NATS12 replied to the topic EXPENSIVE WEDDINGS YET HIGH MORTGAGES in the forum General Property 17 years, 4 months ago
Leilah, I know you say you had the money to pay for the wedding you had, and that’s great and all, but when I look at your equity position what you are saying is that you spent 25% of your net worth on that one day. That to me seems excessive and short-sighted. Especially when you say that “I do agree that you can have just as wonderful a day…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic “Developer friendly” councils in the greater Melbourne area in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago
true michael that the council doesn't really matter. when i do numbers it's based on % and has no bearing what council it is. as far as i am concerned i don't know of a good council.vicgirl in response to your question, when looking at a single house development i'm more thinking along the lines of inner east, where the sinlge house development…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic “Developer friendly” councils in the greater Melbourne area in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago
I have dealt with Maroondah and found them pathetic (probably an understatment). I had to put a $34k deposit bond down down (regina, FYI you can place this down as a bank guarantee so you still earn interest on the money in the bank however it does still hold up $34k of your funds), they tried to fine me for 'destroying' a tree that was bluntly…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic building with national builders group in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 7 months ago
We are currently in the building process with National Builders and have just finished fixing stage so we’re very close to completion. I can not praise them enough to date. We haven’t moved in yet and had final inspection but the whole process has been great with them. I know people who’ve built with other big names and I can honestly say I don’…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic When to buy a luxury in the forum General Property 17 years, 7 months ago
hallg, that's very interesting that you mentioned the topic of your friends dad and telling him to spend up a bit and enjoy it because my husband and i were having this exact conversation last night.his parents are of the view to spend up and die with nothing in the bank and nothing to leave behind. mine have an asset base that returns enough…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic When to buy a luxury in the forum General Property 17 years, 7 months ago
so far only responses about not splashing out.
now to actually answer the question at hand:
I buy myself a coffee every morning. It’s $4 a pop and it’s one of the best luxuries. no matter where I am in the world a coffee prepared by somebody else is a luxury to enjoy each…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Townhouses in the forum General Property 17 years, 7 months ago
are you serious $200k for 110sqm!!!! no way.we're building a 200+sqm townhouse – single level not double, but 3 BR + study plus 2 living areas for well and truly under $200k.
NATS12 replied to the topic Investing in snow villages in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago
I love skiing and snow and love the idea of owning property in a snow village, BUT there’s a big problem with the aussie snow season. It generally lasts for the months of July and August (if you’re lucky you will see some white stuff in June and September but that’s a good season here), and the last few years have had very minimal snow cover…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic infringement for ‘destroying’ a tree in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 10 months ago
well my saga continues. over a week ago the council planning guy told me that he couldn't give a permit because the tree is already 'destroyed' so they've referred it to the infringement guy for enforcement. I asked if he could please get that person to call me before giving me a fine so we could discuss the matter and i could be told…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Rising sea levels – anyone threatened? in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 10 months ago
we are not looking back far enough. the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles.
we don’t know if due to human activity that the heating we are currently experience will ever change, however the likelihood is that the earth will go into a cooling stage. if it is soon enough is the question that needs to be answered.
agree that more needs…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Car Contracts in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 10 months ago
i’ve never heard of colour preferences.
if you’re buying a new car the contract has the colour. in 90 days they can make you one in japan and put it on a boat in the colour you like.
that sounds crazy. you shouldn’t have taken the car.
NATS12 replied to the topic Building at the Back in the forum in the overall cost of 17 years, 10 months ago
in the overall cost of things the gas conversion over to it’s own connection won’t be much – just a guess but maybe $2-3k max. will depend where they are connecting it to, what trench they have to dig etc.
the bigger overall picture and cost will be in getting a subdivision through to sell one off.
this is likely to include site survey,…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Suggestions needed on our position and intentions in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago
is there a need to upgrade your home. you still have a very substantial mortgage on your PPOR to consider, yet going to a $1m property would potentially add another $300k to yuor debts.the only option i see if you definitely want to pursue the PPOR upgrade is to sell off the investments and move to the $1m property. you'd still have a mortgage o…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic who replaces fences and pays for what? in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 10 months ago
well an update on the situation.I went out to the property to get some photos that demonstrate the fence's current situation and found the whole fence has been removed. I have not authorised the quote they've given me and have typed a letter to them but have nowhere to send it.This morning i rang the builder and asked if they decided they are…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Sub-Divide and sell land in the forum General Property 17 years, 11 months ago
i guess it’s all supply and demand.
It’s not hard to sell. Getting to the point of been available to sell is the hard part – ie. actually completing the subdivision and all the requirements.
If this is on a block that you live on and are cutting the back off be careful because there will be a CGT component for the block of land.
NATS12 replied to the topic land value in VIC in the forum General Property 17 years, 11 months ago
Oh, and another point of advice.
Go and tell that agent that land is only worth what somebody is willing to pay for it and this relates to the simple laws of supply and demand.
And yes, he does have to submit your offer. It is illegal for him not to present it.
NATS12 replied to the topic land value in VIC in the forum General Property 17 years, 11 months ago
the rates notices usually have a land value and improved value on them. request this from the seller. but these can sometimes be off the mark too. That’s the easiest form for getting an idea on land, because it uses historic comparable data.
Also, submit your offers subject to finance, and the bank will soon value the land and give you an idea…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Cost per building square in the forum No Subject 17 years, 11 months ago
The first couple do sound a bit expensive.
You have to remember when doing units the cost per square is higher than a normal put it on a block in craigeburn type scenario.
Something that may be impacting your price, but it is not clear from your post is if there are connections down a driveway to the back of a block. (because you mentioned a…[Read more]
NATS12 replied to the topic Development Finance in the forum Finance 18 years ago
also, in regards to st george, re-check the status there.
i’ve recently had some problems with their lenders in regards to construction and two brokers have now advised me of changes in some policies there in relation to certain things. Have moved to westpac for this work becuase st george was like beating your head against a door.
NATS12 replied to the topic Development Finance in the forum Finance 18 years ago
without interest my costs come in at $650k for the process of getting the land from a block of land to having all permits, clearing site, selling costs, construction, contingency, etc.
you also need to consider if you can get a block that will fit 3 units in clayton at that price. I think maybe mulgrave, unlikely clayton.
do some very extensive…[Read more]
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