Total Members: 159,612


  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic 2011 June Mega Conference tickets for Sale in the forum Hi All,
    These tickets have
    13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi All,These tickets have been registered and reserved.  They are still for sale for $298.The conference is for the 10th to 12th of June.

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Converting your PPOR to IP in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago

    Jamie, We had a family member who was on a lease and about half way through we put it into the hands of a property manager when the tennant started to have other people start living in the house. We had stressed to them that we wanted them to have the property manager screen any person they wanted to share the house with (minimise damage/risk) We…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Converting your PPOR to IP in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago

    Hi DHCPBeen there done that never again!!The tenants totally trashed the house to the point I was out of pocket $10k after insurance etc. was fighting the insurance co over every thing and after 2.5years have given up and moved on. I've put it down to a learning experience.I don't intend to put you off however i suggest that you get your…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic R-Zoning, What Does it Mean? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi VSdabhiI Live in the City of Gosnells  (shire for Langford) check the city's website at for the section in Hotlinks (on the main page) called zoning enquiries and download the R-Codes that are applicable to the City and this document will explain all the relevant details i.e how many b…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Self Employed = banks don’t like us in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    TeI completely understand your position being another self employed person as well. The only thing i can suggest is get a good accountant, try to improve your cashflow and save every cent you can. In my opinion only  the uncertainty of mortgages is going to severely slow to stop lending in Australia. The introduction of this new legislation is go…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Perth – best suburbs for subdividable houses? in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 8 months ago

    Hi EyefourOnly certain sections are currently being rezoned. According to TPS6 (town planning scheme) the idea is to encourage people to commute and use public transport so any area within a 10 minute walk of the train station (my house is 3 minutes stumbling distance) is being rezoned.Unsure as to exactly when but have been advised by coucil it…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Floor plan software for owner builder in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Wayne, I did stumble across a package called Smart Draw. it does do basic floor plans etc. I actually designed an office fitout on this programme as a guide for the client in about 3 hours after downloading it that day. it does come as a free trial, with full usage, but after 7 days you need to purchase the programme. It costs about aus $250…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic $O upfront property purchasing and mortgage insurance… in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    Hi KimandglenWhich lender is this??CheersAirstrike

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Lifecorp in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    Garry,Sorry to sound Richards bell, but on this forum there have been a lot of first time posters with glowing reports on what this company is like or what this other company is marvellous. I can't speak for Richard on his understanding or knowledge of this company but i think he, along with many others including myself dont approve of these t…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    I also attended the Sydney seminar and was intrigued by Aussie Rob's trading system. His wife was on stage and made a few trades to show how easy it is. My question is; Is short selling of shares legal in Australia.? My understanding is that it wasn't. I understand that he teaches you how to place your own trades (i think on the US market) and t…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Adding internal walls? in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Wayne, if you are adding a stud wall i am pretty sure you don't need council approval. I am in perth and i put my own stud wall in my house. I think that if you are removing structural walls your are required to get coucil approval but if you are replaceing what was an exisiting wall you don't. I definately would suggest contacting your local…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Top 5 Landlord Mistakes…? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 10 months ago

    Landlords insurance is only as good as the company behind it. I am arguing with a company regarding damage to carpets. i have full landlords building and contents insurance and the company in question will not replace the cigarette burnt, motor oil stained carpet as it terms it "dirty living" I agree that not doing your own inspections is just…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Want a job helping on a reno site in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 10 months ago

    Where are you located? have you tried contacting some of the smaller niche builders and one man teams as these guys are always trying to source good help. Being able to only work weekends may cause a few issues with some of them and also council issues (i cant work before 7 am or after 4 pm on sat and not at all on sundays.)Good luck with a great…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Early Access clauses in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Azalia,as they say another bus is just around the corner.I would like a copy of that option template and its good to hear from another Perthite. I'll pm you my email address.Cheers

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic Early Access clauses in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Guys, Been a little busy with work and have realised that i didn't thank any one for their responses so "Thanks guys and girls'appreciate the info.  The property ended up getting a cash offer so lost out on this one……. next!CheersAirstrike

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic HELP!!!Late settlement penalty interest for western australia in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years, 10 months ago

    HiIf you are purchasing the property, then you can charge penalties if they are delaying settlement. usually this is appropriated into payment of 2 weeks rent or similar. if you are selling the property then you can put penalties onto the settlement. The best thing i would suggest is get some independant professional advice from a settlement…[Read more]

  • Azalia, This EMF company sound a little bit like Wealth Guardians. My parents were looking at something similar to this which i advised them not to get into. They source the property, sell it to the investor on the cheap (read expensive) and then split whatever profits if you sell 60/40 favouring themselves. the investor pays to keep the property…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic need advise in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 11 months ago

    if i read this correctly you are paying 3 mortgage payments a fortnight? how long have you kept that up for as you would have built up quite a lot of equity in your unit if its been more than 12 months. i think that you should approach/evaluate another  broker and get their opinion on your finance side of things. if you have a reasonable amount o…[Read more]

  • airstrike2001 replied to the topic The 1% Rule in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    Firstly the rule is a rule. Rules can be broken and bended to suit what requirement you need. Just because it doesn't fit Steve's 1% rule now, what about future redevelopment potential, annual rent increases etc where the rule might fit.I understand exactly where you are coming from that some of Steve's rules dont always apply, but look outside…[Read more]


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