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  • Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Cyclist,

    1. Try the web for properties for sale in the area of a similar nature to what you will build for their asking price.

    2. Get estimates from a builder or project builder (this is probably the cheaper option)to build on your block

    3. Don’t forget to add for the completion of the property – driveways, carpet, blinds, light fittings, landscaping etc etc etc

    4. Ask a real estate agent in the area for an estimate on the sale price. I would go to them once you have chosen a house design so they know what it will be like completed.

    5. Don’t forget your closing costs such as agent fees, solicitors fees etc

    Then if there is still money in it, GOOD LUCK.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Everyone,

    I am self employed & so lucky enough to not worry about the outcome of all this. However, I do try to keep up to date & like Foundation have tried to read all that I can obtain on the topic. I frequently debate the idea with family members which ends up heated & getting us nowhere.

    I suppose the question I have is, everyone is saying how it is going to effect the unions but what has the union done for you lately & are the worth it???

    Don’t forget I am not in one so I am unaware of all the benefits but I have spoken to people that work on building sites who have had jobs shut down thanks to the union. Are they working for or against??? Could this be alot of hype on there part to get members???

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    Just the laugh I needed – LOL

    EXCELLENT!! (Still laughing!!)[laugh4][laugh4]

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Everyone,

    I will try & clear up the GST question for you. When buying a commercial property with a lease, the lease can be seen as carrying on a business in that you are the landlord deriving a “business” type income. There is no GST on businesses being sold as a going concern however, in order to continue the business of deriving rent you require all the tools (in this case the property) which then makes the property GST exempt.

    With regards to the GST on the rent, it doesn’t matter whether your tenant is registered or not. GST will be charged by the landlord to the tenant if the landlord is registered. You as landlord will need to be registered only when you receive in excess of $50,000pa.

    So in your circumstances Anita, you will be deriving $13,000pa (given you have no other commercial properties) which is below the $50,000 & are entitled to a GST exemption on purchase so save yourself the headaches of a BAS & don’t register.

    Hope this helps. Oh & by the way, make sure you investigate the property properly as this return is low compared to the commercial properties I have also.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    I am not 100% sure on this but I think you will find you don’t pay stamp duty on the property but on the share transfer of the company. Given the company still remains the owner of the property but the shares in the underlying company are changing thus stamp duty is payable based on the company’s holdings ie how much cash, how much property etc.

    Hopefully other forum members can confirm or give some more incite.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi All,

    We live about an hour south of Sydney & we started in invest interstate. We could not handle the distance in trying to manage the property & so reigning our properties in to within a hour travelling time.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi John,

    Some things to look for would be three phase power, height of roller doors, accessibility for trucks (ie make sure there is no retaining walls, bins etc to hinder turning circle), thickness of slab, whether it has a mezzanine of whether one can be installed etc

    Just some ideas, hope they help.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Nasty situation… My first thoughts are to kill the valuer.

    Maybe put in the offer anyway, although the vendor knows what the valuer has said does not mean they will change too much & might just be happy to take the money & run.

    Good luck

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    Try approaching the local council to get details of who owns the property. As for how much they paid, some regions have that info available on the internet. If it is in Canberra or the South Coast of NSW try


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    I am going through this at the moment but we are now both in agreement to sell. I asked my solictor the same questions. Basically, you can’t engage a real estate agent to start marketing the property without all parties signatures on the sales agreement.

    I have requested a sales contract be drawn up by my solictor, however the property can’t be sold until all parties sign the contract. If it is forced & one party refuses to sign the contract for sale it goes to court. My solicitor advised that the court will probably declare that if you can’t buy the other party out then the property goes to auction & too bad, whatever price you get you get.

    The cost of going to court & the auction fees will obviously put you in a worse position so I was relying on my solictor to basically kick the other party in the pants & make them wake up to themselves regarding the offer that is on the table.

    Good luck & I hope it all pans out for you. These types of situations can be stressful. I have learnt one thing though, & that is I will not go into partnership to purchase a property again.


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    Do you have any equity in the property that would let you borrow for your business venture & keep the property?


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    Firstly, I would have to find out just how risky option two is. What I mean is, what is the average number of weeks it would rent out for at the higher rate. If on average this would still give a negative result, I personally would be looking to sell while it is still your PPoR avoiding the CGT.

    I would then put the extra money into your new PPoR reducing your non deductible home loan & look for the next positively geared investment.


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Great story Redwing. Just the laugh I needed to start the morning. But I am with you Sonja, it isn’t hard to imagine at all. What if it was from a council or something & was the reason to hold up a settlement?!?! He won in the end though.


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Just a quick note too, you actually can’t get landlords insurance on commercial property.

    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Guys,

    I hope the Sunday paper was right. I am waiting to list an investment property & it will obviously make a big difference. Our local paper said today we is not confirming. The other problem I see for me is that it won’t start straight away.


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Hi Dr X,

    I am proud to say that by no later than Christmas we will have my husband as a full time property investor. We started playing in the property market on, ready for this, Sept 11 2001. Very weird I know but thankfully we are doing well unlike the tragedy in USA.

    We are both currently running our own businesses as well as doing property development. It has come to a stage where we needed to reassess & decide where we wanted to be in the future & we decided to spend more time in property. As a result, we are selling all his business equipment etc, so that he can concentrate on the property side. Hopefully, in a few more years I will be with him but I am enjoying what I do for now.

    So, to answer what we do, currently it is property developing with profits being used on the next development or deposits on +cf properties. We want to move into the renos and subdivisions area such as dual occ etc. which he will now have the time to explore for us.


    Courage is not acting without fear but acting despite your fear.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82


    There are a lot of highs & lows in real estate but I suppose this is what keeps us going. The only advice I have for you is to educate yourself. Talk to as many people as you can & ask them you they use as their accountant or solicitor etc. I always find word of mouth is the best way.

    Good luck on your journey.


    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    I agree with Endless Summer.

    No amount of money can replace a potentially broken family life or the damage to your children. Start talking to agents…

    Good luck


    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    Dont’ Fight Facts,

    You have proven for me that you can have positive cashflow & capital growth in major cities – thanks.

    The other point I would like to make is who said anything about 100% finance? Imagine if you had a deposit & purchased with 80% finance?!?!? Not everyone likes LMI.

    Profile photo of JKMJKM
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 82

    The most I have ever done is put a holding deposit without having finance approved. But as this indicates, a holding deposit is just that, if I choose not to go ahead it is refunded to me in full.

    You should not sign a contract without finance, like Dr X has already warned.

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