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  • Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    i understand where u r coming from. i remember after my first seminar on ip being ready to take on the world then and there!!!!! well… it took another three years b4 i finally built up the confidence to go out and do it. the fear factor always seemed to get in the way. for me everything became alot easier (after reading many books)once i had set some goals. let them be realistic, for me it was to have over a mil. dollars in assets within five years. at that stage we had a house worth about 140k and little else.on paper now we are at about 900-950k in assets.we are on our way but still alot of work to be done.
    to me (,once i had set my goals) things started to happen, fears became challenges not problems because i never lost sight of my goals, and i knew it was just another stepping stone taking me to a more prosperous life.
    i remember buying my first ip. my heart was racing at 100 miles an hour,my hands were shaking that much i could not sign the paperwork. u ask yourself” what if its overpriced?” “can i really afford it?”etc etc. whilst i had done my homework on this ip the thoughts still want to creap in and create doubt.
    be confident, be positive set your goals read heaps ask questions and treat every obstacle as a challenge not a problem.
    happy hunting[biggrin][exhappy]

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    [buz2]mcubed ‘patience grasshopper’
    books can be boring yes. i read 2 books in my first 35 years and about 25 in the last couple.all ip books.
    first invest. book was rich dad poor dad then richest man in babylon , both good reads. then others. crawl before u walk, read heaps etc etc etc bla bla bla[biggrin]happy investing

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    interesting call. my last visit to cairns was about 18 months ago to catch up with a mate. seems they cant biuld enuff apartments to meet demand, or are they getting ahead of themselves. not sure of the unemployment rate at present.
    have you looked into buying something a little bigger in some of the inner sub. such as westcourt, and directing it toward tourist trade though an agent. possibly at a higher return? [hmm]cheers

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    sounds great if a sub div is poss. i agree check with council. points of discharge for storm water can create problems depending on angle of block, council can help you with this.

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    great story jo and tom i love hearing that stuff while many will call you lucky i prefer to call it the ‘power of positive thinking’ looking at what can be done as apposed to being told what ‘cant be done’ by others has given you a lifestyle you richly deserve.

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    ryan, thanks for the reply. gee… to be in my 20’s again and thinking of investing,sigh.
    ryan,get into the reading groove and grab some books.theres plenty to choose from, some i have found interesting reading are
    rich dad poor dad, the richest man in babylon,
    how to build riches by bruce davis
    money secrets of the rich by john burley
    take from each what you will, happy investing

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    foundation, hello again. can you explain to me the sound financial advice that i gave to nads. cheers.

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    thanks for the positive feed back calvin.just trying to give nads a helping hand.
    foundation, not sure what your getting at. are u saying that anyone and everyone should have cashed in over the last 6 years?
    go get em nads!!!!!!!

    g. granland

    Profile photo of blueboysblueboys
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    hello all, hello nads
    this is my first post so bare withme. let me tell you about the time i bought my second property ( to live in). After an anxious 3 weeks of trying to get finance through my financial adviser/broker we finally got it.yipee all was well and we went to dinner to back slap each other.During conversation with my adviser he turned to me and said quote”now dont ever let me hear you talk about investment prop. for at least 3-4 years’ Well he lost me then and there and within 24 hours he was no longer a part of my team.
    who was he to tell me what i could and could not do if i chose the end of the day you are responsible for your actions and the team you build around you.get out of the rat race,seperate yourself from negative people(yes it can be hard) and surround y’self with positive like minded people who love to talk investment and who dont make you feel guilty for wanting to get ahead. misery thrives on misery ,true friends will want to see you succeed, many will want you to fail so they can say ‘ see we told you you cant( i despise that word) do it, now get back into the rat race with us ,get a good job get married, have kids, retire & live off ya super happily ever after!!!!!!!!!!!! news flash ‘ super takes it!’
    sorry i am getting carried away.
    it’s funny how some comments stick in your mind from so called experts. let me share some of the comments that have been directed at me 90% of which come from family.
    ”sometimes its just easier to stay on wages’ from my dad when i told him i was leaving my 9-5 day job and starting my own bussiness.
    ” you will lose the lot , house family, everything!’ from my x boss.
    ” you will never be a millionaire” from a property developer i have kknown for 30 years.
    there has been plenty more. all these comments and more have heppened in the last 5-6 years as i tried to get out of the rat race.i am proud to show you how far i have come since starting out in oct. 1998.
    in ’98 we lived in a house worth 140k and i was earning 28-30k a year married with 4 the end of ’99 we had turned over 170000k ,my wage approx-80000k after tax. to date we have turned over 1.3 mil. people call me money hungry etc. i just plan on retiring early.
    we now live in a house worth about 400k +
    own 2 other properties, one cf neg but with plans and permits for four units,the other cf pos.
    well…………… on paper we have assets just under 1 mil. yes we owe but we are a mile better off than we would have been if i had listened to so many who knew so little. nads r u still awake?
    set your goals and dont lose site of them. every obstacle you meet is a challenge not a problem, treat them as such and you will prosper.
    for the record; my dad retired with a super fund of 70k 3 years ago,tis all gone!
    my x boss went out of bussiness 2 years ago.
    and my property developer friend who suggested i would not be a mil-aire …..well he is my mentor.
    i still have a long way to go yet but i am on my way. its sad to leave some of my friends behind(we still catch up)but they choose to conform to society and wait for me to join them again.not…..
    everyone has a story to tell, i hope i have given you some insperation to go out and do it. my phone message reads” nike” just do it!
    good luck .

    g. granland

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