Total Members: 159,627


  • G’Day melb15,
    standard in commercial leases is the Tenant pays for it all!

    So if you can get the Landlord take some of the cost that would be a win for you straight-away…

    Good luck.

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Hobart suburbs that are worth looking at in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago

    forestroad wrote:
    The contracts of sale are pretty basic and have no " Section 32" like here in Victoria. Everything is negotiable providing it's in the contract of sale…

    Hi Francis,
    I am not familiar with the “Section 32” can you elaborate on what it is and its purpose …

  • What are the rules and regulations for purchasing over in Tassie? It seems that each state has their own rules and ways of doing things and that can be a mine filed for the unwary …

    We bought in QLD and that was very different to WA!

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Cert IV issues in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    newb4000 wrote:
    I'm just wondering about the way forward, is this a battle I try and fight for, or do I move on and pick another one another time?

    Question you need to ask yourself is:”are you happy where you are?” If so then pick the fights that are really important to you – if this is one of those then fight, if not then don’t.

    If you are…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic I’m 26, own 3 Properties – what to do next? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    G’Day Stanners

    Most newbies fall into the trap that ‘IF’ they have no savings, they are not able to show their savings capacity. Funnily, though, if you can show thta you have fully paid off your Unit (refer to your statements) that that is actually proof of savings! So let that one go, but you might need to point it out to the Bank once you…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic I’m 26, own 3 Properties – what to do next? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi WayneL2,
    Are you still up at hedland? yeah, still here. it’s now nearly 11 years….. getting to old for this heat. Boodarie IRon closed up shop then I went to the Department of Health as an Inventory analys/ advisor – showed them how they are over stocked by about $750K which made the Regional Mnager happy as he found some easy savings, but…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic I’m 26, own 3 Properties – what to do next? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    G’Day Wane,
    long time between chats! I see you have had some exiting times….congratulations ‘Grass-hopper’. Last time we spoke you were building websites for advertising of RE?! – I sdee you are advertising one of the now – Accommodation in Western Australia.
    List your holiday home for FREE! are they not doing the…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Reduced Land Tax bill….I’m happy in the forum General Property 18 years, 5 months ago

    Been donkeys since I’ve had the time to read any threads, and I know that Dazz was goign AWOL, but has there been any resolution to this issue?

    Have we heard anything from any-one else that might have picked up the ball and followed in Dazz’s giant foot-steps??


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Trust or no Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Hi there Tigre13,

    you have asked a very broad question that can’t be simply answered.

    If you do a search on ‘Trusts’ and ‘Company’ on this forum, you will find posts galore on this subject!

    Once you’ve read some of those and have more of an idea you can formulate where you want to go and then you can put inplace your structure (before you buy,…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Valuations No longer Necessary! in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Hi Steve,

    No the IP is not on the market (as yet)! He is planning on holding it for another couple of months (FMG is ramping up construction in our area) and then sell it for a higher price again.

    Interesting ….. it is a country location, if that helps but we do have a valuer that services this town. Like I said originally, it is a new thing…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic What are some good investing books? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    try doing a search on the forum! This topic has been covered and re-covered more than once or twice.

    That would be easier than relisting all the valuable books every-one has read.


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
    – Thomas Edison

    Don’t let…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Contract for house in construction in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Selling,

    I’d hesitate to sign an openended contract no matter what the deposit. As you’ve already mentioned you could be waiting for a very long time!
    That would have to be #1 on your list to be changed.

    Second, the deposite size really is up to you – what are you comfortable with? Just remember, screwing a developer over (and…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Valuations No longer Necessary! in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Hi Redwing,

    I have no actual proof – just the surprised word of my friend.

    He bought his IP two yrs ago and wanted to take advantage of the recent boom to buy a PPOR for himself and his new bride-2-b.

    Our valuation came in at $220K, but in talking to one of the local REAs it was suggested that I could get up to $320K (OK, the garden wasn’t…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic black mailed by neighbour in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Originally posted by Dr.X:
    Some people are really amazing.
    The way they choose to live their lives is truly astonishing!

    Instead of looking how to solve a particular problem,


    They instead look at who they can blame for their lack of success,
    ie “my land is too small to develop, and it’s my neighbours fault because they…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic using a shed as part of the boundary fence in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi meak,

    all I have come accross is that the roof of the shed MUST tilt into the owners yard (ie: that is the rain water will run into their yard NOT yours!).

    Once you’ve got no objections – visual obstructions, etc and you are happy to go along with the neighbour and the council approves it, I guess you could approach them to change out the…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Cronulla Debacle in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Not that I like the inflamatory language of sydneysmart, I recall receiving this great little snippet in an email.

    Just a note, I was NOT born in Australia, I choose to call it my home! Perhpas the below has some home truths for some:

    Australia- The Right to Leave

    Our Country – YOU have the right – the right to leave!

    After Sydney not wanting…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Algae IN Lawn!?!?!?! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by redwing:
    Concrete the Lot Calvin and Paint it Green..


    [biggrin] [laughing] [thumbsupanim] [specool]

    Hehehehe. I actually like the Pilbara red! So, red oxide is the go for me!


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
    – Thomas…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Algae IN Lawn!?!?!?! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Colin Gowan:
    If the grass was well established I would suggest coring, machines can be easily hired from most equipment hire places.
    This machine cuts through and pulls out a little soil plug and deposits it on top of the grass thus breaking the compacted areas and top dressing with your own soil.Not sure this is available…[Read more]

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Tenants split in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Excellent post The Crest![thumbsupanim][thumbsup2]


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
    – Thomas Edison

    Don’t let reality be the benchmark for your Dreams

  • calvin_thirty4 replied to the topic Algae IN Lawn!?!?!?! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Thanx for that Fern,

    I have actually seen this done, but as I haven’t had a great deal of time (wot with our reno and work contracts) I haven’t spent a whole lot of time on the Bonsai that I have. I have a sad looking pine tree and a stunted Pointsianna (local name – red flower) that refuses to die, no matter what I do to it. Killed two Ficus,…[Read more]

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