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  • Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I’d have to agree with Dazzling (I don’t have the experience with shares, etc to gain such a high return in a very fast time). If the money required is paramount (a must not a maybe) then look at ‘every’ cent that goes out of your hand and ask yourself do ‘I need it or want it?’ Anything that is a ‘want’ needs to be culled. I don’t know your family situation but this would have to be followed by all parties. I keep a money diary as a habit. I’ve done this for 8 months now and it’s amazing how much I have cut back on spending. The ironic thing is that although I itemize each expenditure, it’s the ‘hassle’ of knowing that I have to write it down that has automatically made me spend less. I literally cannot be bothered having to write everything down, so as a result I’ve noticed each month my spending habits have reduced. You have to have great self discipline though for this to work.
    Best of luck!
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Hi Don and Liz,
    I couldn’t make much out of the web you posted but will try again. I currently rent cheaply and although it has it’s disadvantages in some ways, in the bigger picture the means justifies the (investing) ends.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    I’m just picturing a Qantas pilot on top of a 40 foot ladder with a coat hangar, trying to get into the cockpit window because he locked the keys in the ignition.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Bushfires! I was up there a few years a go on the day they started. Plenty of markets and craft shops, etc. However as an investment area I’m not really convinced as it’s more a weekend touristy area for mountain biking up the hill, buying New Age craft stuff on the weekends, etc. However, I could be wrong.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    I FINALLY GOT ONE! Half an hour ago I got a call from India asking if I was the owner of the home and do I use Foxtel? Having spent all up 9 months in India I asked for the chap to wait one minute and I’ll get someone who can help. I got my Hindi phrase book out and asked for a shoe shine, 1 rupee, a pen, stay at my hotel (cheap hotel/best hotel, are you married, where are you from Mumbai, Calcutta or Chennai? What does your father do for a job, etc. At this stage before I could say Chalo he had hung up.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
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    Hi Leanne,
    Another thing is that it’s necessary to make mistakes and it’s invaluable as long as you learn from them. The only thing better is learning from other people’s mistakes (re: horror stories) and identifying what actually happened as opposed to what went ‘wrong’. I don’t see investing as a moral lesson by making mistakes. They are part of learning.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
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    Hi Calm et al,
    The other thing is that I don’t own a PPOR and my friends and people who I referred to before do, but have no IP’s. They often remark on ‘When am I going to buy my own home?’ If I had have started that way I would never (with my plan) have been able to get into property investing and would have been so far behind the 8 eight ball. This is just in relation to my situation though.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    I wish I could. I need at least 8 hours a day!,..(and about 10 at night!). I went to the 7/11 last night at 6pm and they were shutting up! I asked them ‘Hey, I thought you’re open 24 hours?’ ‘We are’, replied the guy ‘but not in a row!’

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Hi Achiever,
    I assume you were referring to Brissy’s post?

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Interesting point Dazzling!

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    I’ve given up now and only talk to like minded friends/people re: property. Everytime I do talk about investment property with people who have a PPOR but no IP’s I get given so much advise where to buy, where I shouldn’t, what will happen with the market, etc. The second thing I get is an under current pregnant look if I mention what I have in investments (which I consider extremely pedestrian). It’s a look that assumes ‘Wow, you must be loaded, lucky, intelligent, way wealthier/knowledgable (than I really am).
    They seem to forget the basic premise that you don’t have to blow ‘all’ your cash to live and that I have sacrificed and worked bloody hard for what I have. (And in IP terms, it’s not a lot).
    PS. The one thing I notice with some of these people I refer to is that they borrow money they don’t have, to buy things they don’t really need, to impress people THEY DON’T EVEN BLOODY LIKE!

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    I don’t know,
    a wrap,
    a sandwich,
    a flip,
    .., an omelette?

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Hi Bris,
    I think I mentioned this experience before on this site (?) It was when I was in NY in 1996. I actually ended up going out with this girl. When I first met her she was gorgeous but looked really down. I just started talking to her at a party and said what a beautiful day it was and she (Nancy) said “Yeah, I guess”. I said, “What do you mean you guess?” She said that things hadn’t been working out too well for her lately. I said “what do you mean?” She said “I can’t tell you, I hardly know you!” So I just said sometimes it can help to talk about things to someone you don’t know? She said “well I’ve just come back from my analyst this morning and he’s still unable to help me”. I said what’s the problem?” She said kind of sheepishly,..”Well I’m a nymphomaniac, but I can only get turned on by Jewish cowboys. By the way my name’s Nancy.” I said, “hello Nancy, my name’s ‘Bucky Goldstein’!”

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Hi Danny,
    Thanks for arranging the next meeting and thanks to you and Tony for the guest speaker and again the offer of the venue.
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
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    Hi gavelle,
    I’ve seen Dale (not in relation to wraps) and can personally vouch for his openness and willing to listen. I would recommend him wholeheartedly.
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
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    Hi Terry,
    Are you saying that the cost of attending a seminar (eg, one day property seminar for $500 like Steve’s if you own IP’s for arguments sake)
    cannot be claimed as a tax deduction?
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
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    I saw it and thought it was hilarious! Especially the 2 characters ‘Gaylord Fokker’ and ‘Marther Fokker’ (lol). Wasn’t De Niro the one who played the paranoid ex FBI guy who said “I am always watching you (?)” and hid in a bus, nearly destroying the family and was always wrong?

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
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    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for the reply. I think it is more to do with a work dilemna at the moment and the fact you’ve jokingly mentioned a ‘sex sms’ makes me think who I know it could be. I’m now wondering if the fact the no. is present but no message is left is actually there for a reason (ie. to take the bait and ring the number?).
    Cheers mate,

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    Your desire will hopefully fuel your determination. Don’t give up (or give in). As for a reno, I would hammer a nail with a paint brush! However I think it was George Bernard Shaw (?) who said, “Necessity is the mother of all creation”.
    I really admire you for your ‘hate for your job’ which may be what could transpire over to find the answers to find the solution.
    Good luck!
    Kind regards,

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