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  • karen. replied to the topic My situation … in the forum Finance 12 years, 5 months ago

    Yeah but derek we have to move, and I refuse to pay rent :)  No room in our house for the next baby which is due to arrive in June!!  Who said having four kids wouldnt be too much of a life change haha!!  We are currently in a three bedroom house with a family of five (soon to be 6) …. the new house is a 5 bedroom with a granny flat out the ba…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic 3rd toilet?? in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 11 months ago

    hubby crumbled … toilet it is :)

  • karen. replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    i live in moranbah and the crap has hit the fan with this FIFO thing.  if FIFO is approved itll be terrible for the community here.  we already struggle to keep businesses in business here, with rents mostly over the $1000 mark.  its too unsettled in the 'bah at the moment, I wouldnt invest here until its all sorted and we know whats happening wi…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic townsville property market? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 3 months ago

    fabulous!!  i have that mg but havent read it yet.  still in its plastic :)  what good timing! :D  thanks for that

  • karen. replied to the topic Reno with clean hands in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 7 months ago

    for us it made MORE financial sence to get tradies to do all the work.  with us it woulda taken months to get all the work done, but only one week for all the tradies to do it – and they did a better more professional if it had taken 12 weeks (at only doing it on weekends cos hubby works, and we live 2 hrs from investment prop) we woulda…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic URGENT – contract without finance clause in the forum Finance 13 years, 8 months ago

    Cant get to email away from home sorry.  ive got just about everything crossed :)  the house is perfect for our next investment,  hopefully itll work out.Thanks Richard

  • karen. replied to the topic URGENT – contract without finance clause in the forum Finance 13 years, 8 months ago

    thanks richard – unfortunately i ran out of time to come back here and check ur message!  so i went to the meeting without viewing here first  – husand wasnt comfortable leaving off a finance clause, so we added one, but only made it 14 days.  im not sure if all towns are the same but the norm here is 21+ days.  and we did the pest/b…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic bank holding up settlement in the forum Finance 13 years, 8 months ago

    ok time for an update:  they agreed to the extention til monday but requested early entry.   they got in there this arvo.    phew!

  • karen. replied to the topic FINALLY ….. in the forum u can call ur blog anything 13 years, 8 months ago

    u can call ur blog anything u want :)  as if i would mind :D hahahad a quick look at ur blog and i love the look of ur reno!!  ill come back tonight once the kids are down and have a proper read and comment.  im in the middle of the nighttime routine …. which im sure u know what its like haha.  dinner cooking, kids running around naked after bat…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic FINALLY ….. in the forum General Property 13 years, 9 months ago

    thanks jess :)  sounds great!  ur plan is similar to what im wanting to do with my next house.  u should blog so i can follow u  :)

  • karen. replied to the topic FINALLY ….. in the forum General Property 13 years, 9 months ago

    yep as soon as it was out of contract we would only have to wait a week or so then itd be under again.  they all dropped cos of finance.

  • karen. replied to the topic deposit when first signing a contract in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    k thanks.  just askin cos we have had another contract fall through due to finance on the house we are trying to sell.  its costing us so much in advertising but the house keeps going under  contract.  then by the time the contract crashes its been a month and we are due again for another lot of advertising.  was hoping to recoop some of my cost…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic PIGS for Chicks in Perth in the forum Heads Up! 13 years, 11 months ago

    ouch thats a bit come along if i was there. sounds like a good social group for ppl who have similar interests.  where i live ive only managed to find one other girl who is happy to talk property alot.  i wish there was more girls here to bounce ideas off!have fun! :)

  • karen. replied to the topic What type of reno do you recommend for 1st timer? (in Brisbane) in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 11 months ago

    we did our first reno last year, and plan on doing another 2 next year.we were looking for a house that fit the following criteria. and the house we bought had to have all of the following:1.  floorcoverings needing to be replaced2.  needing an internal repaint3.  outdated window coverings/light fittings4.  because it was our first reno we per…[Read more]

  • karen. replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax exemption in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    u are correct about 6 yrs of CGT free.  its a great loophole hey :D  i bet the government takes that away at some stage cos its too cozy ;)

  • karen. replied to the topic PURCHASING INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN MINING TOWNS?? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago

    i wish i was into property investing 5 yrs ago when i arrived in moranbah.  i would be a very happy woman :)

  • karen. replied to the topic Best way to put in offers?? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago

    we got a house lastyear that was listed at $330k and we got it for $250k.  so ya never know unless u ask!!!!  if i wasnt ballsy that day i very well may have paid a hell of alot more for that house. im soooo glad i risked offending cos it worked in my favour :)good luck with your offer!  let us know how u went

  • karen. replied to the topic Managing Agents in the forum General Property 13 years, 12 months ago

    word of mouth worked for me.  my PM is awesome.

  • karen. replied to the topic What’s up with Darwin in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    wow linar i love stories like that   :)  motivates me!!  and also makes me frustrated that we arent ready to purchase again just yet!  its so bitter sweet haha

  • karen. replied to the topic LOC for maintainence and repayment surplus in the forum Finance 14 years ago

    in regards to the LOC i was just reading an article about this in the new API i just got in the mail.  so maybe grab an issue to stated that the LOC interest is tax deductible.  and supported the use of these loans to pay for those other IP expenses.  i had never thought of using them that way and im so glad that was brought to my at…[Read more]

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