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  • seank replied to the topic Building with Dixon Homes in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

  • seank replied to the topic Another 0.5% interest rate prediction … in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    god_of_money wrote:
    Cutting tax will reduce the interest rates or slow down the economy… Maxxi you must live in la la land…Which professor of economy teach you about this?

    Maybe he was suggesting they may put less pressure on wages, however this will have little effect when you have every other profession like doctors,engineers,teachers…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic Any tips for investing? in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    Freya joined 28/5 @ 3:19pmPhillip joined the same day, 14 minutes later.

  • seank replied to the topic Another 0.5% interest rate prediction … in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    yarpos wrote:
    HiI dont understand……how do tax cuts slow down the economy?  doesnt injecting more spendable cash into the hands of the masses keep it percolating along?….and encourage the RBA to take it away with interest rises

    That was a political move by Rudd, which ultimately may backfire on him

  • seank replied to the topic Worst house in the best street in Ipswich Qld in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    kate2006 wrote:
    I have now revealed the house is in Ipswich Qld. I was worried someone may beat me to it.I will try and condense the background.A few weeks ago I had seen a beautiful house for sale in Ipswich and saw it was up for auction. Anyway I forgot about it then found out it was going for about $650,000.   I soon noticed there were a l…[Read more]

  • I agree with your comments, however to call them thieves & robbers would imply they had no CHOICE but to hand their money over, the fact is they did have a choice, and some responsibitly must lie with the investors,  It has happened before and will continue to happen, with even so called "blue chip" companies not immune.

  • seank replied to the topic Great rental area in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    Hmmm,Your name is Divorcee, this is your first post, and you're offering a "good property" for the "right investor", sounds just a little sus

  • seank replied to the topic lending institute , has anyone heard of them? in the forum Qlds007 wrote:
    Oh seank you
    16 years, 4 months ago

    Qlds007 wrote:
    Oh seank you sinic you ………. could be a bargain you will never now.

    Yes Richard, I had considered it , but then thought to achieve the same results in quicker time, I'd be better off flushing my life savings down the toilet.

  • seank replied to the topic lending institute , has anyone heard of them? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Mary Wilson wrote:
    Hi Guys. Sorry to burst the bubble of negativity, but i signed up with Lending Institute six months ago, and it has changed my life. I know that sites like this can be great for advertising, and I am sure that Trent is a great broker, but i changed my loan from a CBA 100% offsett to a Lending Institute loan (And belive be…[Read more]

  • Paul Graveling wrote:
    Hi guys.  Just browsing around and came across this website.  Thought I'd spread some news.I have just agreed to buy 3 duplex (pairs) of 3 bed 2 bath houses in the USA for $32,000 downpayment each and will get a payment back from the federal government of $73,000 for each, positive cashflow of over $40,000 per duplex.I w…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic List of things that can go wrong while investing in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Scamp wrote:
    This list wasn't meant as a discussion. It was meant to list the things that can ( or have gone ) wrong while property investing. I must thank the first reply for doing that, he gave me an insight into a few things I hadn't thought about. Please refrain from posting replies that don't add things to the list of things going wrong.…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic List of things that can go wrong while investing in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Scamp wrote:
    I thought it was a good place to put the list of things that can go wrong, so people who want to start investing can learn and see it's not all rosecolored free money : I'll give it a headstart , please let us know if you have more ( please don't post things that have already been said )1. House prices can go down-2.Renters can…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic Why invest in Dubai… in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 4 months ago

    sounds too dodgy and risky to me – why invest in an unknown, when you can profit in your own country.

  • seank replied to the topic Premium Finance. Anybody know about these guys? in the forum Finance 16 years, 4 months ago

     Annican great first post, what section of the company do you work for?

  • seank replied to the topic Has anyone heard of NexPlan? in the forum michaelparis wrote:

    Isn’t 16 years, 4 months ago

    michaelparis wrote:
    Isn't the power of synchronicity amazing, both Mike and Sandy with their query and GregA with his maiden post/response have joined on the same day (today).  Please share the good fortune that they taught you Greg so that we may all learn and become financially secure just like you. We are all here to share the learning and wo…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic post removed in the forum so lets get this 16 years, 4 months ago

    so lets get this right…….500k to be part owner of an overseas villa?when we sell you get 20% capital gain?no offence but sounds like scam of the century.

  • seank replied to the topic post removed in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 4 months ago

    hmmmmmmmm.. smells like a SCAM!!

  • seank replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

    aquarius69 wrote:
    I dealt with Premium Finance. Went through the whole process of the telemarketer contacting me, them flying me to Melbourne at a fee of $295 and their staff doing a presentation. Yes, I found they do charge a fee for their service but believe it is well worth it. They do absolutely everything for you and direct you in the right…[Read more]

  • seank replied to the topic Hot Markets around Australia in the forum General Property 16 years, 4 months ago

    still many areas with good propspects and medians under 200kBroken Hill NSW 125kMines/tourism/wind farmCharters Towers  Qld190knew gold mine/educationElizabeth SA 180krail link to cbd/new industryGeorge Town Tas 170kNew pulp mill and power stationGippsland Vic 128-220knew resource projects/transport linksGlen Innes NSW 155ktransport li…[Read more]

  • blogs wrote:

    seank wrote:
    Scamp have been spending too much time in those Holland cafes? Did you read the article properly? This relates to Public trustee houses, which can't be rented out and have nothing to do with the rental shortage.

    Ahhh Seank sure you read the article yourself? It isnt JUST about public trustee houses, it is also about…[Read more]

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