All Topics / Help Needed! / Alliancecorp or Investors Prime Real Estate

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  • Profile photo of mliewmliew
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 3

    Hi investors,

    I am pretty new to property investments. I am currently in Melbourne. I am looking to purchase my first investment property. I have been watching a few videos on Youtube and came across videos by AllianceCorp and Investors Prime Real Estate by Konrad Bobilak.

    I am considering attending their seminars.

    Does anybody have any experience going through them?

    Does anybody have any recommendation regarding property advisors? I am looking for Melbourne experts.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Hi Merv,
    I think it is always good to learn – going to seminars is one way to do this, along with books, structured courses, meeting with other investors, etc. One piece of useful advice is to always consider “what is in it for them?” when attending seminars. Like, are they wanting you to buy a piece of real estate from them? If so, how would you know you are getting a good deal? Do you have any experience of prices in the area in which they are selling (if that is what they do…).

    So, let me suggest that you share your goals on here, to get ideas from others that seem to fit in with your plans. See, there are many ways to invest in Real Estate – which way were you thinking of going? Do you have a goal in mind re your investing? Are there ways to invest that WON’T suit you (e.g. renovations, developments)?

    Steve would probably say “Buy problems and sell solutions!” To be doing that, consider that a new house is a solution, and you will be paying high dollars to purchase it (unless you are doing your own development). Does this group source 2nd-hand properties for you, or are they only selling new ones? Or are they in a different part of the Real Estate “food chain”? e.g. are they Buyers Agents, or Real Estate agents? What do they do?

    By all means, go along and check out their seminar, but leave your credit card at home. Then report back to us what you found, and whether their style “fits” with you – or not.

    Are they advocating selling something new to you in a place unknown to you, and do they have a “one-stop-shop” operation where they can provide finance, a solicitor, etc (but you MUST sign today….). If THAT happens, get out of there QUICK!!

    But go to the seminar – should be fun… I usually learn something from every seminar, even if what they are selling doesn’t suit me. And who knows just who you might meet there (by networking with other attendees). ;)


    Profile photo of mliewmliew
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Benny,

    Thank you for the wise words.

    I have registered to attend Investors Prime Real Estate 2 day seminar by Konrad Bonilak.

    April 1 – 2 Sat/Sun

    I am waiting to hear back from them regarding my registration.

    I am not affiliated with them.

    Apparently its Free but we will see.

    It is a 2 Day seminar.

    These are the panel of speakers or experts

    Day 1
    Classroom Workshop
    Finance, Asset Protection, Cash Flow Analysis

    Day 2
    There is a road trip on a Bus
    Its called a Property Due Dilligence

    I am very curious to see what they will offer.

    I will let you know


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of mliew mliew.
    Profile photo of Ethan TimorEthan Timor
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 282

    I don’t know these guys but this sentence caught my attention:

    Apparently its Free but we will see.

    It reminded me of th saying: “if you’re not paying for it, then you’re the product” 😉

    Ethan Timor | Aligned Finance Pty Ltd
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    Active Investor & Broker; Based in Northern NSW, servicing Australia wide; Author of '34 Proven Ways to Maximise Your Borrowing Power' (download free from our website)

    Profile photo of mliewmliew
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Investors,

    I just finished Day 1 of Investors Prime Real Estate Fast Track seminar and here are my honest opinions.

    In terms of content it is no different from watching their videos on their YouTube channel. Even the PowerPoint slides they are presenting are the ones used on their videos, down to the words their are presenting.

    So if you have watched all their videos then you probably would not find anything new or different on Day 1.

    1. Day 1 was pretty much all about introduction to Property Investing. They showed a lot of graphs and charts talking about median prices and how property prices have gone up and up. How experts have got it wrong and the prices are not crashing. He refered quite often to his upcoming book.

    As a sales professional, I completely understand. He disclosed that he is a Real Estate agent and he makes commissions off property developers. He is not a Buyers Advocate.

    The seminar is Free because it was sponsored by Service providers – Savvi Accounting, Loans Australia and a Real Estate Agency (I cant remember the name)

    2. He focus mainly on the topic of Financing albeit it was pretty basic (I guess its fair – you can’t teach this stuff in a 8 hour seminar). It’s more about explaining the concepts of how you should use leverage, debt and property to increase your wealth over time. They did mentioned the perils of using cross collateralisation which I think is important.

