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  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Technical Analysis in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks ez,

    I’ll have a read.


    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Technical Analysis in the forum No Subject 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi sis,

    I should have been more specific, I meant books in general…. probably should’ve posted a new topic but am busy surfing…



    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Technical Analysis in the forum No Subject 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi guys,

    Are there any books in particualr that you would recommend for young players? I’ve read steve’s, also two from the rich dad series, i’m reading on accounting at the moment…. very very dull…… ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz but I realise that I need to know it… any other really good books that I should be reading (property related)??

    [shades2]…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Picking your Investing ‘Team’ in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Derek and Mini,

    I’m ready to invest in the first of 5 houses for this

    year, am doing the last bit of due diligence as these

    will be my first ip’s… scary stuff!!! i’m sure that

    just like everything it gets easier and easier, i think

    that i’ll make a checklist for new players?

    have a good day

    One of these days i’m going to put…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Picking your Investing ‘Team’ in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    i’ll keep that in mind

    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic All i Want in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago

    oops…. Mel…. not mini.
    My bad,

    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic All i Want in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Mini,
    One of my best friends is in Canberra with work. Great guy! non-smoker, 25 (i think?? young pup anyway) very fit, very funny.. if you’re keen send me an e-mail and i’ll make sure that he’s still single?? (haven’t spoken for a few weeks, might be taken?)
    what’s the worst that could happen? good cup of coffee and you guys don’t…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic who plans to buy in the next 12 months in the forum No Subject 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Westan,

    Happy new year! (I’ve had a long vacation) [:D]

    Five this year mate, I’ve found some good +cf properties (yes, if you look hard enough they are still there!) I’m not sure if i’ll have the dollars for all five but am changing my reality and trying anyway.

    I might have some larger deals around 600K that don’t interest me at the moment;…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Picking your Investing ‘Team’ in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Pisces,
    I need to find decent builders all around the country. i guess i’ll have to just use the yellowpages? i have a great builder in brisbane but none around the rest of aus.


    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Overseas Property Investing in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    thanks for your replies.

    Where do you work? I’m currently looking for a CPA in the North Queensland area. I’d ideally like to build my entire investment team around that area but I’d be happy to have them scattered accross the four winds if they were worth their weight. It would be nice though to be able to operate on a face to…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic All i Want in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hi guys,

    back from vacation and well and truly back into work (but not forever!!!)

    I wish that you all get your wishes. I wish that everyone in the world was unselfish for just one hour a week. That way good, unselfish acts would continue to grow around the world as people realise that it feels great to help other people.

    p.s. mini, apparently…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic buying property unseen in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago


    I’m about to purchase two ‘sight unseen’ properties, the easiest way to do it is to have someone you trust (agent, friend, family) in that area to do some due dilligence for you. It’s up to you how you thank that certain someone, I’m going with a nice bottle of red.

    good luck,

    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny,…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Overseas Property Investing in the forum General Property 20 years, 6 months ago

    and not support the wallabies anymore?
    sorry, couldn’t do it!!!

    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Buying in New Zealand in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago


    Thanks, exactly what I needed.


    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Loans, Interest only? in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago


    Yep, I agree… IO seems to be the way to go with possible refinancing after the 5 years, either going to P&I with a view to holding onto the property or maybe just selling for the capital gains on the property? I guess it depends on each persons strategy, I’m curious as to what Michael posted about steve not recommending IO… why I…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic 14 Ideas to think about for 2004 in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks Redwing,

    Interesting read, always great to hear advice from someone with more experience.

    happy new year,

    One of these days i’m going to put a good, funny, witty comment here.

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Overseas Property Investing in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Steve, Julian, Michael.

    Thanks for your replies.

    Thanks for your reply, also thanks for starting this website so other investors can get good advice in a quick fashion as well as experience from people who have already jumped the same hurdles.

    You must have run into critic after critic… I’m constantly told by friends and family that…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Loans, Interest only? in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi guys,

    Redwing, so in effect if you have an IO loan and all of your repayments are tax deductable every single cent your paying onto the loan is a tax deduction. If you hold several properties on IO loans tax time would be a very nice time of the year indeed!!

    I can understand why some people would prefer to just pay the P&I and until your…[Read more]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic Profit Program in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Mr Charchie,

    That would be great, thanks.

    itsamoorey ([email protected])[:D]

  • itsamoorey replied to the topic NZ Mortgage Consultant in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago


    I’m in exactly the same boat at the moment, any

    chance you could share your experiences with me

    once you’ve purchased the property? I’ll be doing

    exactly the same in roughly one month.


    itsamoorey ([email protected])[:)]

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