kat13 replied to the topic What’s One Big Thing you’d like to Accomplish in 2013? in the forum Forum Frolic 11 years, 1 month ago
My 2014 goals are;
1. Lose 5 kg's
2. Survive a fulltime year of uni with 3 kids
3. Continue to research and educate myself on property investing
4. Put a plan onto paper!kat13 replied to the topic Property prices still rising??? in the forum General Property 11 years, 8 months ago
Interesting to see, I am in Mulgrave VIC.
An option we were seriously considering was to change our PPOR into IP and purchase another…..we seriously need to upgrade but I feel the cost of rebuilding is worth us pursuing instead. But that just means a delay in buying an investment property
kat13 replied to the topic PPOR to IP how to question in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Nope no cash at the moment…..and I am off work for maternity leave. My plan is to finish uni – June 2015 and then will be at work fulltime so can service any extra's in loans etc…hence why I want to do this at that time and not now.
kat13 replied to the topic PPOR to IP how to question in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Yep Terry it has its own separate account number.
Either way – it all still sounds do-able to this point. I am just unsure about using the 90K as a deposit for a PPOR – that would then mean we are lending 100% to buy doesn't it?
kat13 replied to the topic PPOR to IP how to question in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Hey Jamie, we have no other debt other than the PPOR and the 90K which is sitting back into loan. I was thinking to create another offset for the new PPOR so have two loans and two offset accounts…one for new PPOR and one for the IP?
Terry thanks for your comment, was hoping you'd post
Not sure if this even makes a difference – the 90K is…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic PPOR to IP how to question in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Hey Paul, thanks heaps for your reply.
Ok so basically extra income from rent should be placed in an offset, and I assume I could use this for any repairs/maintenance/insurances etc as needed for the IP.
And then as this offset account grows, obviously the interest payments would reduce somewhat, giving the property to appreciate in capital…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 2 months ago
Too funny, but so gross thinking about it
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 3 months ago
Aaahh ok then, time to rethink a few things before I go ahead with the rest of this.
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 3 months ago
I wasn't that alarmed because we really didn't even think about claiming the interest as we are using part of that for personal use. A portion of that was only going to be used as a deposit towards the investment.
So for future investments, what should I be doing? Is it best to go for the whole loan altogether where equity can contribute but I…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 3 months ago
We pulled out the equity on our house – 90K which got paid into cash into our offset account until we were ready to get something…but we are also using 30K for personal improvements which is maybe why it was done that way????
We are currently waiting on preapproval for the rest (not sure how much we can get – but broker indicated up to 400K all…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 3 months ago
PLC – Its sitting in my offset account at the moment, linked to my PPOR loan – hoping that's the best option.
kat13 replied to the topic Worth looking at 1 bedrooms?? in the forum General Property 12 years, 3 months ago
Yeah I wasn't too keen on high rise apartment stuff, the one I have found is on a unit, ground dwelling. The only thing is, its unit number 3 of 6 on the block and it looks as though each unit is divided by a wall, so its a common wall. and I am not a fan of having the laundry in the bathroom – but that's my personal distaste.
kat13 replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years, 3 months ago
Great, so at least we are on the right track.. We have pulled out our equity in cash, so just have to find that awesome IP now.
kat13 replied to the topic Carbon Monoxide in the forum Heads Up! 12 years, 3 months ago
There will be a crack down in rental properties over the next decade or so, I am studying to become an environmental health officer and we are researching this currently.
If you take a look at food premises regulations, guarantee some of those items will be similar to future implementations, ie leaking gas appliances, ventilation of property,…[Read more]kat13 replied to the topic Self managed super fund to purchase IP in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for all the info guys, will look into all of that. Yeah I thought I should shop around first because it didn't sound too great paying $1200 a year….that's just what my accountant would charge me…god knows for what.
Esuper sounds good as I'd like to have my tax returns etc done in the same place too.
kat13 replied to the topic Need some clarification with my loan structure in the forum Finance 12 years, 8 months ago
So pay extra in my current mortgage for my house I am living in and roll over the investment into another period of IO? Makes sense in a way, I was very confused about the benefits of doing IO as it seems the difference is really small between paying IO and P&I so I thought it might be better to pay P&I on the investment, that way by the time I…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic Turning your own home into an investment in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 8 months ago
Not sure why that happened, my account seems to be set to allow emails?? Anyhow I’ll shoot through an email to you tomorrow.
kat13 replied to the topic Turning your own home into an investment in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 8 months ago
Interested in the spreadsheets streamlineinvesting – are you able to message me your email or something?
kat13 replied to the topic Horsham Property? in the forum General Property 12 years, 8 months ago
I checked out some listings for Horsham as they seem to have some good returns…..but I am a little worried about the listings I have seen, they have the following listed;
This property has been inspected for white ants by Bug ‘R’ Off Pest Busters, an independent qualified pest control company using their termite detection sniffer dog, which…[Read more]
kat13 replied to the topic A sustainable town – Port Augusta in the forum General Property 12 years, 8 months ago
lbluedento – sounds like you may have heard some negative things about Port Augusta???
My uncle has invested there and visits regularly – but I am cautious about this as he is a property manager so I don’t want to be unnecessarily swayed.
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