All Topics / Overseas Deals / Investing in the US

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  • Profile photo of BjoernBjoern
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 23

    Hi all, I’m considering to invest in the US after reading the article from Todd Hunter in the YIP magazine. Does anybody have any experience with Todd that you could share? And does anybody know of others who provide a similar service?

    Thanks already!

    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Hi all, I’m considering to invest in the US after reading the article from Todd Hunter in the YIP magazine. Does anybody have any experience with Todd that you could share? And does anybody know of others who provide a similar service?
    Thanks already!

    The US market is tough with many pitfalls

    Take your time and evaluate the people more so than the stats/demographics

    Much success

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
    Email Me | Phone Me


    Profile photo of Corey BattCorey Batt
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,010

    I’ve heard of some Australian’s using: a few years ago and were happy with their services. I can’t remember if they only worked in Atlanta or a broader geographic area.

    Corey Batt | Precision Funding
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Investment Focused Finance Strategist - servicing Australia-wide

    Profile photo of raj_parasraj_paras
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 7

    @Bjoern I was wondering if you did end up buying a property through WhereGroup?
    If so, could you share some insights on your purchase & experience.
    I too am currently looking to buy there. They charge a substantial fee for their services, so I am wondering whether to play it safe & use an agent or go about it myself.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of raj_paras raj_paras. Reason: Notification
    Profile photo of Ricky JohnsonRicky Johnson
    Join Date: 2019
    Post Count: 9

    The group I invest with works with a lot of smaller international investors because they allow you to use a credit card to participate with them. Makes the whole process easier and relatively risk free. It also allows you to avoid the pitfalls of owning property in the US as the rental game in the states is not an easy one. Evictions and management are a nightmare in the US. The group I am with only does flips even the apartment deals they are working on are renovate, re-rent and flip.

    Ricky Johnson
    Phone Me

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