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Ethan Timor

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Cross-collateralisation ever a good idea? in the forum Finance 5 years, 11 months ago

    It’s like with many other professions.

    How can you be certain your solicitor isn’t dragging the procedures, all in order to get more billable hours?

    How can you be certain your mechanic isn’t neglecting certain aspects or inflating other issues so he could profit more from you?

    How can you know your tradie isn’t working slower than he can or…[Read more]

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic historical property prices in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 11 months ago

    Old issues of Australian Property Investors come to mind.

    Real estate agents in that suburb might be able to provide such data as well.

    How far at the past are you interested in?

  • Not a fan of uphill battles with councils, tbh.

    Can the land be subdivided?

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Building 3 x Townhouses questions in the forum Help Needed! 6 years ago

    Hi Suri,

    If I were you I would visit real estate agents and get from them estimations for vacant lot with plans, off the plan and established. That should help making the decision how to proceed 👍😎

    Once you know the above, would love if you’ll share it here.

    Hope this helps?


  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Cross-collateralisation ever a good idea? in the forum Finance 6 years ago

    Agree with the above.

    I get why the broker wants to avoid time wasters by locking them in with $1000 fee if not proceeding. It’s steep and we don’t do it but I get it.

    That said, there’s probably nothing there that says you have to accept his suggestion to x-coll. So you can simply go back to him and let him know that you want to proceed but a…[Read more]

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Cross-collateralisation ever a good idea? in the forum Finance 6 years ago

    Agree with the above.

    I get why the broker wants to avoid time wasters by locking them in with $1000 fee if not proceeding. It’s steep and we don’t do it but I get it.

    That said, there’s nothing that says you have to accept his suggestion to x-coll. You can simply go back to him and let him know that you want to proceed but as standalones. He ma…[Read more]

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Cross-collateralisation ever a good idea? in the forum Finance 6 years ago

    Agree with the above.

    I get why the broker wants to avoid time wasters by locking them in with $1000 fee if not proceeding. It’s steep but I get it.

    That said, there’s nothing that says you have to accept his suggestion to x-coll. You can simply go back to him and let him know that you want to proceed but as standalones. He may object (do…[Read more]

  • Come to meet, discuss, exchange and share experience and knowledge with fellow Property Investors while benefiting from the varying skills of each other. So much fun to be had! No hard sales guaranteed.

    Bring a mate and they get in for FREE! Bring two mates and you ALL get in for FREE, yay! (yes, we want more heads in the room please )

    Action…[Read more]

  • Come to meet, discuss, exchange and share experience and knowledge with fellow Property Investors while benefiting from the varying skills of each other. So much fun to be had! No hard sales guaranteed.

    Bring a mate and they get in for FREE! Bring two mates and you ALL get in for FREE, yay! (yes, we want more heads in the room please )

    Action…[Read more]

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Looking for advice on house problem in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 1 month ago

    You can also get in touch with the building inspection company and discuss concerns and urgencies with them. Good luck! 👍😎

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Analyzing Property in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 1 month ago

    Instead of asking us to provide you with a full list, how about you let us know what you included and we’ll add what we think is missing? 😉

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Splitting ppr double block + selling + capital gains in the forum General Property 6 years, 2 months ago

    Interesting ideas, thx! 👍😎

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Splitting ppr double block + selling + capital gains in the forum General Property 6 years, 2 months ago

    Alright, but still… once the subdivision takes place, at least one of the lots is subject to CGT, right?

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Unique property deal in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 2 months ago

    Tall order.

    It’s basically a finance deal (presuming you will eventually buy the property). Definitely buyer will want to make a healthy profit. Taking into account purchasing costs and opportunity cost, you might find that it won’t be cheap to buy back the property…

    Which suburb is it in?

    Will you be renting it?

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Splitting ppr double block + selling + capital gains in the forum General Property 6 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Terry,

    Are you happy to share an example how tax could be eliminated in such a scenario?

    I understand that one of the blocks will be considered PPOR (so no tax there) but the other surely will be considered IP so tax will be payable?


  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Selling land as House and Land package in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 3 months ago

    Hey mate,

    Am certain there are a lot of things you should look out for 😉

    It’s definitely one way to go about it.

    A couple of queries come to mind:

    1. What’s the benefit for you to sell H&L vs vacant? Higher price? More demand?
    2. Did you seek legal advice?

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic open mortgage in the forum Finance 6 years, 3 months ago

    Cheers, Terry. That’s good info 👍😎

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Best way to get interested son involved in the forum General Property 6 years, 3 months ago

    Perhaps show him what you’re doing? Maybe give him assistant duties? Nothing like learning the ropes by following your knowledgeable dad around 👍😎

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Fencing Dispute when developing property in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 4 months ago

    Patchy start… 😬😬 hope it will all be smooth sailing from here 🙏👍😎

  • Ethan Timor replied to the topic Fencing Dispute when developing property in the forum Help Needed! 6 years, 4 months ago

    Agree with Terry that there is no “correct” answer.

    I can get the logic of family A but why does family B believe both parties should pay for all fences?

    Did you guys happen to establish some dispute resolution mechanism? If not, is there a third party both families trust and can agree that her/his decision (after hearing both parties) will be…[Read more]

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Ethan Timor

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