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  • businessglobal replied to the topic Is it possible to get banned from a Real estate agency? in the forum General Property 12 years, 4 months ago

    MMM – I have been an investor, developer and also own 2 agencies as a principal.

    Hard to say what the case is here- I have asked in the past a few people to leave my offices and as an owner you do have the right to pick and choose who is in your premises. The only reason I would ever ask a customer to leave would be the following-
    – Rude,…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Buyers Agents – hourly rate in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 2 months ago

    You would need to go to more of a specialist- I am not sure where you are but we have a Property specialist advisory company based in Brisbane that does advice, negotiations, project management, renovation/ build management, preparation for sales, research, analysis, feasibility, search, selection, auctions and we can do some things by the hour…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 5 months ago

    The main thing to look into before you do any course is why are you doing it?What time do you really have per week to dedicate to the strategy?Will you really put in the work or are you expecting to becoem a property millionair overnight and then give up? Property is a long termprofession, to succeed you must put in effort, time, dedication, and…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Forest Lake, QLD in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago

    I would be buying Oxenford, Coomera, Pimpama, Springwood, Loganholme, Rochedale before Forest Lake

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Has anyone bought an IP without inspected it in person?? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago

    HelloI would suggest always building/ pest report and strata and totally disagree with not doing it. You are putting your neck on the line for loans and hoping to make money. I have bought and sold and renovated units for 18 years and some of the problems I have seena dn found have been amazing. Water and pipe issues, termites concealed, floors…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Are Real Estate Agents Sexist? in the forum Opinionated! 14 years, 5 months ago

    The way I look at it is Im there to look for money and a deal and profit, so I dont care about all the emotional or sexist stuff, or what the agents do or dont do. Property and Success is about crunching the numbers and deals and making it work so we can have more time, lifestyle, holidays, and retire or wind down and have more fun choices!! Ive…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Wanted real estate agent in Thornlands, Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Geoff,I was not talking about your office in Victoria Point, at no point was this comment about this office, as I have never dealt with this office.It was an outline of an esperience and 1 franchise office on the North Side and also one on the South side where these comments apply to and my experience to date. Please read my comments in correct…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Wanted real estate agent in Thornlands, Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Yes GO GECKO do offer a cheap commission but they also offer a very cheaqp sausage factory type of operation, sales agents and negotiators are often very green and fresh and are not experienced in really selling and negotiating your price upwards.I have just bought 2 homes from a GO GECKO office and every single sales agent int his office was sub…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Wanted real estate agent in Thornlands, Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago

    Commission is regulated in Qld but it is also negotiable. But Agents will only negotiate if they know your price is right, presentation and they can move your stock quickly.Give me a call Monday after 10am as we have an agency in Brisbane we own that could assist and were happy to look at the property and give you a truthful and accurate market…[Read more]

  • HelloI am located on Gold Coast but I do projects in different places. I could build furnished villas etc, or mini homes as have people down there that would do gardens and upkeep as required, and I would manage the bookings. By trade Im a licensed principal and owner of an agency as well.  I am working out whether I do a few more furnished homes…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Recently Divorced, how do I rebuild with $100K? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    I would just start out with the basics- dont waste money moving stuff and removal fees – just take the basics clothes, computer, you buy lots of good things cheap on ebay, deals, garage salesI left my ex years ago when I was 26 yrs old and came back to OZ with a backpack and $600 aud to my name after 6 yrs- I couldnt be bothered…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Mum moving in with us – what to do with her house in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 10 months ago

    We have explored the similar situation with our 90 yrs old grandfather, and we decided to let the place remain vacant, we checkon it every week and have a mowing man attend to it 1 per month. The issue is if you rent it out and then your mum gets ill or needs to go to a home, you may need to sell the home to fund her nursing or any care required…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic What are my rights? in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 10 months ago

    Speak to solicitor asap- I am a R/E principal and agent myself and have been for 18 yrs now, in QLD/ NSW a buyer must also take some responsibility for their behaviour, if you are not happy with something do not sign it, it is simple, tell the agent- put in the condition or Im not signing it, be assetive as it is your hard cold cash$$$$$$, or tell…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Metropole as a buyers agent??? in the forum Heads Up! 14 years, 10 months ago

    I dont think buyers agents are spruikers- they can really help in search, selection, putting good deals on the table that you would never publicly know about.My company that I own has 3 in residence, we all have degrees in Business, Property, Construction, Accounting, our full R/E licenses in NSW/ QLD. Between our small specialised team we own…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Tenant wants a long lease in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    Ive had nearly 25 properties as holds all in good areas in the last 18 yrs in property- we still have about 10 Parramatta, Leichardt, Stanmore, and good areas of Gold Coast/ Brisbane and in 18 years this has been what has happened, we have used very good property mgrs, Im a principal myself- but I only buy/ sell I dont manage.1 House burnt to the…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Tenant wants a long lease in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    You can do all the checks in the world- but you can never check or be sure of peoples emotioinal/ mental state/ life circumstances. I did all the checks had a perfect good tenant, then it turned into a nightmare and about 19k of damages- due to tenant going a bit haywire with boyfriends, drink, fights with neighbours and making stupid decisions…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Empty block of Land vs. House in the forum General Property 14 years, 10 months ago

    I would be looking for proeprty that is on a very decent size piece of land that can be subdivided down the track$10 a week is nothing, as soon as you get 1 small hiccup/ M/R, rent vacancy etc you will be easily washed out of cash flow. Always buy property that you can add value to, under priced, urgent sale, and the value is in the land I have…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Recently Divorced, how do I rebuild with $100K? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    Why cant you get bond assistance from Dept of Housing? maybe you should go to speak to a Womens Coomity Support group and they often can assist or Salvation Army counsellors, they know all the options/ rights and community support possibilities.Sorry to hear about your cimcumstances, but all things for good reason and maybe you are meant to move…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Recently Divorced, how do I rebuild with $100K? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    I would find something I could reno or add value to and do it and mke soem money and keep going forward.I left a relationship when I was 26, came back to OZ with a backpack and $600 aud, strong work ethic, and no doom and gloom, positive attitude, still friends with the ex, now Im 38 and have a lot more than $600, in actual fact can stop work…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Are Real Estate Agents Sexist? in the forum Bit of background on agents- 14 years, 10 months ago

    Bit of background on agents- they are not all the sameThere are many differing types of agents and levels of training they have within the industryThere are sales Registrations- where the poor agent , or someone from any background wantin to give real estate a go- simply does only 2- 3 days training couse and then their boss throws them on open…[Read more]

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