All Topics / Help Needed! / Your Help Needed – Getting Sued

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  • Profile photo of Rental ProfitsRental Profits
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 28

    Good Morning

    I have been involved in a 3 year legal battle, bassically i am getting sued over a Property Deal that went wrong ( Joint Venture ) . Although i would love to post my story here as it is quite an interesting one, i cant as we are going through the legal process.

    I am looking for someone that has been through a similar experience to chat too, i dont need legal advice as i have a great legal team, just a bit of support and so i can find out how people have coped in similar situations, ideally i would love to have a chat on the phone or catch up for a cooffe.

    If someone could assist a fellow property investor that would be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518


    You can post without naming names or places.

    Hope all works out for you.

    Do you have skype?

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