elvis replied to the topic Property Managers in Perth in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago
I was a in a position of receiving very poor quality service from a PM (I’d love to say the name). I would have like to action the clause you mention but really it is your word against the PM’s. They will deny wrong-doing and it will turn into a bum-fight. I would re-write the clause another time to remove any chance of discussion, just…[Read more]elvis replied to the topic Destiny Financial Solutions in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 8 months ago
I must confess I am fully paid-up with Destiny[lmao].
There are quite a few financial planners out there that have a slant towards Property. One thing I like about Destiny over others is there independence to Real Estate Agents, Developers and everything else apart from Financial provider (which has me a bit nervous). This huge independence…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Resi Home Loans in the forum Finance 20 years, 8 months ago
Rob – I understand your humour.
Pisces – lighten up a little. I think there is a sticky note (message) on this forum to say ‘don’t regard information on this site as professional advise’. Hence people should take one-line comments as just that, not serious.Anyway, I do have a friend who has used RESI in a positive cashflow situation. He swore…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Help! line of credit for investing? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
I’m sure Margaret explains this in her book. Not sure which one.
I recently attended a seminar where Margaret was the top drawcard, well the only drawcard
She is ver approachable. Try emailing her on her website edestiny.com.au
Elviselvis replied to the topic Skyview WA in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
In the upper left hand corner you should see a magnifying-glass with a +-sign. Click on that to put you in zoom-in mode. Then, in the map, hold your left mouse button down and move your mouse to the left and right, you’ll see you are dragging the zoom in and out, sort of like a camera….
hope this helps.
Elviselvis replied to the topic Skyview WA in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Originally posted by Marisa:
No offence Elvis but looks like a load of bureucratic c….p, I think you would be better off coming to Perth… At least you get some good weather, and hey you may get a great deal tooAnd there I was thinking this forum was for sharing information for the common good.
Don’t worry, no offence…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Termite/Building inspection on new house? in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Cobra.
I spoke to a ‘Pestie’ today. She explained the same thing with the certificate in the meter box.
Elviselvis replied to the topic ABC Tue 30th 8.00pm: Selling Success in the forum Heads Up! 20 years, 10 months ago
I also saw an advert during the week about this show and guy from work (who is knee-deep in options-trading) discussed it with me. He seems hyped up about watching it.
If I was Brad Sugar I would be happy with the show as a lot of gullible people will sign up for his performances. I say performance as this surely cannot be classified…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Subscriptions/Notifications in the forum No Subject 20 years, 10 months ago
Bookmarking is where you compile a list of topics that are of interest to you. The list is stored as part of your membership of PI.com.
Subscribing is similar except you are notified everytime the topic is updated which may not be required or even annoying.
I have listed an example site in…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Do i need a financial adviser in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago
Destiny specialise in cashflow positive property investment.
Elviselvis replied to the topic Subscriptions/Notifications in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years, 11 months ago
The current subscribing facility is fine if you want to receive an email everytime someone responds to a topic (not for me).
I am referring to bookmarking – so when each time I return to pi.com I want to review my bookmarked topics i.e. my hot topics.
This topic contains similar opinions in the bookmark subject.
I have also created a…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic westpac exit fees in the forum Finance 20 years, 11 months ago
Mobilemortgage – thanks for your comments.
Verity – Great information there. One thing, I’ve just been to the westpac website and tried to find more information on the LOC. This is what I found:
Equity Access Loan Equity Access Loan allows you to access the equity you already have in your property to make other investments.
0.4%p.a. off…[Read more]elvis replied to the topic westpac exit fees in the forum Finance 20 years, 11 months ago
I’ve just been told the Settlement fee is $150 if refinancing (my case), $0 if paying out. No other fees.
Still keen to hear other opinions and more on that combo loan ?
Elviselvis replied to the topic Subscriptions/Notifications in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years, 11 months ago
6 week sabatical ?!?!?!?!
I’m in IT as a trade, and in my opinion to take a 6 week break, well they must have worked some long hours or the employer is ignorant of the IT job market. I’m sure there are other web developers that would do the job without a holiday. Do they get a manicure once week as well?
Back on the issue of bookmarking. I…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Insurance? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 11 months ago
What insurance company was that with ?
Did you take out full cover ?Regards,
Elviselvis replied to the topic westpac exit fees in the forum Finance 20 years, 11 months ago
Destiny are suggesting the move to an LOC (not forcing the issue). In line with Margaret Lomas’s guideline (as per Income for a Life) to have one LOC with multiple accounts. Am I allowed to talk about Destiny on this forum ?
I am currently on 6.57%, yes I get the 0.5% discount.
What is the combo loan ?
Elviselvis replied to the topic Building Construction Date in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago
I mean for an established property…say in Karratha or Port Hedland, but not limited to those areas, anywhere in WA really.
Is there a website or hotline offering this information, say DOLA or the like ?
elvis replied to the topic Help! line of credit for investing? in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago
Try looking at the LOC from St George and Gateway Credit Union. You can split the LOC into separate accounts. The first account for the PPOR, then all other accounts for investments. The ATO prefers it this way. You throw all income including rent into the first account and pay interest only (if you like) on the other accounts.
This is…[Read more]
elvis replied to the topic Gateway Credit Union LOC in the forum Finance 20 years, 11 months ago
I have been reading “Income for Life” from MArgaret Lomas. And I am close to taking the first step in +ve cash flow investment.
How do you find the loan and how are gateway to deal with ? Is their phone support and web facility adequate ?