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  • Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Nice one, Engelo. Good (and a bit rare) to get recognized for honesty in this business :)

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Sorry, Freckle…I truly envy the amount of free time you seem to have on your hands…I can only get to this thread about once a week or so. You're right, hot money is flowing into Japan, slowly tapering down to reasonable money. The masses, which move in knee-jerk reactions as usual, a typical behaviour most easily seen in currency and bond markets, as well as in equities, are selling one week and buying the next – but long-term players aren't phased –

    'The Japanese share market will recover, though not straightaway, but in the months ahead', says Shane Oliver of AMP Capital Investors. In an interview to CNBC-TV18 – "Q: There is a complete chaos in the Japanese market at this point. How have you read the developments and would you be nervous? Do you think this will just pass? A: I think this will just pass. The Japanese share market rose 80 percent over six months. Any market that goes up that quickly will have a sharp correction at some point and this is it. Bull markets are often characterised by steady advances and as investors get themselves long, you just need little bit of bad news to cause a sharp correction. But when you look at the Japanese fundamentals, the market doesn't look overvalued to me. It is around fair value. But with the yen having fallen so far and likely to boost earnings over the course of the year, we will see the Japanese share market recovery resume. Not necessarily straightaway, but in the months ahead, Japanese share market will start heading back up again. Q: There has been no recovery in the Nikkei. Currently it is at the low point of the day, it closed down 7.3 percent, biggest fall in two years. Nikkei has run up around 40 percent in the past on a year-to-date basis. For today in particular, what exactly plagued the Nikkei? A: We don't know what everyone else is talking about. But usually when such things happen, you need a slight trigger to cause the market to come down and then people might be trying to take profits. The Japanese share markets are up 40 percent depending at which time horizon, but year to date it was up 40 percent. Over six months, it is up 80 percent. So, many investors would have been thinking well, we do not know if this is a top or not, but it might be wise to take profits. So, there is not a lot of consideration given the fundamentals, though the outlook is just a bit of blind sell off as some investors take profits…"

    Abe's pre-election rhetoric, as well, is slowly trickling down into manageable small chunks, in very Japanese fashion. I know you don't approve, but if he's to have any chance of selling this to the public, voters, and particularly old-skool Japanese "shachos" (CEOs/Presidents and their ilk), that's the only way he'll be able to go about it – Initial Economic Reform Details Announced

    …tax cuts for companies that restructure or that invest in factories or equipment. The aim is to halt the downward trend in capital investment and boost such spending to 70 trillion yen annually over the next three years… Other priorities include subsidies to encourage more hiring and the establishment of special economic zones to promote deregulation and globalization of businesses, services and education…… boost female participation in the workforce by eliminating childcare waiting lists and by promoting three-year childcare leave…

    and also a rough idea of the next issues he'll tackle (again, in small, minute steps – Japan's over-protected farmers, for instance, are one of the last bastions of inefficiency that has to change to increase productivity – but he can't be seen to wildly lash and slice at their government-sponsored funding/spending/waste, or he'll lose his seat in a heart-beat) –

    ……agricultural reform and an export strategy for the sector, which was aimed at doubling farmers' income over the next decade…

      I'll leave you with something that I'm sure will leave you foaming at the mouth, I'm sure (just to tickle you, I admit – I love seeing you go off – can imagine you all red in the face and loving it ;)) – Stiglitz – "Japan is a Model, not a Cautionary Tale"

