All Topics / Opinionated! / Reflection and resistance

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  • Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I’ve recently returned from a week of ‘time out’ in the middle of literally ‘no where’ in central Queensland. On the flight heading home I began thinking about this feeling that I’ve been aware of not long after I joined this site. I’m starting to realise that this challenge is a harder one to face than finding the ‘elusive cashflow positive property’ that we all seek to move closer to our purpose. Slowely, more and more, I’ve noticed that my friends, work colleagues, etc are not only viewing me differently but are almost feeling ‘angry’ with me on a subtle level? It’s at the point where I’m probably about to lose one of my ‘dearest’ friends. They feel that I’m becoming ‘selfish’ in my time not being spent with them as I used to, doing the things we used to do prior to myself becoming more and more focussed in property. The ‘knockers’ wick off me like water off a duck’s back, but eventually if one is serious about keeping the momentum going then some things have to give so hopefully that momentum will act like a rolling snow ball to keep you moving forward. I no longer talk about property, let alone cashflow positive property because I’m sure as we’ve all experienced you’ll get every bit of advice be it good to bad under the sun and you’ll just end up suffocating in a speculative bag over your head. The time I used to spend with a lot of my friends was to just socially ‘swim around in the river of life’. However, I now feel as if this river has changed direction for me. When I swim with them it now feels as though I’m swimming against there current as I’m no longer prepared to swim time away when that time could be better utilized swimming in the direction I’ve decided to head. So now I guess what I really need to do is to remind myself when I get this resistance from friends is that I’ve chosen the river that will get me to my destination that’s right for me. It’s a challenge, but like all challenges, if you work at it, it only makes you stronger in the long run and as a result, hopefully a better swimmer. The challenge I’m now facing and realize I will continue to for a short time is to continue to ‘choose’ to swim in the river that’s best for me. After all, you can never swim in the same river twice?

    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454


    A very interesting read….

    In fact this issue has been discussed here before…. and most of us who are serious about property investing have the same feelings / issues….

    At Xmas time, I was asked what I did, I just mentioned breifly about property investing, and, people’s eyes just glazed over…… and they seemed to be a tinge of green……

    People seem to get jealous in Australia of people’s success….. Even if that success is through hard work….

    Sad to say this, but Australians are sometimes seen to be a lazy lot….. expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter….

    In some ways I guess thats why sites like this become so popular, as it’s a meeting point for people who have changed their mindsets, and are actually getting out there to have a go of it, and try to make a difference……


    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of 1Winner1Winner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 477

    I agree with you both.
    Perhaps laziness is too derogatory, I think that in Australia there is a culture of anti-success, (the politically correct term is ‘laid back’)
    In addition, the message is preached everywhere you turn. At school you are told to be “what you want to be” University is for “nerds”, a career in the mayor professions is for the wogs, and corporate or business success is for the “greedy”.

    The culture of “rich is evil poor is virtuous” is so prevalent that it is almost a religion, I call it the poverty gospel, but that is another topic.

    I run a successful business in network marketing and one of my fliers, reads:” Rich or poor, you choose”. A customer was reading one of the fliers and told me: ” yes but the poor have a better life”. Now this was a reasonably intelligent person, educated and with a medium position in a company. What would drive him to say such thing? Simple, subconscious programming, he is programmed to think, (like your friends are) that there is something inherently flawed in being successful or (God forbid) rich, and there is some sort of attraction or virtue in mediocrity.

    When you start becoming successful, you change your old ways that kept you unsuccessful in the past, and that includes friends, tastes, habits, and even the movies and books you use to like no longer make sense. Such simply means you have changed and are geared towards your goals, don’t let the other crabs pull you back in the basket.

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    I find I talk to different people in my life about different things. To my girlfriend, I discuss property and everything- as do I with my family. I seek advice from them, and want to hear their perspectives. They know me so well, and they think not only about numbers- but about where I’m going etc. I love hearing their wisdoms :)

    With friends, it depends with whom I’m speaking. I think it’s all a balance. Even with friends who also have IP’s, I reckon if we sat down and talked property for hours, we’d want to move onto other things at some point, because any one topic can get jaded at some point. I’ve met people socially from the Forum, but really, I’m also interested in hearing about the rest of their lives, and not just speaking about property for endless hours.

