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  • C2 replied to the topic All my warning posts got deleted ? in the forum Scamp,
    Very happy to provide
    16 years ago

    Scamp,Very happy to provide some information for you.I suggest you check out the following areas in the NT: Nightcliff, Coconut Grove, Wagaman and Driver just to give you an idea of where.  I base my % on the increased amount of $ offered from one year to the next on various properties.Ummester,The properties are very much CF++.  If values do d…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic St George No Deposit Loan – Fixed interest rates in the forum Finance 16 years ago

    StG,Is all about who you know and deal with.  I had my first approval done over the phone and only had to fax a copy of work contract.

  • C2 replied to the topic All my warning posts got deleted ? in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    Ummester,I wrote not advertised for sale but if they meet what the buyer is interested in then my properties are shown.  Everything is for sale if the price is right, even if not advertised.  Hope that clears it up for you.

  • C2 replied to the topic area’s people are from on this forum in the forum Frosty,
    If you do a search
    16 years ago

    Frosty,If you do a search you will find a previous post that covers this topic.I'm currently in Japan but have IP's in various parts of Oz.

  • C2 replied to the topic Is now the time to buy? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    Frosty,It depends on your investment plan.  If looking at B&H for a number of years then make sure it is CF+ as prices in general appear to be flattening out except in the high end of the market that has seen some decent falls.  You only loose money from prices falling if you sell.  There are areas that are still experiencing good growth in pr…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Need advice on current investment property issue. in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    walp,You need to consider as mentioned by duckster your holding costs.If it is CF+ and you don't plan on selling them why worry?  If it is slightly CF- then depending by how much you may want to consider your options.  If you sell you have lost at least 60K but if you don't sell how long will it take for you to lose 60K if CF-?  Is the rent fa…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic All my warning posts got deleted ? in the forum Don’t know about you guys 16 years ago

    Don't know about you guys but my properties which are mainly middle of the market have not dropped 30-40% but gone up around 20-30%.  This is based on the offers I get to buy my properties which aren't advertised but when people go into RE office looking to buy something they get shown my properties and asked to make an offer.I'm still looking at…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Advertising is a “no no” in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    Tony,Rules are for everyone but the interpretation might be different.Good to see some one from the old days still on the forum.Was wondering how many long termers are still active?

  • C2 replied to the topic The Good News Thread in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    Good news:Long term tenant (4yrs) decided to move out and PM has increased rent from $200pw to 300pw.  With a list of people wanting to rent.

  • C2 replied to the topic Advertising is a “no no” in the forum tony,
    I think the moderators
    16 years ago

    tony,I think the moderators are more heavy handed with those who join the forum and just start spruiking without giving anything back to the forum.  There are long term members who advertise in their signatures but most of those have contributed in some form to the site and members over the years.  When you get people joining and their first 6…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Real Estate Development Coach in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    Just got to love these people who seem to omit the fact they are getting something when they suggest this so and so is just so good have a look.  Makes their credibility look very suss.

  • C2 replied to the topic TAFE Property Investment Programs in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    One would hope that those providing the course have the numbers on the board to support their views rather than just academics espousing other peoples theories.

  • C2 replied to the topic Proprerty Investmant In the usa in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years ago

    Adrian,Why the change in opinion?  What market forces has made you change your opinion from a few months ago. Adrian previously wrote: I have invested in a few countries now but am avoiding the US market for a number of reasons.  After the instability there, which still has a long way to play out and some prices have not seen t…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic IS the R.E.S.U.L.T.S program REALLY worth it? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Reeco,Well done on taking the leap of faith.I've thought a few times about getting in on the program but feel that being OS most of the time would detract from me putting in 100%.  Will follow your progress reports so keep them coming.

  • C2 replied to the topic Tax implications of living in short term rental IP for a holiday? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    If only using it when vacant then you may be able to claim deductions for travel expenses as long as you justify a reason such as inspections or maintenance.  I plan my trips back to oz normally around end of leases when tenants are thinking of moving out and ask the pm to let prospective tenants know the place is available after I've been.  T…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Investing in Japan? in the forum Another TL?sales pitch.  16 years, 1 month ago

    Another TL?sales pitch.  Probably in line with one of his new business ventures he has been involved in.  No mentioned of any returns or holding costs etc.Some of these prices look really good but people also need to remember that most of these rural properties don't have connected gas (only bottles), town water(probably bore), sewage (needs to b…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Whittles Strata Managers – MGA Group of Companies in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 1 month ago

    Whittles,I have crossed paths with them a few times over different issues.  Most of the time they seem okay but every once in a while they do a major stuff up.   When they change staff I always have to explain that I'm O/S and don't attend meetings.  It is there responsibility to send any information to me by email and I will decide my vote.  One…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic Investing in Japan? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 1 month ago

    John,,What age are you considering the retirement factor?There are buildings/complexes that cater solely to over 60 and retirees.  These are like mini resorts, spas, sauna,  gym, doctors, nurses, hair dressers and all sort of goodies.  The ones I have seen are around 2 million to enter.At the other end of the scale are nursing homes similar to on…[Read more]

  • C2 replied to the topic MERRY CHRISTMAS in the forum Forum Frolic 16 years, 1 month ago

    Kev,Happy New Year!

  • C2 replied to the topic Investing in Japan? in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 1 month ago

    jcs099,The Japanese govt is not managing their depression/recession but they are trying to control and maintain deflation.  The current economic situation is going to make Japan's situation a lot worse.  When fuel virtually doubled over the last 18 months prices stayed the same for just about everything from food to goods and services.  A few mo…[Read more]

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