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  • businessglobal replied to the topic Are Real Estate Agents Sexist? in the forum Opinionated! 14 years, 10 months ago

    Yes Singer still very rare that I see business women making decisions, negotiating hard or having confidence in business- common in Sydney but not so common in Gold Coast or Brisbane. Why do you need a power of attorney form? I assume maybe you are buying in both names but if in a company or trust either or director can sign and make decisions.

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Tenant wants a long lease in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago

    I would just only do a 12 month lease only- no 2- 3 years in case you need to sell, circumstances change, or the tenant doesnt become too great then they are a nightmare to get out. I once did a 2 year lease, my tenant was great for the first year, then she met a looser boyfriend, started drinking, fighting, getting behind in rent, then fighting…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic House on a Truck in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 11 months ago

    OK- This is what you need to do- Ive done about 10 house moves so far-Go see your solicitor asap and get a contract and terms/ conditions written up asap- worth every cent to do this correctlyDo pest/ Building/ Asbestos inspection asap now so you know what your dealing withHow many km are your moving the home? regardless you will get cracks,…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic 3rd share in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Yes- you have 2 options really-Pay out their shares and take them overFind someone to take over their sharesThings like this can cause major problems in friendships and not worth ever loosing friends/ families over money or deals- sometimes maybe better to buy them out or sell and take your profit, move on and do deals by yourself, and probably…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic under $200k near brisbane in the forum General Property 14 years, 11 months ago

    Some areas of Logan- Eaglby, Kingston, Ipswich, Crestmead, Marsden, maybe near Wacol, Carole Park, Goodnathese are snapped up in a few hours though so most do not even hit the net- you must pro actively call agents weekly, be ready to jump quick, short finance clauses if any, short pest/ building 2- 3 days max, quick settlement 21- 30 days, or 48…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Recently Divorced, how do I rebuild with $100K? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    mmm- based on seeing many cases in my office like this and advising on them- I can say I see a lot worse that your situation, and if you still have 100k, health, young age and your mental faculties things look bright. Probably the most important thing is to stay close to your kids and not move away from them, take a mini holiday, join some gym,…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Credibilty of Promoters in the forum General Property 14 years, 11 months ago

    I dont belive in any sort of slander or professional defamation. I have done Carlys course and also a few other courses, then applied my knowledge and topped up what I already knew and met some extremely good contacts that I am now using for accounting, tax, advice, architecture, design, and met one man from Central Qld which has juts given me…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Cheap Reliable Handyman: Elizabeth SA + Woodridge/Logan QLD in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Cheap often means nasty, dodgy and potential major problems. If you use neighbours, tenants etc to do things nad something stuffs up or an accident you are fully liable as using unlicensed / unqualified people and they also wouldnt be correctly covered by your public liability if they hurt themselfs.Yes Hire a Hubby is good, VIP, James, Jims…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Need help/advice in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 11 months ago

    Hi – Yes this is a simultaneous settlement and I have dealth with many of these in buying/ selling land off the plan not registered and then selling it when registered. You will need a very good experienced solicitor that is on the ballYou will also need a Plan B- What happens if you cant onsell? are you also prepared and ready for settlement as…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Trust and tax documents frozen in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 11 months ago

    Ring Office of Fair Trading and also the Accountants Association, and I would also go and lodge a complaint and case with the police for theft of docs as you have paid for them, and they should be released back to you.

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Expert Accountants and Solicitors in Property Investment in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 11 months ago

    Yes Mr Tony Lee – he is very smart, switched on and heavily involved in property

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Are Real Estate Agents Sexist? in the forum Opinionated! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Yes this is just the way it is, I dont take any notice of it and it can work to my advantage sometimes and I can play the dumb blonde with no idea!!, take my time and put in ridiculous offers which sometimes get accepted – Im a natural blonde with long hair myself. Many agents dont have much training and still 80% of the times the ladies say to…[Read more]

  • Are you in the cooling off period? Get your solicitor onto this immediately, and make sure that the agent has not released the deposit and it is being held in their trust account and I would be onto this Monday asap, as agent cannot release the deposit to anyone until instructed by solicitors- ACT ASAP

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Help – Why won’t anyone rent out my investment property :-( in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Sorry I mean that we scan our landlords to make sure they do not scrimp on basic things and we have authority up to $500 to immediately fix problems and keep all in order.

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Help – Why won’t anyone rent out my investment property :-( in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Most good property managers or the elite ones charge 10% – We manage properties in Brisbane and country areas and our fee is 10% + gst, per month- Sundry $6 . We do inspections for potential tenants afternoon, evening and weekends!! and never have any vacancies for our homes, we are very strict what stock we take on and we scan our landlords to…[Read more]

  • Is there aircond in the main bedroom????Also when I was looking for a townhouse to rent whilst I was building I was looking for one that would let me have m y mini foxie, so I would go past your ad as I couldnt have my foxie in the yard with me. So maybe you should consider having a little pet, as lots of single ladies, professional couples…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Help – Why won’t anyone rent out my investment property :-( in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    I have had a quick look- I think the problem is that you are also not a feature property so get dropped to the bottom of the list quicky with the rentals, ask the agent to get you a feature property even if you have to pay $100 toward it so it pops up the top of the list- also I would drop rent asap $10 or whatever to get it rented asap. I…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic The stress of moving house in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    All interesting- yes women need to feel a bit safe and secure but we are also responsible for our own state of mind, security and confidence and have to know how to also be secure and safe for ourselves and not expect everyone else to do it all for us, and depend on everyone else. I have seen about 10 marriage break ups lately where they have been…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic Avoiding Capital Gains Tax by Building in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Go to the best tax planner/ advisor possible and pay the $$$$$ for the best help in this instance because if you get some of the planning worng here thereas  there is huge sums of CGT and tax liabilities/ potential at risk. Where are you as I have great acct/ tax planners in Sydney and Brisbane. Either way if slugged fully or partially with tax,…[Read more]

  • businessglobal replied to the topic URGENT in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    I do not believe there is a cooling off for an exclusive agency in QLd and also if you sell or another agent sells in this period the exclusive agent is entitled to commission. It shall all be in your Appt To Act Form 22a and on the Office of Fair Trading Web site.

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