    Japan’s slow growth does not look so bad under close examination. Any serious student of economic performance needs to look not at overall growth, but at growth related to the size of the working age population. Japan’s working age population (ages 15 to 64) shrank 5.5 percent from 2001 to 2010, while the number of Americans of that age increased by 9.2 percent — so we should expect to see slower G.D.P. growth. But even before Abenomics, Japan’s real economic output, per member of the labor force, grew at a faster rate over the first decade of the century than that of the United States, Germany, Britain or Australia….if we broaden the range of metrics we consider, we see that even after two decades of “malaise,” Japan’s performance is far superior to that of the United States… Broader measures of performance are equally indicative. Life expectancy at birth (a good measure of the health of the economy) is a world-leading 83.6 years in Japan…second-highest in the world for attainment of university education, well ahead of the United States. And even in periods of slow growth, Japan has run its economy in a way that has kept a lid on the unemployment rate. During the global financial crisis, the rate peaked at 5.5 percent; in the two decades of its malaise, it never surpassed 5.8 percent…Though the structural policies have not been fully fleshed out, they are likely to include measures aimed at increasing labor-force participation, especially among women, and hopefully by facilitating employment for the large number of healthy elderly. Some have suggested encouraging immigration as well…

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    A wise man once told me not to place too much faith in MSM sensational headlines, but in any case –

    Looks like the banks are setting up their backstops for when things turn to custard.. that's ominous…"

    No?!?! Banks looking after their own interests? IMPOSSIBLE! They're charitable organizations, the lot of them…aren't they???

    …Abenomics appears to be in trouble…

    And from that very same opinion piece –

    …To be sure, the project isn't doomed, and the BOJ and Prime Minister Abe won't soon give up…

    Japan's Economy Grows, Surplus Doubles

    …Japan's economy has grown and its current account surplus doubled in April from a year earlier, in a fresh sign the government's aggressive policies to stimulate growth are paying early dividends. Bank lending in the country also posted its biggest annual rise in over three years…The current account surplus stood at 750 billion yen ($US7.70 billion), up 100.8 per cent from a year earlier and much bigger than a median market forecast of a 320 billion yen surplus…Hefty income gains including returns from Japanese investments abroad, which were boosted by a weak yen, more than made up for trade deficits, analysts say…

    Why the tendency to scream out "the sky is falling" every time someone has an opinion, Freckle? I understand the contrarian approach, but if anything, it seems as if the majority of analysts aren't too thrilled about Japan's prospects – shouldn't your philosophy dictate the opposite approach? ;) Japan's Economy Continues Turnaround

    …gross domestic product rose at a 4.1% annual pace in the first three months of the year. On a quarterly basis, Japan's GDP increased by 1.0%… Abe's government will approve a series of reforms later this month to make labor markets more flexible, encourage immigration, bring nuclear power plants back online and draw more Japanese women into the workforce…

    Wow. Encouraging immigration…incorporating women into the workforce…amazing, it's almost what that delusional bloke from that forum was saying for the past 7 months or so…but no, that can't be. I KNOW all there is to know about the Japanese people and their mentality. No way this'll ever work!!!!! Or will it?…(can't say I'm too thrilled about his pro-nuclear policy though…hope the massive amounts of money Mitsubishi, Nippon Steel, Softbank and the rest of the Japanese giants have already poured into renewable initiatives will pose a strong-enough alternative – time will tell, as usual)

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Great minds think alike. I'm sure that period will come for me too in a decade or three – my back's been telling me that for a while now (that is, unless they come up with those cool "ghost in the shell" type cradle-type ergonomic workstations, and one small enough to carry around in a suitcase and fit in hotel rooms. Then I'll probably work till I drop).

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Why, Freckle, darling, I thought you'd never ask >blush< Personally, our "family fortunes" (that's a lot less than it sounds) are spread in various RE (B&M/Notes of various structures/REITs etc) in various countries and continents, with smaller amounts in various interest bearing funds/term deposits etc – also in several currencies world-wide. Nothing too fancy or crazy/risky, although we sometimes take a chance or two with various properties in lower areas and higher yields – but again, smaller parts of the portfolio. The majority are good spots with medium returns. Business generates income, which is channelled into investment, which is diversified, to the best of our limited understanding, as much as we can. No genius here, but reasonable and reliable income, with enough flexibility to make shifts possible, in accordance with global ups and downs, which is how we like to be positioned.

    From what I’ve gathered in conversations with almost all of our new clients in the last year, the profile joining us seems to be very similar.