    3. He did touch on the subject of location specifically focusing on areas with high median income, low stock (property supply), high demand, top schools. He loves the bayside, eastern, south eastern suburbs. His rational is that yes its expensive but these suburbs have more potential to double in prices because of the types of buyers that buys – High income, white collar, professional. He mentioned to stay clear of the growth corridors of the north and west. Yes, great population growth, cheap but too many supply of stock which in turn drive down prices and capital growth over the long term.

    4. One presenter that came up to talk was the accountant from Savvi Accounting. She talked a lot of about the importance of setting up proper structures to protect your assets via Trust. This is the most important point that I got from Day 1. I am going put priority when it comes to the structures of my investments.

    5. Overall if you are new to property investment and have not watched his videos, I think its good to attend. He gives you an idea of how property investment should be. It is also a good opportunity to network and talk with like minded people and most importantly to get the contacts of professional service providers (accountants, brokers etc). Konrad will provide the names of these providers that he recommends at the end of Day 2.

    Ok that is my opinion on Day 1

    Day 2

    This is the bus tour. They will be taking us out on a tour to visit Townhouse development sites of key suburbs. We will be given a tour inside some of the properties that have completed I think.

    (I guess this is where the money is made :)) Konrad have a selection of key properties that he recommends to get.

    We will start at

    And finish at Mornington

    For a free trip I think its worth spending my 2 weekends :)

    Then back to the city to finish up.


    Profile photo of CaoramaCaorama
    Join Date: 2018
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Merv, Would be interesting to hear more about this. Did you end up implementing some of these strategies? Have you ended up working with these guys? Where are you at on your property investment journey since last year. Cheers, Caorama

    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425

    Of course they make commission from Property Sales. If you go to a lawyer or an accountant you pay fees for advice. However if you do your own research and buy through an agent the agent makes a commission which you are indirectly paying for.

    So the question you should ask is the property good and value for money. In this day and age you can do lots of research yourself and know whether the deal is ok.

    If you blindly buy without doing your own due diligence you only have yourself to blame if it goes wrong.

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
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    Profile photo of rob-warob-wa
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 36

    Nigel is right, there is always somebody wanting a piece of the action. Even if they’re a self-promoting mentoring guru ,who you pay highly for their service. They are also on the receiving end of commissions from the deals you do.
    Watch out for the Sharks that used to promote Florida. They will bled you dry and you won’t see your money again.
    Speaking from personal experience..

    Profile photo of fxdaemonfxdaemon
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 114

    Hi Merv,

    Have you got any further with after attending the seminar, ie reaching out to their
    finance broker, accountant etc ?

    If so, mind sharing your opinion on them?


    Profile photo of StevenSteven
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 189

    This is the bus tour. They will be taking us out on a tour to visit Townhouse development sites of key suburbs. We will be given a tour inside some of the properties that have completed I think

    Forget it.

    You are buying a solution. Stay away from them.

    Profile photo of StevenSteven
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 189

    Another rule of thumb is “you make the money when you buy”.

    You don’t “buy something to lose money and hope to make money in a few years”. You need to make sure before you even buy, what you will buy is going to be making money as soon as you buy it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Profile photo of Steven Steven.
    Profile photo of JAMESJAMES
    Join Date: 2018
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Merv
    just wondering how you are travelling with your investment portfolio. Have you used Konrad or any or his affiliates like Steven McClatchie in any way at all since the weekend?
    I have followed Konrads videos and his words resonate with me well, but Im unsure on how others have faired with him afterwards. I am booked in for his Feb 2019 seminar to see him firsthand.
    In regards to Alliancecorp I know first hand to stay clear from them as they really are property sprukes that will sell you house land packages in areas like Melton south promising capital growth. My brother used them a few years ago and was constantly lied to about a house land package he had purchased through them. In the end threatened legal action, only then had the issues been resolved.

    Profile photo of anaasanaas
    Join Date: 2020
    Post Count: 1

    Anyone in 2020 who can share any updates on this thread?



    Profile photo of AndyAndy
    Join Date: 2019
    Post Count: 0

    Anyone here who actually purchased property from Konrad Bobilak? I can only see reviews on the web from ppl who attended his seminars. I am following his content on YouTube and is interested to hear from someone who bought from him?

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