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Michael 888

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic New Site: What do you think? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 11 months ago

    Could links, hyperlinks open in a new window please.

    New site looks fresh and larger font is easy on the eye. Still getting a little
    used to the new layout…..haven't been on here here for a while.

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 11 months ago

    Contact Karina at Select American Homes.

  • Also everyone please note that the Andrew Allen spoken of above  IS NOT THE ANDREW ALLEN who is a member of this forum and Somersoft and is a buyer's advocate/agent in Brisbane Qld, who contributes useful and worthwhile information in his posts.

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buy or build home at gold coast ? in the forum General Property 12 years, 4 months ago

    Andrew and Catalyst have nailed it. IMO buy slightly used properties that have not only had organic depreciation of the building but where the values are probably off by 30 % in the foothills since their peak of 2007.  Also consider Mudgeeraba and Tallai. I believe the bottom of the market has arrived on the Gold Coast, but I am not ringing the bu…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Forum. Needs some life. Let’s get something going in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 4 months ago

    I would like to buy a house from this guy:

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Hi ya Alex,Not sure when I will be in the US.I am on the (currently VERY wet) Gold Coast. Ex-Melbourne. Moved to GC last year.I have also enjoyed the exchanges on this thread and others. The information on this forum is great for those, who likeme, are learning about the intricacies (benefits and pitfalls) of the US. There are also some Aussies…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Micheal you get to the states lets have a beer.. Your obvioulsy very astute. and I appreciate your feedback and allowing me the license to incorporate Pear shaped investment into my lexicon going forward :)Their are REITS that just buy Notes performing and Non performing as well…whole different level of investing than what is…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Your correct the investor is the bank. and as Such its the ultimate control other wise you would not have a banking industry anywhere in the world.In the event of default you have an assignment of rents clause were the rents come straight to the bank.. and again in a default situation you end up wiping out our equity and you…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks Jay.Had a look at the video and it's a little clearer now.Basically we become the bank. What control is there over your organisation going belly up? What recourse do we (as the lender) have? Am I correct in assuming that as we own the note that we take title of the property should things go pear shaped……and also the risk of litigation…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you for the info Jay. Is there a PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) or similar formal document that is lodged with your fiduciary authorities there (similar to Australian Securities and Investments Commission -ASIC, here in Oz)?  If so, can it be emailed?Shall also navigate your site and have a look around.Thanks again

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Jay,do you have a website or other link to this investment you allude to above?Also is that circa 9 % return a net figure of all fees and expenses?What is the liquidity of this managed investment? Is capital locked up for a certain period till the exit strategy is exercised?Would be keen to hear a little more about the flexibility and liquidity…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 12 years, 6 months ago

    Wirsz makes Steve Keen look like Pollyana.   I certainly don't see it that bad, however it will be some time before we can call Gidee Up here in Oz. The market pricing needs to reach some type of equilibrium again. Some more softening likely or sideways at best for BHP strategy (Buy Hope Pray).Passive caapital growth will be rare in Oz for a w…[Read more]

  • Jamie M wrote:

    Chris89 wrote:
    With that said im not necessarily in the best posituion to invest, so im not too phased as to whether I putr an offer in or someone else purchases.

    Perhaps it's best to wait until your situation improves before purchasing your first IP. If cashflow is the issue – you really don't want to overstretch yourself…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic buying property in america in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    DHCP wrote:
    He Brent,You can certainly use your SMSF to buy property in the US which I've done with my super.  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Good luck

    Hi DHCP,what was the set up you used for the SMSF investment? Did you use C-Corp or LLC to hold your US…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic US Property Meeting in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 6 months ago

    HouseweetItIs wrote:
    also, what about people with US properties that are NOT performing, or who have a horror story?  this seems to be a growing group from what I hear…email me at [email protected].

    Hi House,you raise a valid question. In the spirit of sharing and learning are you able to post some examples please? Maybe by s…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 12 years, 6 months ago

    For those old enough to recall…'s 1991………………..sideways she goes. There are markets within markets so I am talking in a generic sense (as every one else is) with some mining regionals to likely outperform for a while.Oz has been living high on the hog for quite some time. I do not believe the China story will suddenly end,…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic help needed today desperatly in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 6 months ago

    Patrick van lieshout wrote:
    hello can any experienced investor ring me,I have found a positive cash flow property 16.8% cash on cash return potential for 25.1 cash on cash return don,t have a trust set up yet need to know my options though i have a vague idea,will give $$$ for right advice,advice needed urgently,call Patrick 0437288863 posted…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Nathan Birch on BRW. in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 10 months ago

    Inspiration for novice and veteran alike.Good stuff Mr. Birch. I celebrate you.   

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Trailer/Ute tax deductable in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago

    Terryw wrote:
    You would probably be able to claim a deduction based on the rate for the engine size x KM travelled for IP related matters

    Good point Terry. In the event that one has numerous holdings and investment related km go over the 5000km limit, doinvestment related km (inspections, repairs, and other income related activities related to…[Read more]

  • Michael 888 replied to the topic Suburbs in Queensland for Cheap Properties! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 1 month ago

    Thx for that BG. I had read those articles…….. This Westfield development has been promoted (spruiked) since 2004. Prices have since softened in the new house and land stock there. I have been following it sonce 2006/2007 and fortunately I didn't buy. Even within 1 km of the train, which I must admit is a unique piece of infrastructure to be a…[Read more]

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Michael 888

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