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  • wrappack replied to the topic Subdividing- Avoiding Pitfalls in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    I have to agree with darren, level blocks arent particularly great when the time comes to subdivide.Make sure the block slopes to the street,If it doesnt and your truley buying for this potential WALK AWAY from it.

    Why? I can understand that the land on the down side of the road would have worse views, and thus be worth a bit less, but then…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Property Development Course in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    Any idea of the costs involved? Is it weekdays/weekends/correspondence?

  • wrappack replied to the topic Subdividing 23 ha into 1 ha blocks with other inve in the forum No Subject 20 years, 3 months ago

    Pair gain- the bane of many dial up users. Lets say everyone in the street gets 56k dial up. Then, a few new subdivisions by Greg F and Co go in. Obviously, telstra must pipe some more telecommunications equiptment in. They can do it properly, or cheaply. Guess which way a company making billions of dollars a year does it? Cheaply. I dont know the…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Subdividing 23 ha into 1 ha blocks with other inve in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    Nice to see your enthousiasm Greg, but I think you may need to tone down your comments regarding the amount of help you feel as though you are receiving. My understanding is that moderators are mainly here to stop the arguments and flaming, and perhaps offer some guidance, but not to answer all of our questions. The info which we seek is scattered…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic versus Somersoft in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 3 months ago

    Have only recently joined somersoft. I think both forums are fantastic, but the devils advocate tends to rear its head much more often than on somersoft. I think this is a shame, as we always should be thinking about potential negative consequences of a deal. After all, sometimes the best deal is the one which is not done. Somersoft seems to be…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Books on Development in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    Have recently read the book in question, it was pretty good, but not astounding. It talks too broadly (residential, commercial, even tourist resorts), while failing to nail the specifics needed. ie How do I go ahead? How do I tie up the land with options/subject to da approval? How do I get finance? No mention of equity/cash, and none of mezzanine…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Where to from here? in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    Go to councils web site, download their development control plan pertaining to your site. Find out EVERYTHING about your land- dimensions, slopes, easements, setbacks, etc.

    Go to council, and ask to see a planner. Run some ideas through them on what is allowable. ie in my local council, you cant sell the two duplexes to two different people, so…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Develop or sell? in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    Run a couple of scenarios past the bean counter.

    If you flog it off now, you will pay no tax on any profit, at all, because it is your ppor.

    But, if you develop it, you may still be up for some tax (albeit you will get the 50% reduction)

    Also, dont forget gst on the units, and the possibility of a downturn in the market.

    Personally, I would go…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Ideas wanted for block in Devonport TAS in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 4 months ago

    Check out the yellow pages under “property development”, have a talk to two or three people as to what they would do if they owned it. THey will have heaps of ideas and connections, and will fully understand (or find out) Re zoning, setbacks, market niches, etc.

  • wrappack replied to the topic Boundary Realignment in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    The 8-12k- Where does that go? Was that to buy some land off the neighbour, or legal fees?

    Stopped by council today, they said all I need is a survey and a piece of paper signed by both landowners.

  • wrappack replied to the topic Cost of road and kerb in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Time for me to answer my own question!

    Well wrappack, today, wrappack was, like you, out looking for opportunities. On yapping to a next door neighbour, who had been doing a bit of subdividing, he mentioned that he had just put a road in a few years ago.

    Like you, wrappack, wrappack always tries to carry his trusty 8m pink Lufkin measuring tape…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Owner Builder’s Limit? in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    I just made a post on another thread and realised that it had drifted way off topic so I thought I’d start another thread here.

    All been guilty of that at times.

    Please dont quote what I say hear as gospel, but I did check out being an owner builder.

    Main problem I see is that you must provide insurance to anyone if you sell your house within…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic Sourcing properties for development in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Oops, when I said that there was no land left, I meant to say there is no subdivisible land left (none that I have come across)

  • wrappack replied to the topic Options and Subject to’s in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Many thanks for your reply Peter.

    Obviously, you have developed a heap of properties in the last couple of decades.

    If not options or subject to’s, how did you develop the property? Were you in a jv as a builder, as opposed to the landowner?

    WOuld be very interested to hear any other alternatives.

  • wrappack replied to the topic Zoning in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Get on the net, find your local city council, check out their web site, and download their dcps (develop control plans)

    Ps the fun begins in deciphering them!

  • wrappack replied to the topic Glad you could be here! in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that tycoon should keep his day job until after he is very successful?

  • wrappack replied to the topic Options and Subject to’s in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago

    Many thanks for your replies.

    I think the fundamental flaw in your plan is your basic assumption that there will be less developers looking for land in the near future.

    By saying there would be less demand, I was referring (perhaps badly), that we are not in a runaway bull market now, nor likely to be in the near future.

    While I would love to…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic [moved] Property Development Resource in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Good idea kabung, about ringing up the ads in the paper, hadn’t thought of that one before!

  • wrappack replied to the topic [moved] Property Development Courses in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Got a couple of beauty free/ cheap downloads that will keep you busy for quite a while!

    Firstly, peter combdens free download at Brilliant, simply brilliant!

    Secondly,, buy the developers ebook, but forget about the toolbox, as most of it is not really related to…[Read more]

  • wrappack replied to the topic project managers in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    Skyboy and mortgage hunter- we fellow gosfordites must get together sometime. I am thinking about getting some sort of group together where we can all live and learn from each others successes/failures.

    Regarding the central coast- get in touch with a mob called Aconsult. They act as a help to developments in any/ all of the stages.

    I havent…[Read more]

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