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  • Benny replied to the topic The Verdict On Steve McKnight’s 5 Day Bootcamp in the forum Heads Up! 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hi @mikesonthemic and @daniel-vic

    Any plans for another one to run?

    I just heard last night (at the Brisbane Market Update) that there WILL be another one this year – and I think it is in June !!

    If you are going along to one of the other Market Updates this week, you will have the opportunity to put your name on a list of interested…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic The Verdict On Steve McKnight’s 5 Day Bootcamp in the forum Heads Up! 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hi @mikesonthemic and @daniel-vic

    Any plans for another one to run?

    I just heard last night (at the Brisbane Market Update) that there WILL be another one this year – and I think it is in June !!

    If you are going along to one of the other Market Updates, you will have the opportunity to put your name on a list of interested parties…..…[Read more]

  • Jacqui Middleton replied to the topic Finding builder who built house. in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 11 months ago

    If it is of such recent construction, council may have a record of it. Or the draftsperson noted on the council plans might recall who the builder was.

    As @mikesonthemic has mentioned knocking on the door would be a good idea since chances are, if it is an owner occupier they are probably still living there. Alternatively, neighbours may recall…[Read more]

  • Jacqui Middleton replied to the topic Finding builder who built house. in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years, 11 months ago

    If it is of such recent construction, council may have a record of it. As @mikesonthemic has mentioned knocking on the door would be a good idea since chances are, if it is an owner occupier they are probably still living there. Alternatively, neighbours may recall the company names on some of the tradie vehicles and you could hunt the builder…[Read more]


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