    We’re now spreading our wings to higher net-worth and institutional client profiles (been mostly smaller family type investors so far, profile similar to my own) – so will be able to tell you about how they’re hedged over the coming year or so.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Interesting, well balanced view of the situation, and I agree. It's a thin rope and dangerous juggling act, and will need the support of many irrespective variables to succeed. But when wasn't this the case? The volatility and cyclic extremes in global economies is only going to get worse in coming years. Short term players will make bigger fortunes (and lose much more)- but long term players like property investors who hedge their portfolios haven't changed their positions that much, and I don't expect they will in the foreseeable future (I.e the next decade or two), but maybe that's just me.


    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Here are some more of the idiots who have faith in Japan – Soros and GS Give Bass the Three Fingered Salute 

    The man with a history of going against the wind and winning may be rolling his golden dice again: Billionaire investor George Soros is apparently placing bets on Japan, just as the market there dangles over bear territory. His fund, Soros Fund Management, has been shorting the yen and buying up local stocks after seeing signs of stability in the country’s bond market …stocks currently look “very attractive” to the Soros fund because it’s optimistic on Japanese economic data and earnings… the fund is also across-the-board buying shares of Japanese companies, from major blue chips to medium-cap growth shares… The day before, Goldman Sachs said in a strategy note that a one-percentage-point lift in the Japan GPIF’s domestic equity could lead to equity inflows of more than ¥1 trillion yen. In addition, Hiromi Suzuki and other strategists said the re-introduction of tax-exempt Individual Savings Accounts from Jan. 2014 could trigger annual inflows into equities/investment trusts of up to ¥3.5 trillion. In a June 1 note, Goldman said that despite market volatility for Japan stocks, it was bullish for the medium and longer term.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Kinda like this article…meandering opinion piece, recycling old ideas without actually saying anything new, and certainly nothing concrete. What happened to the graphs? It's been two days already!

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    On the upside, though, the live tenants are far better than the dead ones…got one now who's been in the same unit 19 years…another client just settled on one that's been there for 15…average 4.5 per tenant – not too shabby, even if you have to conduct the occasional exorcism when they go.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    No, these guys definitely fall under "dead ancestors/samurais". You're lagging behind again, Dub. I'll have to ask you to visit mr Abe's office after class.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    That all depends on the nature of the apparition…poltergeists, shades and class 3 spooks are covered by the "spectral" clauses of most insurance policies. But general moans, groans, clanking chains, spirits of dead ancestors and samurais are usually not. To be on the safe side, its always good to get an independent, objective analysis from your friendly neighbourhood ghostbusters.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Here's the real reason – cuz they're all haunted!!!

    A delay in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife moving into their official residence, the site of past assassinations, has revived talk of ghosts in the corridors, prompting the government to deny any knowledge of hauntings. Abe has not moved into the prime minister's official residence for five months since he took power. Asked by an opposition lawmaker about the reported hauntings, the government issued a formal statement on Friday saying it was not aware of ghost sightings…

    Seriously, though, Dubs, we've covered this three threads ago, do try to keep up with the rest of the class – the reasons for this are ("Japan times" excerpt) –

