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  • murph38 replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax in the forum Finance 19 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks all for the advice…
    Jo, No I didn’t inherit the prop, bought it in April this year…
    I feel better knowing I have alot of advice on hand from people who know alot more than I do, thanks again guys…


  • murph38 replied to the topic Besser block……GOOD?/ BAD? in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    I currently live with my family in a Besser Block house and it looks fine inside and out, due to a coat of paint.
    They provide great insulation as in NQ, they sheild the heat beautifully, dropping the inside temp about 5 degrees.
    And yes Yack was right, it is bloody hard to damage a house with concrete walls!!!.
    Only downfall I have found…[Read more]

  • murph38 replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax in the forum Finance 19 years, 11 months ago

    I have only owned the house since the start of the year, but was warned about selling it before the two year mark due to CGT. Thank you for your input. It helped to confirm that the person telling me that may have been misinformed…


  • murph38 replied to the topic Anyone use a Laptop? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Jaffasoft.
    Don’t know about the rest of Australia, but in Townsville, there is wireless broadband. You pay $59 a month for unlimited time but 250Mb limit or $69 a month for 1Gb limit. Most of the city can access and all they do is send you out a small modem which plugs into a USB port and hey presto, you have wireless broadband internet…[Read more]

  • murph38 replied to the topic Thinking about changing bank? Visit new ACA site in the forum No Subject 20 years, 2 months ago

    Great link, thanks. Showed me quickly that my CU is not stacking up as I thought it was, thanks once again[biggrin]


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