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  • Thanks Mike for supplying a great report.  Very helpful.

  • WPC replied to the topic $20,000 saved. What to do? in the forum Creative Investing 13 years, 11 months ago

    Why don't you consider investing in a positive income property in the USA.  For example, I personally purchased one property for $13,500 put $5000 into it and it has been producing an income of $750 per month consistently for some time now.  Amanda

  • WPC replied to the topic Property Investing Mentors are they worth it? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Tiffany,I've personally taken part in some of these courses and they are worth it in terms of keeping you focused and accountable (whilst your under their wing) and you usually get a few really good tips and tricks to get you started.   A more cost effective place to start is to do what Jamie said and that's to hire out as many books on pro…[Read more]

  • WPC replied to the topic Setting up a trust in the forum Quick note just to say that 13 years, 12 months ago

    Quick note just to say that I loved the book Trust Magic…pity I lent it out to someone and never received it back…:(

  • WPC replied to the topic Ideas for Investment in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Aaron,It would seem to me that your very first step would be to go and see a mortgage broker so you know exactly where you stand financially.  Get pre-approved for the maximum loan you can (you of course don't have to use it all if you don't want to) so you know what your limits are and that way if a great opportunity presents itself you can…[Read more]

  • WPC replied to the topic Hidden costs for building a new project house in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, you might need to do things like features and levels survey, arborist reports (if there are significant trees on the block), heritage management plans (if it's under those areas)demolition…all these things can add thousands of dollars to your project.  Also, you can find economical architect pricing if you go through a company like ours…[Read more]


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