    …Hidetaka Yoneyama, a senior fellow of Fujitsu Research Institute and an expert on issues related to unoccupied houses, said many of the houses in question are about 50 years old and were built during the period of rapid economic growth from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s. With the rising trend toward homes shared by only nuclear family members, the owners' children ceased living together and the house became vacant after the parents died. Even if children inherit the houses and land, the homes are usually eventually abandoned for such reasons as: — The legality of rights among family members is complicated and multiple heirs are involved. — The heirs live far away and do not have a good understanding of how to maintain vacant houses. — The heirs cannot afford to maintain the house. In some cases, if vacant houses are demolished, new homes cannot be built on the same land.The Building Standards Law stipulates that a plot of land with a building on it must in principle open onto a road at least four meters wide. A strip of land at least two meters wide must also connect to the road to allow for emergency vehicle access. But some plots with unoccupied houses do not meet these conditions. Also, if owners demolish abandoned houses and leave the land vacant, they will no longer be eligible for a reduction or exemption from the fixed asset tax for residential land. If a plot of land measures less than 200 square meters, the taxable value of the land alone would jump sixfold from the tax base before demolition of a vacant house on the land…
    Terryw wrote:
    My mother in law owns a terrace in Osaka and its been vacant for 7 years. 10min from Osaka station. MIL's sister also owns a terrace next door vacant for 10 years +. I ask them why not renovated and lease out and they say it would cost to much for the little return. Not worth it. However, in general I think things are beginning to pick up in Japan. The main problem was a lack of confidence I think. But now people are starting to see some economic hope again. This may lead to more spending and this would stimulate the economy
    Freckle wrote:
    Interesting. My Apologies to Ziv

    Pop quiz Monday morning, Dubs – don't let me catch you snoozing again!

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    When I look back at the historical record and it shows…didn't work..didn't work's a 99.9% certainty it ain't gonna work this time…

    A ridiculous and extreme simplification of policies so varied and dynamic, with surrounding economic climates so complex and unique to their time, and implemented to so different extents and with such different measures, that it’s completely impossible to even begin to address this statement (but you know this of course, as most of your rhetoric is based on the assumption that if you pretend X corresponds with Y long enough and find a graph to illustrate your point, it’ll actually become true somehow – doesn’t quite work that way).

    You on the other hand believe you haven't got a clue…If you don't have a clue it's a stretch to deduce the evidence is uncertain especially when precedent and examples exist……You admit to not understanding…

    Sorry, maybe I was being too polite, so you somehow misunderstood the statement. Let me repeat it in clearer terms –

    I believe that neither the mighty Freckle, nor I, nor Abe, nor the flying spaghetti monster of planet X have any idea ON WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR GLOBAL AND LOCAL ECONOMIES – as a result, all that any of us can do (whether we’re running a family budget, a business budget, or a national budget) is to try and prepare the most adaptable, potentially beneficial and flexible plan that we can for an uncertain future.

    The main difference between us is that you try to pretend you do know what the future holds, and that if, again, you scream it loudly enough and paste enough pretty graphics into it, it’ll somehow make you an authority on the future.

    It doesn’t. You know squat beyond what you’re speculating (exactly the same as all of the above-mentioned individuals and a “few” others like them). It’s one thing to present information that supposedly points to a current event and try to claim it’s a result of a past one – not as clear-cut as you try to make it seem, but potentially doable, if debatable – but when you take that extra stretch and try to project into the future, you become ludicrous (not in the least because, your visions of the future are somehow always the same, in both their trends and their extremity, regardless of where or who in the world you happen to be criticizing at the time).

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    No, not really, he's just saying you haven't got a clue, same as him, and evidence points to the same uncertainty, nothing more and nothing less.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Yada, yada, yada, my numbers are bigger than yours, I don't think it'll end we'll therefore it won't, and anybody who doesn't agree with me is krugmans mother.

    I have several words in several languages to describe your rhetoric, freckle, but they're all slowly gyrating towards something akin to a sandfly – this déjà vu is too much for me, you're right, I give up on playing with your jock strap ;) it's just oh so mighty (but Abe's, and the Japanese peoples' spirit's, are mightier still, in an awesome ninjaish/yodaish kinda way ;))

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    And as you heat up your pathetic leftovers of last year's discussion, for lack of new ammunition, reality continues to march outside the Frecklish ivory tower –

    …The effects of Abenomics are appearing little by little,” said Junko Nishioka, chief economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Tokyo and a former official at the central bank. “Wages, mainly bonuses, will probably be on an upward bias as corporate profits are recovering. The improvement in wages will probably support consumption.” Gross domestic product last quarter rose an annualized 3.5 percent, the biggest gain in a year, the Cabinet Office said on May 16. Private consumption, which makes up 60 percent of the economy, contributed 2.3 percentage points to the increase… Employment rose by 40,000 jobs in April, and the labor force participation rate was at 59.6 percent from 58.9 percent in March, according to the government statistics bureau…

