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Modernity Investing

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Investment around Sydney's western suburbs in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 7 months ago

    The time to be buying into western Sydney was 2 years ago, if you buying in now you are getting in at the top of the price cycle.
    You need to careful if this is what you actually want to do. Often values soften in the years after the market tops and if you need to trade you could get caught with negative equity. This has happen to a lot of…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic what would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 7 months ago


    How did you go? what did you end up doing?

  • Capital growth is king! Always target capital growth as your primary goal, yield should be your secondary goal. At todays interest rates you should be positively geared after tax, this is an important point when looking for an investment property. Everything we are buying with 100% debt (borrowing the 20% deposit included) is positively geared after tax.

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic 10% or 20% deposit on Investment Property in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 7 months ago

    My first thought is buying with a 20% deposit reduces your risk and that is the most important thing to set out to do when investing above all else you need to preserve your investment capital and reducing your default risk with a 20% deposit does just that.

    If you would like to reduce your risk further you could rent it out instead of living in…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic "Setting up a good professional team" in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 10 months ago

    Creating a good team is way harder then it may look.
    Mortgage Brokers
    Not all mortgage brokers are created equal, look for an independent broker firstly. Then look for one who owns their own business and has staff. One man bands can be very erratic! Look for one that is a property investor themselves (harder to find then you may think). I have…[Read more]

  • Modernity Investing‘s profile was updated 9 years, 11 months ago

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Current Situation – Would like advice in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 11 months ago

    WOW, thats a great prize. Bugger about the $30,000 debt, thats the elephant in the room. While you are wasting $1000 per month on interest and only saving $1500 per month your not getting ahead.

    If I was you I would sell the new car ASAP and don’t buy another car until you have bought a house or an investment property. If you do buy another car,…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn started the topic 8 Rules of Investing in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 11 months ago

    Over the years I watched some really smart investors build their wealth by investing in property. The rules that they apply is key to their success and being able to spot mistakes is key in learning from them.

    This is a set of rules have come to mean a lot when I’m working through my decision making process. I find that they also let me see what…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Advice on finding properties in the forum General Property 10 years, 1 month ago

    Dave Ward co wrote an article for anybody wanting more information on how to use research to drive your property search should look at this months issue of Your Investment Property magazine. Pages 54, 55, 56 & 57.

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Home Equity in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 1 month ago

    Equity, It’s really is the magic ingredient that makes growing a portfolio possible, without growth in a property’s value there is no wealth being created.
    Without growth in equity our only hope to buy the next property is to save every cent for next property purchase deposit or worse, having to sell one to buy another.

    Luckily, equity is a v…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Backyard investment in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 1 month ago

    If you go to your local council website, look there for the usage zoning maps. These will be coloured over areas to show you the usage for your area. The LEP (local Environmental Plan) will then tell you all the things you can and can’t do in that area.

    It is quite simple to work it all out by using the maps. Access to the public car park will…[Read more]

  • Modernity Investing‘s profile was updated 10 years, 1 month ago

  • Build your relationships with agents.

    As buyer’s agents we get calls from our buyer’s agents who have found interesting opportunities around the country. They give us the heads up on properties and we do the same for them.

    Buying 300-400 investment properties per year would be undo-able without a network of agents sharing their knowledge with…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic How to find out who owns a boarded up house? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 1 month ago

    You will find that a lot of councils in the UK have “Housing Officers”, these people keep a log of vacant unoccupied houses in their area. I some council areas it’s a violation of the local council by-laws to own a house and keep it empty. Some councils will repossess an empty property as they be leave it’s degrades the street and general area…[Read more]

  • Modernity Investing‘s profile was updated 10 years, 2 months ago

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Reventon Investments SCAM or what??? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Jasmine, I didn’t mind what your wrote at all. You said your piece, it was clear you were a friend of the company. When asked you told the truth.

    Question: are you a selling agent and therefore paid by the vendors? or are you a buyer’s agent and paid by the buyer?

    If you are a selling agent you don’t have to declare your commissions, but…[Read more]

  • TRM390,

    The first rule in property investing is keep it simple. Of the 100 plus properties we buy for clients in a year, less than 10 would be inside a structure. Of those, 7 or 8 would be for people who own north of 15 properties and the other 2 -3 are lawyers who are very risk adverse.

    Also, I am surprised that at today interest rates the…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Thinking of selling negatively geared property in Ballarat in the forum General Property 10 years, 2 months ago


    The decision is easier than you might think. When you compare the opportunity cost of hold it as it stands, and then compare the investing out come to other property in the market.

    Look at this very simple example, based on a $500,000 property held for 20 years. If this investment achieves 6% capital growth per annum and $500 per week…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Reventon Investments SCAM or what??? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 2 months ago

    This is rubbish Nigel Kibel, population growth and capital growth go hand-in-hand. How do you expect to get population growth without new dwellings?
    We (one of our clients) finished a house & land property two weeks ago in Griffin QLD, the bank valued up at completion 8.6% over the purchase price.
    It’s not hard to buy for capital growth, it…[Read more]

  • Mark Coburn replied to the topic Sell or use equity or ??? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 2 months ago

    Richard is right, you need to focus on income. To do that you need to have a clear property strategy and plan this next stage of your life.
    It’s not possible to give you advice based on the information you have given, or give you the sort of advice you need. It’s just too is far too complex to be carried out on a public forum.

    An advisor needs…[Read more]

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