Rebecca Harrison started the topic GLENVILL HOMES in the forum General Property 8 years, 5 months ago
has anyone built with Glenvill?
Any news you know of them good or bad or links to look them up.
RebeccaRebecca Harrison replied to the topic Geelong in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi @benny,
sorry yes short on my writing as ive written it so much already.
I haven’t been cold called, I approached them as I have dealt with them before with an investment that fell through due to a marriage breakup.
I told them what I want to spend, they will take me on as they know I have it and are showing me what they have in house and…[Read more]Rebecca Harrison replied to the topic investment property in Norlane Geelong in the forum Forum Frolic 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi @benny,
its quite Similar I have notice it has fluctuated up and down 30 grand between a lot of property’s. I feel the difference is complete turn key as well, the one im looking at has everything included and all finishes on the inside. I don’t have to add extra such as clothes line, garden, paths etc. so there’s a 30grand difference and…[Read more]
Rebecca Harrison replied to the topic Investing Advice in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi Richard,
I have read this post did a search before I asked.
But also have found not enough depth it was all quite negative yes, without anyone giving personal advice of dealing with them.I’m also wary of negative talk without being able to back it up and I felt this didn’t quite back up what is wrong to deal with them.
I would like more…[Read more]Rebecca Harrison started the topic Investing Advice in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 5 months ago
Im looking at investing in Armstrong Creek, looking through the older posts people have posted on this up to 6years ago.
Does anyone have any positive or negative information regarding investing here?House and Land package with full turn key for around 400,000 for a 4bedroom house on a 400 block. I am looking at investing purposes it will…[Read more]
Rebecca Harrison replied to the topic investing in new estates in the forum General Property 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi Tom,
Did you invest in Armstrong creek?? and if yes how is it going seeing this post is 4yrs old.
I am looking myself at investing now with house and land package for around 400,000 on a 400 block.
RebeccaRebecca Harrison replied to the topic investment property in Norlane Geelong in the forum Forum Frolic 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi Sash,
I’m also looking at investing in Armstrong creek, I thought it was a new area but has seemed to be around for awhile.
I’m going through a company called Reventon for the complete house and land package to turn key for around d 403,000 4bedroom house on a block on 400.
How has the growth gone since you bought? looking that its also 12km…[Read more]
Rebecca Harrison replied to the topic Geelong in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 5 months ago
Wow this post was started 6yrs ago!!!How’s Armstrong creek investment looking now??
I’ve only just been approached to invest into Armstrong creek I thought it was a new release but it seems to have been around for awhile.
I’m investing through Reventon- house and land package full turn key at 403,000 is it worth it??