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  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum 15 years, 11 months ago

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Investing in France? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years, 11 months ago

    Hello All.I hope that this post helps you guys.My wife and I purchased a property in Cannes in the South of France in November 2007.At this time the interest rate was 4.1%.Purchasing was relatively pain free, as we had a few bi lingual people helping us along the way. Our Noterie ( lawyer) also was fluent in English, as all the documents must be…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Anyone investing under 20. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 8 months ago

    Hi there Bill,Hope you are ell.I bouht my first property when I had just truned 19. I am now 27.As a young bloke, it was a time full of different emotions, while all my mates were out chasing women, and speding any cash they had I was ( well working my butt off)I can tell you it was one of the best things I have ever done,Some things to be careful…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic new experiment. YOU TELL ME what to do.. and ill do it. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Hi there Recco,some interesting points mate,  above.My opinion is that you seem alittle too eager to take what "anyone will tel you" I am not sure how old you are , but I am young -26 and have a fair few properties up my sleeve already. I am from perth too.Definately  make a plan " Failing to plan is planning to Fail ( straight out of a text b…[Read more]

  • In my lifestyle ( job) I travel around the worl d a hell of a lot, spendin often montsh at a timethe past few years i have spent a lot of time in the US, most recentlly 3 mths.I can tell you now,Australia is heading exactly the same way!! its not only "politics" that we like to be right behind the US….. its our entire economy. alsoSad but true I…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic PTY vs LLC in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 9 months ago

    I would use LLC, as Pty from my knowledge is only Australian. Australia is a small market, if you look on the global scale, and more people would be familiar wih LLCt than Pty.My confidence is growing with online buying, so if you concentrate on "emphasizing " security etc yu might be on a winner.I dont like using sites if the look the lest bit…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Why invest in Dubai… in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 9 months ago

    Sorry-Just reading through some of your posts,They won't  just give you a visa. You have to fill lots of paperwork, go for a very uncomfortable medical, you must come back to the UAE a few times every year to keep it valid, and you need to pay a few 000's AED every year for it.Like I mentioned in my big post, please do your ground work, asses…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Why invest in Dubai… in the forum Overseas Deals 16 years, 9 months ago

    For those interested in purchasing in Dubai-I have just taken the keys to an "off plan" property that I have been waiting for for 3 years.My thoughts are, that if you can wait that log, ok. but it was very difficult to deal with the "local way" of doing business. Yes- as mentioned they have a lot of infrastructure, but dealing with the devlopers…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic CGT…. Again in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks guys for your post,both very helpful indeed. My account also confirmed and informed me of the I have lived in the property, yes I do have 6 years. of this i have another 11 months to sell, CGT free.if I decide not to sell I can- A) get an evaluation done, and start the Capital Gain Period from that date, ( Oct 08)B) move back i…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Sunshine Coast… in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Well thansk very much guys for your replies!
    I do totally agree with you
    I am actually form Aust, but have been overseas for awhile,
    I have probably not made my Bait as inticing as it should be, I have it all ready to go again so I will have another go.

    Thanks agian,


    So many plans, just never enough time…..

    Get inspired!! unleash the…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic What should i Offer? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Good one you,
    he will probably come back at you for the extra 10, ( more comission food for the creature)
    that call is up to you, but is sounds like you did a good job submitting the offer!
    I am not sure about deposit amounts, I think tahst varies from state to state.

    maybe if you dont want to give any more for the property, try asking athe…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic What should i Offer? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    welcome to the site!
    It sure is exciting isnt it? buying a property!!

    I like to look at realestate agents as ” creatures” all they think about is comissions! and the seller.

    Legally from my understanding , the “creature” must hand in all resonable offers, of course they will cough and choke about our offers, but…
    STAY IN COINTROL at all…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic someone on the same page?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    DrX Thank you very much,
    I will have a look into them,
    also thank you for your reply last week about the smaokers issue in one of my rentals,




  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic How to negotiate flat fee for property management? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    Hi there Dee Dee,
    First of all congrats on your 1st IP.

    I personally would aleays get a manager, pay the fee now, will save you a headache and more fees later,
    I think thatyou 8.8% fee is alittle high, being from Perth also, I pay 7.5%, and because I have good tennent, and it is an investment I have requested inspections, only every 6 months,…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Nearly out of uni – Time to join the game! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    G’day Joel,
    As a young guy myself, I can see that ithere are alot of decisions, to make! But I can assure you once the dust has settled and you have your own pad, you will be well on your way, and it is not as scary.
    read as much as you can, you can make alot of money at the purchase, not the fial sale, your knowledge is the key

    the longer you…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic HOW TO PAY UNIT OFF IN 5 YEARS? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    G’day . Congrats on your purchase, I hope it is the first of many!!
    I am now 24. I bought my first appartment when i was 19, and it has been paid off.
    It wasnt easy!! I was quite tight on the old wallet for awhile( i still am!!) I had a big reive of my monthly cash intake, and automatically cut out all those comforts. I gave up going out…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic building ages in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Alee,

    Get hold of tthe strata title. it will have all the info of the original site, ans the building age.

    the agent (creature) will tell you what ever they want!! to be sure, ask him to get the correct info, tell it ( the creature) in order to make an offer, you need to get the info correct. Check out the strata fees, also, these can vary…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic building ages in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hi mate,

    Get hold of tthe strata title. it will have all the info of the original site, ans the building age.

    the agent (creature) will tell you what ever they want!! to be sure, ask him to get the correct info, tell it ( the creature) in order to make an offer, you need to get the info correct. Check out the strata fees, also, these can vary…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Agent or no agent? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago

    G’day Barni,
    My advice would be to first have a look around at some other agents, ask them there procedures etc. If some of your friends have a good agent, ask them what there details are, maybe change agents. but you will hve to give the correct notice to your current slack one.
    Managing your own place can be very good, but it can get very messy.…[Read more]

  • meakinmaster60 replied to the topic Any Ideas? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you, I do agree, if i am goning to go hell for leather, I want to get the sturucture and planning right the first time!

    I will see what happens in the next week or two,

    This site, is great. Much better than some of the others I have seen,



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