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  • Profile photo of C-MoneyC-Money
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Hey Steve,
    just wanna let you know I think the books looks very promising and will be an exciting read. GREAT job so far. Can’t wait to read it. Good luck.

    Profile photo of C-MoneyC-Money
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Andrew (AD),
    Thanks your advice and encouragement. To me that sort of thing is invaluable because I know it comes from experience so I appreciate it. I do realise that I MUST keep educating myself and staying focused. Thanks for the bit about “believing in yourself” as it applies to me very much. At this age it is hard to rely on a social network with the same goals and drive that I have. None of my friends are thinking about investing in property so it’s causing me to rely on myself to maintain this drive and I LOVE it coz it’s making me so much stronger. ATM I am having some probs. with my e-mail but once that’s sorted I’ll ‘drop you a line’.
    Thanks again Andrew.

    Profile photo of C-MoneyC-Money
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Susie,
    Thanks for your encouragement and advice. Like you said, I am gonna do as much research as I can in order to make a wise decision now, and I want to keep learning so that I can make EXCELLENT decisions in the future. Unfortunately I am having some probs with my e-mail at the moment so i’m not using it. But I would like to be involved with this monthly gathering. Once I get my e-mail sorted I’ll send you a message and please give me the details. Thanks again.

    Profile photo of C-MoneyC-Money
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Well I am a 21year old male, “about to MAKE it happen” on the Gold Coast. Currently I am mployed by a company be the name of 21st Century Steelhomes. As the name suggests this company supplies and manufactures steelframes for most designs, but does not build. To satisfy my immediate goal, I intend to purchase an small investment property (unit, duplex) – rent it out to local and overseas students with the concept of positive cashflow hitting me in the head like a hammer! Man I am full of energy, I am ready to go! I’m gonna MAKE it happen, although I would really appreciate some advice from you more experienced individuals. Even though I have all this energy, I realise that I am still young and have a lot to learn, but I am a very keen and able learner…that’s why I am here.

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