Hi there, I have been approached by Reventon Investments in Melbourne for property investment and it sounds dodgy. Anyone else had any experience with this company?
Thanks Jamie, Sorry for the delay as I have had the flu. Seems to be a one stop shop selling House and land packages. They do the finance and insurance etc. My concern is that the prices for these sort of companies are normally higher than what you can buy going directly to the builder, so I was just wondering if anyone else has actually gone through them before and what their experience was like.
John i think you have answered your own question about the properties the promote.
I say to any client we source a property for ask yourself why these companies only promote new property.
Simple answer is that it is very hard for the valuer to ascertain the true price / value of the property due to the secret marketing commissions paid by the land developer / builder.
Nothing wrong with a established property.
Yours in Finance
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
You will find that these companies sell house and lad packages because they are making at least $30,000 per deal if they are in poor areas then it can be more. it is important to buy property with strong capital growth. Generally you will not get that through house and land packags
These post were about 12 months ago….does anyone have any more information on this group. Thesy have contacted me and I’m trying to find out about them
it is important to buy property with strong capital growth. Generally you will not get that through house and land packags
This is rubbish Nigel Kibel, population growth and capital growth go hand-in-hand. How do you expect to get population growth without new dwellings?
We (one of our clients) finished a house & land property two weeks ago in Griffin QLD, the bank valued up at completion 8.6% over the purchase price.
It’s not hard to buy for capital growth, it just requires better research.
John, did you ever get a reply on your Reventon Investments enquiries? Or have you used them. I too have been approached, and am wanting to find out more about them and their performance. That seems to be just as important as the properties they are getting you to invest in.
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Paul.
Hi Paul,
Like others earlier, I also don’t know Reventon. I’m sure the majority of house and land marketers are kosher – but those that aren’t will typically display some tell-tale signs :-
1. They will check that your PPOR has sizable equity before wanting your business. This is so the excess equity in your PPOR can make up for an over-valued IP that they want to sell you. Of course, any salesperson might quiz you to see if you have “Deposit and Costs available” – either in Equity or savings. Those with bad intentions want to see EXCESS Equity !!
2. They will make it a “one stop shop” (make it easy for you) by providing you with financier, solicitor, valuer, etc.
3. They may even offer “free flights”, limousine, etc – making sure you are driven on a route that does NOT advertise other H/L packages at reduced prices from what they are trying to sell you.
4. They will endeavour to press you to sign THAT DAY (or you will miss out – including having your consultant receiving SMS messages saying “Another one sold – only three left now…” and using similar pressure tactics).
5. They will be touting the “investor” line (Tax deductions, property doubles in 7 to 10 years, etc) and massaging your ego to become an investor, set up your kids’ futures, etc.
6. There will usually be a Rent Guarantee – well-built, well-priced IP’s don’t usually need a guarantee.
Paul, if any company is happy for you to use your own financier, solicitor, etc and their prices seem about right when compared to similar properties for sale via the Real Estate market, then they are likely one of the many kosher operators
Any salesperson will be applying SOME pressure to have you sign, but if they allow you the space/time to “check things out” with your solicitor or adviser before signing, then again, they are probably OK.
I’d suggest you sit down and have a chat with a financier yourself BEFORE going to see any Sales group. In that way, you will already have a good idea of the Deposit/Costs that apply for a NORMAL purchase. Then, if a subsequent meeting with a Sales group seems to be quoting figures that are way too high, it is a warning sign to keep both hands in your pockets. Or, as Jenman warns – “Don’t sign anything”.
Thanks Benny…..they say they have been in business since 2005…..so I thought some members might be using them. Some of the alarm bells are ringing (eg double the purchase price in 10 years, one stop shop)…but other parts seem OK (eg 10 days to think about it)
Hi everyone, we too had a call from Reventon, again they said buy new house and land over near Geelong. It all seemed too easy, the one stop shop so to speak. The advisor kept saying that they invest in everything from established properties, gold, cash but did push new house and land package. We did agree to speak with there money man and were asked to prepare any questions we have, so next week we are meeting, NO MONEY will be handed over just yet. Rep seemed honest enough we will see what happens next week!
Cheers Catnkezz
I don’t think there is anything wrong with representing your company on a forum but it would be good if you state that from the beginning.
There is also nothing wrong with buying new properties as long as you don’t pay inflated prices raised by excessive commissions and too many middle man.
Do you state where you earn your commission from and how much of the purchase price it is?
Thanks Jasmine, I didn’t mind what your wrote at all. You said your piece, it was clear you were a friend of the company. When asked you told the truth.
Question: are you a selling agent and therefore paid by the vendors? or are you a buyer’s agent and paid by the buyer?
If you are a selling agent you don’t have to declare your commissions, but here undisclosed commissions are considered poor form, as is new or off the plan property, thats just a fact of life. I only buy new property for my clients and I have no complaining clients or do I need to advertise for clients. (other than being on this forum, that is)
I had a good look at your website, by the looks of your team there you have some very experienced mortgage brokers and must write a fair bit of work. Due to that fact alone your business has credibility. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a mortgage broker offering property investment advice per say.
As a licensed mortgage broker myself we don’t write any mortgages, all our mortgage work is referred out to a company (Brad Parks at Core Mortgages) that has 9 mortgage brokers writing business. I love them because Brad is a gun property investor, as well as a great broker, not a common combination in this game or on this forum.
It’s my choice to make my clients get outside finance advice, this just creates a separation between what we offer and the advice the client gets access to. We only want clients who want professional property investment advice we offer, so no one stop shop. We have passed on 12 mortgages so far this month, thats a lot of comm’s to handover, but it’s cleaner that way, in my opinion.
I think until someone actually has some facts about this company it’s best to stop taking cheap shots at them.