EngeloRumora started the topic Such a shame… in the forum Overseas Deals 12 months ago
G’Day everyone,
Engelo Rumora here.
It’s a such a shame seeing how dead this forum has become.
I remember the good old days of non stop “argy bargy”.
Time flies and times have changed I guess.
Anyway, 10+ years later and I’m still plugging away in the US.
Stopped counting at 1,000 flips and also running a property management company.
One…[Read more]
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Help Needed Please! in the forum Overseas Deals 12 months ago
G’Day everyone,
Time sure does fly.
It’s such a shame seeing how dead this forum has become.
I remember the good old days of non stop “argy bargy”.
I guess times have change.
Anyway, I’m still plugging away with my US real estate journey.
I’ll be back home in Australia one day but not yet.
I have a thousand+ buy, reno and sell under my belt…[Read more]
EngeloRumora‘s profile was updated 12 months ago
EngeloRumora changed their profile picture 2 years, 2 months ago
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Back from living/investing in USA for past 7 years. Ask Me Anything in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
We haven’t
I was just referring to fellow Aussie’s being together in the US and never catching up hehe
I’m still stuck here lol
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Japan (and its Real-Estate market) Rides Again in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
Just skim the top of them please.
I want to have a clearer view of the islands in the distance hehe
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Back from living/investing in USA for past 7 years. Ask Me Anything in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
Looks like we missed each other in the US
I’m still here and plugging away lol
Also, moved for real estate
Fast forward 6 years and 500 deals later, time are good
Amazing opportunities here for those that want to work for them
Many pitfalls tho as it’s much shadier than in Australia
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Investing in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
The US market is tough with many pitfalls
Take your time and evaluate the people more so than the stats/demographics
Much success
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Help Getting Started in US in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
“Best time to buy is now and best time to sell is never”
If the property is producing cashflow without issues then just hold and buy more.
I’ve been based in the US for 6 years now and have done over 500 deals
Mostly renovating and selling but that was for the purpose of building up enough capital to buy and hold.
Cash is King and cashflow…[Read more]
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Japan (and its Real-Estate market) Rides Again in the forum Overseas Deals 7 years ago
It’s great to see you on here mate still keeping the overseas section alive lol
How is mu condo doing?
I’ll need to come and visit again this year
Speak soon mate
EngeloRumora replied to the topic The guarantee it ISN'T a good deal in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years ago
Emma helped me with my Bahamas purchase.
Introduced me to key people and gave me solid advice.
She is awesome :)
EngeloRumora‘s profile was updated 8 years ago
EngeloRumora replied to the topic STOP Getting Screwed & Check Out This in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years, 6 months ago
No worries mate and I’m glad you found value in my comments :)
Keep the dream alive and speak soon.
Much success
EngeloRumora started the topic STOP Getting Screwed & Check Out This in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi everyone,
Every single day I speak to many folks from all over the world including a ton of Aussie’s.
And you know what?
They all share one thing in common.
They got royally screwed by shady US real estate investment companies.
I really don’t want this to be YOU so make sure to do a ton of due diligence on the companies you are looking…[Read more]
EngeloRumora replied to the topic American Foreigner Investing in Australia? in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years, 7 months ago
Keep investing in the US mate, the Aussie market is to hot IMO.
I wouldn’t touch it unless it drops by 50% lol
Just my opinion :)
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Dont pay to be taught how to wholesale in the United States in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years, 7 months ago
Good one mate, I have had quite a few Aussie’s reach out to me wanting to wholesale in the US from OZ.
My reply is “You are nuts” hehe
Even to this day and after 350 deals under my belt here in the US, I still sometime loose money.
It’s a different animal and it is pretty much impossible to make it work from afar.
Just my opinion :)
EngeloRumora replied to the topic Nathan Birch in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 7 months ago
I have known Nathan on a personal level for years now and actually worked with him while Binvested was still in its infancy stages. I can comfortably say that even behind the scenes, Nathan genuinely cares about everyone’s success.
The operation he runs isn’t a money pinching gimmick and I think that his results speak for themselves.
His timing…[Read more]
EngeloRumora replied to the topic USA Property investing Meeting in the forum Overseas Deals 8 years, 11 months ago
Sorry mate,
Just saw this :)
Was only home for 6 days. Busy times here.
Where are you visiting?
EngeloRumora changed their profile picture 9 years ago
EngeloRumora started the topic USA Property investing Meeting in the forum Overseas Deals 9 years ago
G’Day everyone,
I hope you’re all having a great start to the new year.
Just want to let you know that your favorite investor in foreign real estate (me lol), is going to be in Sydney for the first time after 3 long years.
March 1st – 9th
I’d be happy to catch up one day and share some pointers on what TO DO and what NOT TO DO when investing…[Read more]
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