    …while a pessimistic view on the Japanese economy may become more widely accepted in the short term, as financial markets remain unstable and the likelihood of the Fed's tapering rise, the Japanese economic outlook remains better than expected since the regime change…the consensus economic outlook has been raised gradually and economic data released today justify the upgrade. Our growth forecast for 2013 has been raised by 0.9pp since October, from 0.7% to 1.6%. Thus, we judge it premature to change mid-term views on Japanese equity and USD/JPY even though they may be volatile for now…

    Pre-mature…immature…crying "wolf" and "the sky is falling"…gee, that stench is so familiar, I wonder who that reminds me of…?

    …Housing is seeing a rebound as the central bank injects liquidity and purchases Real Estate Investment Trusts as part of its efforts. Residential investment reached the highest level in four years… A gauge of condominium sales in the Tokyo metropolitan area jumped 48 percent in March from a year before. Residential land prices in the nation haven’t risen on an annual basis since 1991, according to an index compiled by the Japan Real Estate Institute… Department store spending rose to the highest in a year in March, with consumer confidence climbing to a level previously seen almost six years ago. Seven & I Holdings Co., the owner of the 7-Eleven convenience-store brand, says a weaker yen and extra stores will boost profit to a record this year…

    But don't let reality keep you from your childish games, Freckle – give us another long-term 15 year spanning graph that'll predict the future with chilling accuracy regardless of reality – go awn naw! It's all about showing the world how much smarter you are than all of us, innit? ;)

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    You're confusing "sook" with "tired of re-typing the same arguments six months consecutively".

    Its all in here –


    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    Sorry, freckle, maybe your memory fails. I'll repeat it one more time for your Alzheimer's sake –

    I already answered all of your queries to the best of my ability in past discussions (that's why your relentless posts receive less of a reply each time, because you're not bringing anything new to the table, and neither am I, in my opinion, so its getting to be a tired rehash of the same old debate).

    In essence, your replies to my replies were as follows (correct me if I'm wrong here) –

    1. Exports, which are picking up considerably since the yen dropped, will fail because the rest of the world will not pick up enough to carry them sufficiently

    2. Renewable energy initiatives, which Japan is currently second only to china in, and are attracting a lot of overseas investment, will fail because "you haven't seem them work anywhere else" 

    3. Incorporating women and immigrants into the workforce will fail, because you believe the Japanese people won't support it.

    4. Generally speaking, Abe, Obama, Krugman, and anyone who agrees with anything in their respective financial doctrines will fail, because they're stupid.

    I disagree with you. You disagree with me. Anything else we've been putting forth here are simply our own takes on current data from around the world, and don't change squat in our respective perspectives. You interpret it your way, I interpret it my way. It's getting tired. I propose from now on, you can respond to anything I post here with the slogan "Japan sucks", which sums up your view perfectly – I promise not to retaliate, and you can always have the last word. Maybe you can reach a similar agreement with the US guys too, save us all the tirades?

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

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    I'm serious, man – it's impossible to debate with someone who cancels out every potential solution to every challenge, every number or statistic that doesn't sit well with his world view as "unconvincing", "shallow", "meaningless in the long run" etc – as smart as these words all sound, they're as meaningless as the point they're trying to make – which is, as much as you try to hide it – "I think a disaster is coming, and no one will convince me otherwise". It's cool, you're entitled to your opinion, enjoy it! ;)

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-MagenZiv Nakajima-Magen
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    You seem to laugh a lot, Freckle, good on ya. It's probably because everybody in the worlds so stupid and you're so smart. Then again, it could be a sign of mental frailty, I hear. But those graphs are so pretty and colourful…enjoy your weekend!

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
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    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

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