Alex SC replied to the topic “The US Spruiker” – an email dialogue :))) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Congrads on wedding and honeymoon that would explain trip to florida
actually dec 16th was my 17th year anniversary
well if you wondering why I am emailing and posting at 225 am LOL Crossfit at 530 am
talk soon
Alex SC replied to the topic How would one introduce in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
We spoke, I think Nigel is doing the commercial thing.
Very nice guy we spoke via skype
And Nigel we were looking to meet if you came over to the USA . I am most likely going to take a trip12 to 14 days to Australia looking at late March or April got clients spread out there. So need to make sure I plan my trip accordingly
talk…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Just a thought and possible future exit strategies For USA properties in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
True but most people here are not buying commercial and most are just starting out .
Advice is simple there for a reason take it or leave it …
Commercial is the way to go but not for the newbie.
Alex SC replied to the topic Just a thought and possible future exit strategies For USA properties in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Good Points
I want to do this with homes we purchase $250k to $2m I know this is a different market then most here speak about. Before the crash in 2007 I was dealing in $1.5m to $2,5 m dollar homes in charlotte. Alot of this inventory still out there that can be picked up cheap but no value in it today. As what you buy is what it is worth but…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic “The US Spruiker” – an email dialogue :))) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
I am with you. I feel that having the time to answer the questions and give the information is what separates people.
This is investing and people need to know us much as possible before doing anything.
That is why we have forums chat room , seminars , and other ways to get the information that is needed
Alex SC replied to the topic “The US Spruiker” – an email dialogue :))) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Kyler whats up ? I spent numerous hrs on skype and emails with people asking questions. Some times more then I should but in the end.Information , seminars , radio , magazines are all ways we advertise. So I know there are alot of people that just ask questions. Guess it ups to us to read between the lines. At the same time I had people ask…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Just a thought and possible future exit strategies For USA properties in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi Alex
I must admit i totally agree with you about the strategy going forward and something i have been saying for years as the only way for international investors to get involved with the US market given the difficulties with property management.
I shut down our property management over 6 months ago as we were losing money every month.Its…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Just a thought and possible future exit strategies For USA properties in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Karina it has been a long time we did speak about year ago but as I recall good conversation .Hope all is well for you and I did see some of your homes your sourced in Atlanta ( nice )
You noted in your post “My first concern is that Americans in general do not move to rental areas” What is your definition of a rental area? Would a 70% owner…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic How to get the right advice part 3 The good and bad about buying in the United States in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
I think one thing most miss understand is what is a seller and a reseller . Regardless where they are from. There will always be the flip side of the coin for both.
Take my company per say( seller ) , I am in the USA not say where at not to advertise. We use to larger resellers in California to reach a broader market. Now in international…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Purchasing in USA using SMSF in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
Just dealing with a client now who is using a super fund to purchase .Correct me if I am wrong the Super fund can send money to LLC which is set up in states then the LLC can purchase the properties.
We are currently dealing with a Client who is using a super fund so new to us. This clients has over 20 homes in the USA purchased in different…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic “The US Spruiker” – an email dialogue :))) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 1 month ago
How are you? No worries I do believe in what my company does and others in the USA. At the same time I met some wonderful Australian people as well. Actually this forum has helped my company reach and open many international markets. Strong contacts and new partners from those areas.
So Not complaining there is some great advice given here…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic “The US Spruiker” – an email dialogue :))) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Some how I Take offense when I see US
in a negative terms
Alex SC replied to the topic BuyingUSArealestate in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Todd pick a few markets in the USA, then take the time to fly over and check them out. I would make sure I visit at least 3 markets. I would find some fellow Australians who have invested in each market. I would try to find both USA and Australian teams dealing in each market. When dealing direct your cost will be better.
Then the Choice would…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Anyone having success in Cleveland in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
How are you ?
First time I been back here in a bit . Client in from New Zealand today .
Alex SC replied to the topic investing 300,000 cash in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Nigel I am jumping in with both feet for commercial deals near me in Charlotte.
WI is correct most people here commercial is not for them. I think after buying and selling houses for years commercial is the way to go.
We are working on large unfinished developments. Slowly looking at setting up to build when time is right.
talk soon
Alex SC replied to the topic Flipping USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
New HOMES not yet but we are scooping up as much land as possible near me.Working on 31 lots and 50 acres across the road. Another smaller development 16 lots left . Retail sales picked up here so we dabbling both with Turn Key and retail.
My desire is with development so that's where I want to be. Flips are and always be good money. Nigel yes…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic investing 300,000 cash in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
go to vegas play black jack ? 150k and drink and enjoy vegas for a few weeks other $150k not sure ..LOL
Love these post the problem is
For example when some one comes to us as a client. We need to know short term or long term goals are . Then we see what they are trying to accomplish . Cash does not mean anything with out a plan of attack…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic Did anyone used this Agent : 888 US Real Estate in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Hey All
Well Guess I can chime in Vince and His group sold one of our deals and Working with Both him and Simon great guys to work with .
They really looked out for there clients and made sure the deal was solid. Our prices have climbed a bit for them so not currently doing any deals with them.
We have turned our homes into a retail standard…[Read more]
Alex SC replied to the topic NJ Multi Family Residential in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Cheeves whats up ? How are you ? Been In Canada quite a bit lately set up both Sanfrancisco and Toronto as new areas.
How are things up your way and send me the info to get add in Ny post
Lets touch base this week
Yes been away but been busy and now Dec is only month I do not Travel so will be around here for a bit
Alex SC replied to the topic Flipping USA Property in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 2 months ago
Hey All been gone for a bit wow busy season about over for us I do not travel in Dec so look forward to being back and chatting
Kyler been chatting with Engelo I believe he is with you in Kansas City
Zig How have you been ?
Nigel Hope all is well
Nick I will answer you pm in a bit
lets get back to question at hand. Lately our company is been…[Read more]
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