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  • adambc replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum No Subject 17 years, 12 months ago

    Hi guys,

    Well unfortunately my poor wife has come down with something overnight, and is not feeling well enough to get to this meeting this evening. We’re both really disappointed, but wish you all well – and hopefully we’ll see you all at the next one! Thanks again to Colin for organising this – I’m sure it will be very worthwhile.

    Have a great…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic sign in in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 18 years, 1 month ago

    I’m with you Elka. I never have an issue with it. Having said that – I look forward to experiencing this new forum Brent speaks of! Exciting stuff!

    Thanks once again to the administrators for providing such a great FREE resource for us all!



    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum No Subject 18 years, 1 month ago


    Count me in at this stage – I’ll just confirm with my wife, but we’re certainly keen.

    Tue nights are no good for us, so I’m thrilled that you’ve chosen a Wed! Thankyou.

    As for finger food – I wouldn’t bother getting too involved in organising too much. We can all just show up, order our own dinner or snacks or drinks, and then sit down…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago

    I’d certainly be keen, depending on the date. Coming from the city.



    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the Dream!
    [email protected]

  • adambc replied to the topic Where in the world would you live in the forum Forum Frolic 18 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Don,

    I just couldn’t resist answering this one, as it’s something my wife and I discuss often!

    I am from Brissie while she is from Eastern Canada, so the obvious answer to a) is Brisbane and Halifax.

    The answer to b) is where it gets interesting… and I’ll let my lovely wife answer for herself if she so chooses. But for me:

    – Brisbane
    -…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic A Bit of Encouragement in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Searcher,

    There is a Search function on this forum – look under “Forums” at the top of the page, hover the mouse over it and you will get a drop down box. Click on Search. Then do a search for “caravans” and you will see a lot of topics asking similar questions to yours.

    I hope that helps!



    PS. Great to hear some great…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Calculators gone? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi as41,

    I’ve never seen any calculators on here, and I’ve been a member for a while now. Having said that, it’d probably be a good idea to have a section like that here!

    Probably not the 11 Sec Solution though – it’s fairly simple to understand. Purchase Price of property / 1000 x 2 =<Rent.

    So for a $100K property …. $100K / 1000 = $100 x 2…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Extra Repayments Calculator in the forum Finance 18 years, 3 months ago


    I’ve just gone back and actually put your example into my calculator (which I’ve only made a weekly thing at this stage – someday I’ll get around to giving the option of fortnightly or monthly, but I’m not THAT bored just yet!), and by my calculations, if you repay weekly, you will be paying $305.83pw. If you pay an extra $50pw (=$200pm…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Advice wanted on wraps in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 3 months ago


    I suppose you could get the client to do that work for you, however you must bear in mind that they will be looking at the house from a very emotional point of view, whereas you will look at it purely as an investment. Therefore there is quite some potential for them to either miss, overlook or gloss over various problems or issues with the…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Extra Repayments Calculator in the forum Finance 18 years, 3 months ago


    I’ve developed a simple excel spreadsheet that does exactly what you’re after. I’d be happy to send it to you if you PM your details to me.

    Thanks must go to Jaffasoft for providing me with that elusive equation that works out P&I repayments on a loan – without that, this calculator would never have happened! I also therefore recommend…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Advice wanted on wraps in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 3 months ago

    Originally posted by joshknack:
    1. What sort of investment vehicle is best? At the moment I am thinking it should be a private company, but are there ever problems with securing finance for such a vehicle?

    You’re best to speak with an accountant on this one. I’ve taken out my further comment here, as I am not qualified in any way to give advice.…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Our next fling in the forum General Property 18 years, 3 months ago


    Great to hear! Well done – after reading Kiyosaki’s “Retire Young Retire Rich” where he talks about it becoming easier and easier as you move further up in the investing world, I have often thought about this concept. So it’s really good and encouraging to hear about a “real” person actually living this concept (and in Australia…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi mumofthree,

    A good post, and a good question. This is something that Steve tries to get across quite often – YES this looks good from an 11 second solution point of view. But the point Steve keeps making is that this equation is simply a FILTERING device – it just narrows down the field of potential properties to those which MAY return a…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic wealth creation in the forum No Subject 18 years, 4 months ago

    G’day Nathan,

    Good on you for getting out there and doing something about your financial situation – I wish you all the best.

    Have a look at the following link to give you one (very one-sided!) view of this guy:

    But then to give you an idea of just how one sided that view…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Broker in Sydney? in the forum Finance 18 years, 4 months ago

    Considering what you do for us Richard, I’d be happy to be your coffee buddy every day of the week![biggrin]



    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the Dream!
    [email protected]

  • adambc replied to the topic Is this A good Return? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    Another quick thought – if you are keen to dig deeper into these deals, feel free to share elements of your due diligence with the forum. There are some very experienced property investors who frequent this place, and you may get some help / advice / suggestions / ideas that you would otherwise not have even considered.

    What I’m trying to say is…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Is this A good Return? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    Hi again Swifty,

    On the surface these numbers look great – the key is what surrounds the numbers. This is where your due diligence comes in. You need to be able to determine what the risks are in the deal.

    In my work we sometimes use a tool called a “SWOT Analysis” – it stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. And it works as…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago


    Great work! Well done.

    They ARE still out there!

    All the best,


    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the Dream!
    [email protected]

  • adambc replied to the topic Premium Finance: What’s your opinion on this one. in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 4 months ago


    Great to hear that you had such a great time in Brizzy – it’s not such a bad spot is it! (Yes I’m biased!)

    I must give you a BIG CONGRATS for sticking to your guns and not purchasing anything on your trip – you were very wise and very self disciplined. Now you have some breathing space, and you can sit back and objectively analyse the info…[Read more]

  • adambc replied to the topic Is this A good Return? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago


    I’m afraid I’m with Simon – way outside my knowledge base!

    Best of luck though – keep learning and keep asking and you will eventually find all the answers you need.



    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the Dream!
    [email protected]

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