the street, have unkept and/or undisciplined children who (depending on their ages) fight with other local kids, break & enter local houses and generally get into trouble, leave unregistered cars sitting on the road out the front for months on end – you get the idea.

    As a final thought from someone living in a rural area, if you are going ahead with this IMO location will be crutial to the success of your idea. Make it close enough to town and in a nice enough spot and it may be a real gold mine.

    Heaps of people around here (Leeton NSW) use relocatable buildings. Depending on where you are looking at they won’t be a bad thing in themselves as they seem to be far more common in rural areas than they are in Sydney.

    Let us know how this goes for you – I hope it works for you and it sounds original.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I’m in Leeton and have relos in Gerogery. It takes about 2.5hrs for us to get to Albury. Sounds like a long drive if you are from a major city but out here it is just something you do – for anything from a good shopping spree to specialist medical appointments. Depending on what you are thinking of running (and how often) I’d be very interested. I went to a weekly PI investment club meeting when I was in Sydney and, although they were HEAVILY into -ve gearing and CG, it was still a very encouraging and motivating environment. Not to mention the amount that I learned about many aspects of PI that apply no matter what your strategy.

    BTW what side of Albury are you?


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Thanks all,

    I really only asked out of curiosity as I stumbled across the web site and it caught my attention. He does seem very ‘full on’ (or scary depending on my frame of mind at the time) but also very positive.

    Just thought I’d see if anyone here had heard of him and/or had an opinion. Many of you have broader knowledge and more experience than me.

    I didn’t even register my details with him let alone look at any of his deals. I found the site interesting and as I had not heard of him before I thought I’d ask if others had. Simply a form of pre-research if you like…


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Thanks Mini

    Do you have any personal experience with this group? Are they reputable?

    They sound interesting but I’ve been led down the garden path before and I’ve grown to respect much of the info and many of the people here at


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Just what is the deal here? I’ve been in a blissful state of denial about my addiction and now you’ve made me go and face it!

    Seriously though, it is like an addiction and I’m not sure if it is healthy. I suppose there are HEAPS worse things to be addicted to so I’ll (try to) log off with a smile on that note.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    My hubby and I both worked for Coles and started work each morning at 5am. I was in the bakery and he was in seafood. Every morning we said a half awake hello to each other and went our seperate ways.

    After several months, he was promoted to management and we rarely saw each other. One afternoon I was just tidying up before going home and he asked if I’d like to see a movie with him. Out of sheer surprise I said yes and turned around and went back to what I was doing. I later found out that he had been following me around the store for about 5 hours trying to get the courage to ask me.

    We went out for pizza (his favourite) and saw a movie. To this day neither of us can remember what it was (and no we hadn’t been drinking or taking drugs…).

    Things had gone really well so on the drive home as we were chatting I decided to find out what the age difference was between us (I have always looked years younger than I am). I asked his birthday and when he asked mine and found out that he was 4 years younger he just said “cool I’m a toy boy!” – I was hoping it wouldn’t worry him but he seemed to think it was some sort of a bonus.

    When he walked me to my front door he said goodnight and kissed me on the cheek. It was so sweet, romantic and old fashioned that I think that’s when I fell in love with him.

    We’ve been married for nearly five years and have two beautiful children, Brianna who is turning 4 on 1st October and Daniel who has just turned two on 9th May.

    My husband Mathew and my children are the answer to a prayer that I didn’t dare to ask.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    Yes, it appears that the newer models require less maintenance (ours is only 3 or 4 yrs). I am also led to believe that having a yearly “check up” is a good idea to be sure that everything is working the way it should. I am also told that with the older models the yearly maintenance is more of an issue. One thing to be careful of with evaporative A/C is that there should be a pipe that runs from the unit to the guttering. This is because there is a concentrated amount of salt in the water that is dumped when the unit is shut down. This can lead to rust problems both in and around the unit as well as the roof.

    This is the info I have been given by asking around people I know – not professional advice.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    mmmmmm… It is interesting that the interest in this thread has dropped so suddenly. The local RE agent may wonder what has hit him/her. However I doubt that there is much “gold” to go around.

    Still, this particular town is far from unique. My interest was primarily that it may have been “on my door step” so to speak. As I am not east of Albury this is not the case.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I’ve got to agree with Aceyducey here. It is about harm minimisation. Sad but true.

    Perhaps afghangirl, you saw a site directed at undermining the Liberal party. I’m sure that something along the same lines exists that is directed at pointing out all the damaging material available about the Labour party.

    Let’s face it they both tell lies – for whatever reason they use to justify it. It just comes down to a question of who we will be better off with running the country.


    PS Wouldn’t it be nice if a political party had policies strong enough to carry them to victory in an election without having to resort to defamation of their opposition? Just a thought…

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    honest politician…

    Isn’t that an oxymoron?


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
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    Although I have not taken their advice, my PM reccomends REI landlords insurance.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
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    Hi Clivia, to be honest, I’m a bit slack with this sort of thing. I just use it and if it breaks then I complain (we are renting at the moment). I will look into it and post my findings here though. I should know as we are looking at a couple of local properties as potential PPOR and all have evaporative A/C.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
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    We originally bought it at a PPOR but work transfer fell through. We then had trouble selling so we decided to rent it out. Just luck and coincidence really. Like I said the more times you tried to repeat it the more likely you are to get that lemon.


    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I also live in an area where the summer is hot and dry. Evaporative A/C is great in these areas and heaps cheaper than refrigerated (both to install and run). In the summer an entertainment or living area that is shaded and enclosed with insect mesh is blissful in the evenings. If you don’t have a LUG then even a carport helps to stop the car turning into a mobile oven.

    As far as winter goes there are lots of options for heating and as long as they service the whole house then I think it is OK. Depending on which direction your house faces a large glassed in sunroom can be a nice place to warm up.


    PS. Well placed deciduous trees are also good once they are large enough to provide shade in summer and let the sun through in winter.

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