    I find when I’m totally focussed on property, that I fill up my head with reading articles, checking posts, reading reading reading… but that, really, it is MY interest more than it is others’ interest, and so I make it a private activity. I am sure if I spoke about golf for hours too- every time I saw my friends- that people around me might find it a bit much :)

    It’s great to be able to rave about property, but there’s probably a time and a place. That’s why forums can be so great- we can engage with people who have the same interests… but really, if we met them in person, we would probably chat a lot about other things too.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    I’m hearing you. I’m but a young 26, and i am working flat out between a job and setting up properties in the small window of opportunity between periods in my life of PARTY and A FUTURE FAMILY(maybe).

    I have dropped most of my social life, time with close ones and a lot of more enjoyable but often self-indulgant past-times.

    This is all done in an effort to free up more of my time later on to spend on the most rewarding parts of life. Instead of slaving at a full time job just to make ends meet.

    If you love them, let them go. And if they are true, then they will return!


    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454

    Lifex you youngun,

    If you don’t mind a slightly older fart like me imparting you with some of my experience……

    I applaud you for doing what you are doing now…. Just remember, no one ever really gets ahead in life by working for someone else….. fact of life….

    I’ve been working for 16 years now, and, most of the time it’s people / politics & bullsh1t…………….

    When you are in your 30’s and no longer need to work, it will be all worth it !!!



    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612
    Originally posted by Pelicaninvestments:

    I’ve been working for 16 years now, and, most of the time it’s people / politics & bullsh1t…………….

    Who said it was like this just in the workplace??? Look around boys and girls, it goes on all around you!!! But don’t let that get you down…rise above it!! [lmao]

    Seriously, LifeX (if I had a hat) I would take it off to you, you are an inspirational model to our youth (the future investors of tomorrow), and as for you Pelican, what can I say??? For an “old fart” you’re the best!!!! [medieval]

    Now Gats, you know my view on this topic, no doubt we will touch on it again when next we speak, but for now, you’re doing all the right stuff. I commend you on being true to yourself, it is a fine example which we all need to mimic….keep up the good work mate….you’re a marvel!!!! [thumbsupanim]

    Jo [tongue]

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    Congratualtions! You’re not only on a path beyond your years but carving your own path at the same time! For all of us ‘oldies’ (whatever that may mean) someone once said to me that it’s never too late to become what you may have been. Jo, as always, your words and advice are not only encouraging, but inspiring (AND YES EVERYONE, I KNOW JO IS MARRIED, THAT’S NOT THE POINT (lol)).
    My original post was merely a reflection on a change in my direction in life that people I have grown up with have cottoned on to but can’t see the point. I don’t talk about property to all here and sundry. It’s more what I do now, not so much what I say (ie, discuss the market etc.). My friends have since learned to accept me for who I am and what I do as they always have. I guess they are feeling the pinch a little (at the risk of sounding arrogant) by the lack of my prescence in there lives that I used to spend, which is now time dedicated to property. I don’t want to sound esoteric or wanky in that comment, but we can all look back on life and say ‘If only,……..’ Well there is no future. TODAY is the future and I guess I’m just getting better at time management. Often I may quote stuff from property and Shakespeare and the reason is because they both have parallels, they both have stood the test of time. Why else would we still put on works by Shakespeare? My view is because despite his works being over 400 years old, the human condition and questions he poses are still as relevant today as they were back then. One of my favorite plays would have to be Hamlet. Jo your generous compliment of being tru to myself reminds me of Hamlet ‘Unto thyself, be true’. I guess that’s the ultimate maxim we all strive to live up to? The gist of my post was the feeling of knowing you are being true to yourself despite ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,…And by opposing, end them’ I wish everyone ‘Outrageous Fortune’ (lol).

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