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  • Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    fascinating post…I assume as you are expressing money in lakh then this is in India?

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    Yes I see what you mean Richard.  We are set up that way now with IPs but we were late starters and didnt even get into the game till our house in Oz was paid off  (living overseas for a few years back then)… I said , conservative  :-)

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    I dont think you can generalise re the value,  it will come down to buyer preferences just like yours.  Peronally, when I look at a property I look to see if the floor is in good condition and  is something most people wouldnt be put off by.  What type of floor it is doesnt bother me greatly.

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    my (conservative) view is that its generally best to reduce non deductible interest as much as possible as soon as possible 

    I think what you are saying is basically true and is also true of paying down principal …. it becomes easier to do over time.   For me avoiding reducing long term interest costs is the more powerful option.

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    thinkruss wrote:

    hi yarpos, yeah its a bit plush…not!  They tell me its a growth region with the new power plant that is to be built there plus all the work coming up in Gladstone. I thought there might be the chance of some good capital growth. What would be your suggestion? Do those figures not stack up??

    they may stack up depending on your income, what you want to put in and the real growth potential of the area.  The other poster here has given you a lead which may get you a more objective assessment of the areas potential,  something I am not in touch with.  I was just reacting to the price which more than equates to capital city prices ,  but then its booming up there

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    Scamp wrote:
    Auction clearance rates are very low at the moment ( 15% – 30% max )
    But you get some exposure to the market too, which may lead to private offers after the auction.
    It could be worth it, IF you plan to sell for a 'reasonable price'

    [/quote] sweeping generalisation re clearance rates, recent clearance rate in Sydney was about 48% and Melbourne 67% (where the original poster is talking about).  The only place I can find that  range to be correct is Brisbane.   I am looking at   and Real Estate Institute sites.   Is there another source I should be looking at?

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    they are beautiful old places if you like that style (which I do)…..good luck with the project

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    maxxi hasnt been back yet to comment,  so far the only thing I can think of is that tax cuts may reduce wage demands therefore help reduce product input costs and contain inflation.   I only ever did economics 101 ,  so would be happy to learn more.

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    Wow , a McMansion in Rocky isnt cheap is it?

    Why do you see this as a road to prosperity?   depending on your income and how little the money is you are talking about, 360k and $340 a week could well be a boat anchor on your progress.

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    Nucopia wrote:

    Does any one know a place that has factory seconds or cheap bathroom fixtures and fittings showers baths etc web site would be great.

    if you say where the reno is you may get some leads on this question

    also need to describe the starting state of the bathroom before anyone can make sense of a $1000 budget.   $1000 would be enough if you are handy and the work is superficial (paint, some limited re-tiling, new shower screen, vanity, cistern) If you are demolishing the room and relocating plumbing and draining then you probably wont get close.

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    I dont understand……how do tax cuts slow down the economy?  doesnt injecting more spendable cash into the hands of the masses keep it percolating along?….and encourage the RBA to take it away with interest rises

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    personally I wouldnt touch this,  too complex and remote.  The clincher for me is being interstate.  Its hard enough to pull a significant reno together when you can be on site every day or every few days.    Many other opportunities are out there.

    PS:  I am a conservative old fart and my opinion should be viewed in that light :-)

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    Sorry that your reasonable question has degenerated into a slanging match.  This forum is usually more productive than this but the dialogue seems to have gone downhill in recent weeks.   You might want to try and message some of the people here who make sense to you, to have a more sensible conversation.

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    who was talking about prestige properties?   scamp is offering relationship advice and the original poster was looking at a slightly tired worst house in a good street

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    just one persons opinion, re the value of the thread (assume he/she meant that rather than the whole forum) 

    10,000+ views and 240+ responses speaks for itself really

    probably has run its course though after many off topic wanderings,  and now comments about response formats and declarations of it being a waste of time…….we seem to be running out of relevant content.

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    thats an interesting idea and one that takes a longer term view than is usual here.  Short term-ism is a fatal flaw in human design I think.  I wonder sometimes how we would approach things if we lived for 500 years and had to suffer the consequences of our actions…..politicians with a 3 year view would look laughable,  but somehow our society accepts it now. Gee I'm philosophical today…..must be the red wine.

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    ormeau wrote:
    What makes you feel that I went to a school of concise-ness?

    its not about you ormeau, the quote(refer heading and last line) is hollandguys

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    we have just had a budget and it wasnt announced,  so sadly I doubt it for this year

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    kate2006 wrote:

    Well Yarpos I have just put an offer in !  Havent told my husband yet !!!! Only in my name.  I have spoken to a couple  of friends and I will sort out something until my husband sees I am right !!!!!
    Gee I hope I am !

    better change your forum name to "thrillseeker" I think.   I love the increasing use of exclamation marks …classic.

    I trust this assertive approach to life is one of the things he appreciated when he married you.

    Interesting times ahead……good luck with project and husband

    Profile photo of yarposyarpos
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    hollandguy wrote:
    ormeau wrote:
    yarpos wrote:
    why do you think nobody else does their research?

    just because we dont have the same perspective or communicate in the same patronising ranting style does not mean we are ill informed

    Why do you think I am a doomsdayer with a ones sided view of the world?

    Give up on peak oil,  point taken we don't need to hear it 100 times.

    I need to go to your school of concise-ness……….took me 20 lines to say the same thing in the end

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