Leo Chekhov replied to the topic How Aussies are ripped off in America in the forum General Property 17 years, 2 months ago
I have to say, in this case, I am with Nigel. It seems these blokes have been selling in the slums – as for it being a "beat up" how much worse can it be than not being able to feed a family because you trusted these "profesionals" to put you into a good investment and then you find out you have been scammed big time. These Johnson dudes are most…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic What is everyones issue with Jenman? in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 4 months ago
Here's another side to the bloke. Not sure what to make of it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftxIvGuiAPA
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Jenman on ‘RENT TO BUY’ SCHEMES in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 6 months ago
It's not just Jenman who's anti these schemes, get a look at what the Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape, said in his column on the weekend. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,22223202-664,00.htmlAfter a long investigation by the Consumer Legal Center they have recomended that wrapping is banned.I rememeber how Jenman got bagged when he…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic 12% return / term deposit 1yr in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
It depends who’s guaranteeing it. At that rate, it’s likely to be one of those meaningless worthless guarantees.
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Vendor Finance Association? in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 5 months ago
It’s a dead duck. So much for all the big bravo chest thumping that went with setting it up just a couple of years or so ago.
Time is the real test of the worth of anything and anyone.
Sad but true
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Neil Jenman ‘a patriot’ or idiot? in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 6 months ago
Has anybody here done as well with property investing as Jenman has done with these VC’s?
According to the paper he paid $105,000 for one and then bought another for $185,000 – and today they are selling for more than a milllion each. Wouldn’t mind a bit of that mself!!!
Although he went and blew it by giving one (or both, not sure, it wasn’t…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Land Banking. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 11 months ago
This link will take you to the UK scammer that has been targeting Ozzies.
This is how NOT to get involved in land banking. I reckon the best advice right now is to listen to what Mr Yardney says.
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Cameron Bird Property Partners in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago
From what you say, it sounds like they should be avoided completely. There is no excuse for abuse and the most common reason for it in situations like this is because someone has been caught out and that’s what makes them angry.
Anger equals scammer in my mind.
Thanks for having the guts to post your message with your real name. (Well, I assume…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic today tonight last year in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 3 months ago
The ABC Media Watch program is the WATCHDOG of what goes on in the media!!! If it really did do what you claim hundreds of other journalists would want to know about it. It would be a big story – not to mention the press council.
This does NOT seem as if you have “set the record straight”; it reads as if you got caught out.
It’s hard to believe…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic today tonight last year in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi Del
Let me see if I get what your saying – The ABC report was all lies – which means the mentorees must have become milionaires but lied to the ABC.
But you lashed out at the mentorees for being lazy.
Lazy mentorees with the ABC program that exposes lies being the real one telling the lies.
I get it.
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic today tonight last year in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 3 months ago
Yes, Del, thats one opinion. There are other opinions though that he was lucky to escape prosecution in the same way as that other milionaire maker (Henry Kay) got charged.
Heres one explanation – called ‘Milionaire Make Believe’ which is hard to argue with…
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic TRIBUNAL RULES WRAP CONTRACT “UNJUST†in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 3 months ago
You have NOT given one word of reply to my question about why you use Jenman’s parent to criticise him.
Please tell me how Jenman has done sometghing wrong because of something a parent may have done when you bought from the parent 8 years ago.
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic TRIBUNAL RULES WRAP CONTRACT “UNJUST†in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi Terry, This is a postive article; he says its good news for buyers which looks true – not sure that st eve would say a buyer not paying is an opportunity. Surely not? Id challenge him on that if i was ste ve.
And, Richard, you bought units from his parent and the parent did the wrong thing? This makes Neil Jeman bad??!! Surely, we can find…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Feedback on ‘Custodian Wealth Builders’ in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 4 months ago
Why don’t u ask him yourself?
Amazing how, as ive said before, its so easy to goss and gassbag here and yet so few have the character to ask the person being gossed about.
Would you like someone else to send a message to Jenmen for you???
Hey, Neil, who do you like?
Surely that’s not so hard. But i guess its easier to just to put a post on a…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic LAND BANKING – PROS V CONS in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago
I heard this guy was on TV recently. Aparently a reporter did a big expose on him. Anyone see it? If so, what happened?
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Hans Jakobi in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 5 months ago
How strange that Hans would use Ed Chan to try to make Hans look good. Hans is much more credible than Chan imho.
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic The Investor’s Club in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi Rob
Your comment, “Richard, you can never be sued successfully by anyone for telling the truth or simply stating facts.” is NOT true, mate. Not even close.
Basic Law 101 teaches that it not enough to just state the truth; many huge payouts have been made against truth tellers. It has to be “in the public interest” as well as true – and even…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic Discussions concerning Jenman in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 5 months ago
Hey Dr X
I think Jenman is sure getting under yourskin.
It makes me larf to see the way some of the people on this forum try to find fault with Jenman. “He’s making money from controvesy. He’s making money from franchise. Oops, he doesn’t have a franchise. He must charge investors. But how? Maybe its from his boo ks.”
So, how does he make his…[Read more]
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic LAND BANKING – PROS V CONS in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for all the great information!!
Getting together with other investors seems a great way to go. However, I wonder if there are laws about getting money from others. Would ASIC come after us if, for instaance, we (my brother and I) placed ads for partners.
Maybe I should call ASIC myself?!
Leo Chekhov replied to the topic LAND BANKING – PROS V CONS in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago
Yes, once the land zoning is changed the value will jump at least three times (often much more); but you need to be really careful that you do NOT pay to much to start with.
I have been doing more research on this and the info from the UK is really frightening. This fellow Cleeve and ELS are not the only ones, there seems to be a whole industry…[Read more]
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