mbutler2575 replied to the topic What Attendees Thought Of The 2016 Millionaire Mega Conference in the forum Heads Up! 8 years, 8 months ago
Steve, Thank you again for putting on the Mega Conference.
Every year I always find nuggets of information, new mindset altering speakers, as well as inspired speakers. I especially liked Daniel Flynn, to see someone come across such adversity and continue on because of the size of his dream was truly inspiring.Mark
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Development Finance Cartoon in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi Alistair,Informative cartoon. I agree the voice-over is obviously computer generated but depending on how much time and money you want to spend you could dub over the original audio using real people.The conversation itself needs a little refining only because the generated voice is "reading" the script exactly as typed and not as fluid as…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic FREE Residex Property Reports for VICTORIAN, TASMANIAN, and SOUTH AUSTRALIAN properties – Investment or Owner Occupied in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 8 months ago
Hi Mike,Thank you for the report, very informative. You are obviously busy with doing the reports & it is much appreciated.Mark
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Raising Deposits Help needed? in the forum Finance 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Kiwi-Fulla
It sounds like it may be time to realise some profits to use for the next purchases. Steve calls it the multiply by division.
The way it works is sell off 1 property that has had some capital gain and use the released equity as deposit to buy 2 or more properties. Repeat process.
If you were to refinance the IP’s this has the…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Trusts in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Ros
Structure is a complex issue and ultimately you should consult an accountant that is familiar with property. A first step would be to purchase a book on trusts. I would recommend Steve’s “Wealth Guardian” as it is reasonably easy to read and covers lots pos the pros & cons of trusts, companies, individuals when purchasing and owning prop…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Just one tip with negotiating in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Carlin
One way of improving your negotiation skills is next time you purchase something, anything negotiate it. It doesn’t have to be a property, negotiate on the next appliance purchase and learn on small deals first. Experience is a great teacher.
“Is this taking us CLOSER to our goal?”
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Where to begin? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Mark
We have bought and used Wealth Guardian and it is extremely good at explaining the Company, Trust structure and the advantages and disadvantages of other structures. All this without the accountant fees.
Worth every penny.Mark
“Is this taking us CLOSER to our goal?”
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Investment in a relocatable home in a Tourist Park in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Sanjiv
Are you buying the land and building? Or is it just the building and the park is to rent it out? I had a similar experience with a caravan park. I owned the caravan and the park rented it out. It was located on their land. It was a good return as I remember, about 40% but I could not borrow against it.
At an 8% return it doesn’t seem…[Read more]mbutler2575 replied to the topic Another Buyer beware thread…… in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi bamute
Buyer Beware is designed for investors hence some of the templates are for assessing the financials of a property and the quality of the tenants.
The ones that would probably interest yourself would be “Property Analysis” which is a straightforward checklist of things to look for and a quick way of jotting your impressions of the…[Read more]mbutler2575 replied to the topic Am I being too optimistic? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi Daniel
It’s great that you can have the vision of owning your own home and the forsight to be able to save for it. I am sure you are well on the way to achieving it.
One suggestion I would like to make is why not consider an investment property or several and then in a few years pay cash for the house you wish to live in.
Keep up the…[Read more]mbutler2575 replied to the topic What would YOU do…? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi salsachinita,
What outcome did your father want for the investment? This will help in determining the next step.
Presumably you and your father bought this property as an investment. Given this would he be willing to take a profit if you bought him out of the deal? You could then own the property outright and do what ever is required.
If not…[Read more]mbutler2575 replied to the topic RESULTS Mentoring Program in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 10 months ago
I wanted to agree with Brent. Yes a small part of the resources have been given out free as a sample of what you get with the full RESULTS program. This is only fair that people have a taste of what is to come. I am in the premium group and I have a few small complaints but no one is perfect. It just proves the addage do you want to be right…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Help-have i done an ok deal in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi mspartal
Weather it is a good deal or not depends on why you purchased it.
1. Negative geering. Loose money now – save tax = good deal
2. Positive geering earn money now = poor deal
3. Add value & sell = unknown
4. Dip toe in water with first property = good dealOn rough figures you will be loosing about $10,000 per anum. The question is…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic companies and unit trusts in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi Warrenwilliam
Another resourse is Steve’s Wealth Guardian it is agreat resourse and simplifies a very complex issue. Ultimately you will need to see a good accountant that has experiance in property.
It probably is too wide a question to cover in the forum but if you search the forums you should find some information.
Is this taking us…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Owner property inspections in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 11 months ago
Hi Bluegum
My belief is that you have the right to inspect the property as many times as you wish. I drive past some of my properties approx once per week but the overseas ones I do a personal inspection once per year and the property manager does inspections at 6 week to 3 monthly intervals.
Ultimately it is up to you on what you are…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic property investing jargon in the forum General Property 18 years, 11 months ago
Good idea Mint Man, here are mine
LOC = Line Of Credit, which is a loan against your house, or other property, that you can use for day to day transactions, ie purchases, paying fees etc as well as wages, rentals. the idea is that when there is money in the account you will not pay interest on the balance. See a mortgage broker or bank for more…[Read more]
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Wanted: Your thoughts in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi Moneymaker
Property 1
Sounds a little risky if as you say the council won’t let you rebuild, and insurance may be a problem but I would double check the info direct with the council. As for insurance I would check other insurance companies as I and others have had insurance on properties in Darwin (cyclones and king tides are relatively…[Read more]mbutler2575 replied to the topic The Mortgage Packaging Calculator in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the spreadsheat it seems great.
My only comment at this stage is that the sheet seems huge as ther are lots of blank cells and I noticed there seems to be an old working sheet burried in there too starting in cell A65403.
Thanks again
Markmbutler2575 replied to the topic Who has purchased in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago
Thanks Rob
but already thought of that but it would only let me buy one or two properties there as I would run out of properties here to refinance. Also it may also affect the tax paid in NZ ie not sure if I could offset interest paid in Ais against income in NZ.
Do you know a broker in Aus (preferably Melbourne) who deals in NZ?Mark
mbutler2575 replied to the topic Who has purchased in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 9 months ago
Hi and thanks for the forum.
I am trying to purchase +CF in NZ and was wondering if anyone can help me find a bank or a source of finance in NZ, broker etc. I have got properties in Aus and cash for a deposit on NZ property but the banks in NZ don’t seem to want the buisness. I’ve tried ANZ, Westpac, Kiwibank, National Bank of NZ, and trying HSBC…[Read more]- Load More