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  • C2 replied to the topic Interest only or princpal and interest? in the forum Finance 12 years ago

    Depends on your investment plans and what you can get from your IP.  Also fixed or variable?

    This thread reminds of a family member.

  • C2 replied to the topic Help with agent! in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Just ask the agent what price will seal the deal and see if it is close enough to what you want to pay and worth making a different offer.

  • C2 replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Check which companies your property manager or agents use and inquire how they go at getting claims accepted.
    They may get a kick back from whom they suggest but they also have to let you know this.

    Go over your coverage very very carefully and anything you are not sure of double check.

    Remember insurance agents are not there to help you and…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Semi retired at 28 in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    Did a similar thing when I had the first ppor paid off.  Instead of staying put I grab a cheap international multicountry return air ticket around 1.5K, withdraw around 5K from savings and loaded up the credit card. Decided to see how far and how long 4K would last back packing around various countries before spending the last K travelling around…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 12 years ago

    Dazz time to update again.
    Decided to have a garage sale and only 3 bikes and 9 cars left but plan on letting another 3 or 4 cars go.

  • C2 replied to the topic What to do with $300K? (Part 2 – Fukuoka, pref. Japan) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Terry Pm sent but will be oz end of GW for about 2 weeks.Zmagen, thanks for the clarification.  Mainly Northern Kyushu for now but will probably change after the next 2 month holiday.Will send pm with contact details and happy to catch up anytime.

  • C2 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 9 months ago

    kong71286 wrote:
    What's the purpose of the thread?To determine if there is any correlation between the car you drive and how wealthy you are?Personally I believe there is no correlation between the two, and that it in the end it comes to personal taste and affordability. Some wealthy individuals will buy more affordable cars, whereas others will…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic What to do with $300K? (Part 2 – Fukuoka, pref. Japan) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 9 months ago

    Terry, will try and catch you on skype.  Are you coming during golden week?  Traffic will be a nightmare.Heading backwards and forwards over the next few months between oz and rising sun so might be able to organize something.

  • C2 replied to the topic What to do with $300K? (Part 2 – Fukuoka, pref. Japan) in the forum
    Would be interested to see
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Would be interested to see any links to any 9-12 blocks for 300K in Fukuoka city.How long did you spend on the ground in Fukuoka talking with business owners?Don't want to come across too negative but your views on the current situation in Fukuoka and Kyushu seem a bit different to most reports I receive.Most major retail stores and chains are…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Investing in Japan in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 10 months ago

    Be extremely carefully if considering Japan.  There are many sharks and virtually no protection or recourse.The general rule of thumb but not always in regards to houses is the following:Pay 300K for new house;10years later worth 200K20 years later around 150K30 years later knock it down and build another 300K house.You can discount the above…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 10 months ago

    Bringing this back to life again Dazz: I've been a bad investing boy and increased the toys.Now 3 bikes and 12 Cars.And another property. (Not for parking the cars but for enjoying sunrises and sea views)

  • C2 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 11 months ago

    Perpetrator,I'm with you on this.  Too many investors appear to be forgetting to enjoy life's little pleasures that property investing can bring.  One of my hobbies is cars and especially those that appreciate not depreciate when structured or bought the right way.

  • C2 replied to the topic St George No Deposit Loan – Fixed interest rates in the forum Finance 15 years, 12 months ago

    Terry,Can't recall what the LVR was at the time but I do know St.G was chasing business at the time and were very eager to get customers from other banks.   Might also find that the Darwin branch might be set up a little different to others and fast tracking and bosses discretion plays a big role. 

  • C2 replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    wezwaz,During my uni studies I spent 6 months as a semi pro gambler at a casino and was able to make a nice tidy sum.  I stopped after I acquired the amount that I had set to win.  It is not an easy life and anyone who thinks spending 6-8 hours a night in a smoke filled environment (especially when you are a non smoker) is fun has a screw loose u…[Read more]

  • You may have some concerns.  Recently there was a situation in QLD where a man couldn't sell his house because the council said it didn't exist as there were no plans.  They wanted some ridiculous amount to rectify the situation.  The problem was eventually solved when one of the TV programs got involved and the council had egg on its face.  One…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic St George No Deposit Loan – Fixed interest rates in the forum Finance 16 years ago

    Qlds007,Richard I understand that may have been your situation but how do you explain my situation.  It was done as I said over the phone and fax of work contract.  To make matters even more interesting.  StG made a mistake and a few hours before settlement discovered a 25K short fall in the numbers.  There was no way I could transfer 25K to the…[Read more]

  • CRJ,That's the thread thanks.Definitely brings back some memories when I reread it.

  • Hi Parrien,Do a check of my swimming pool saga and tell me if that qualifies?You will have to search for post by C2.

  • C2 replied to the topic Your Help Needed – Getting Sued in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Twiggy,You can post without naming names or places.Hope all works out for you.Do you have skype?

  • C2 replied to the topic All my warning posts got deleted ? in the forum harb,
    Excellent post!!! 
    16 years ago

    harb,Excellent post!!!  Well done!!!!!!

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