Todd Giles replied to the topic Guidance about buying parents’ home in the forum General Property 12 years, 2 months ago
I have a similar question with regards to the original post and thought I'd chuck it in here instead of starting a new topic.
My question,
Assuming they owe around $170000 ( a guess), i'm also guessing that the property would be valued at around $400,000, would it be possible to purchase the property from them for around 280000, 290000. giving…[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule + Positive Cashflow Property??? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 2 months ago
I'm looking at purchasing my first ip next year. Is a depreciation schedule worked out over a whole financial year or based on the time you've had it for.
i.e. If i settled on a property on say June 30th vs July 1st is there going to be a difference in the depreciation schedule, Would it be more beneficial to settle on 1 vs the other?Todd Giles replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule + Positive Cashflow Property??? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Shape and Jamie,
Hopefully all questions i have on here can be answered as easily as that.
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 10 months ago
none of the loans have any penalties for being payed out earlier, and yeah my plan is to put the $750 f/n towards savings once all the debts are gone, possibly more as i have another interest free loan where $155 comes out which is repayed in early december. i also have $50 f/n going into another account which i reguarily forget about lol which i…[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Just thought i would give 14 years, 10 months ago
Just thought i would give everyone an update as to where i'm at with getting rid of these debts. I'm also yet to do my tax return for last year.what i started with. what i have now. 27/01/2010 …[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 12 months ago
Thanks for explaining how the loans work. I've got steve's 0 to 260+ in 7 years book now and am currently about half way through, i've got a DHA property investing seminar on 24th feb, Steve's seminar in sydney on the 24th march. So the educating is going in the right direction. However i think i may have taken a step backwards with the paying off…[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Sonya,Would you or someone else be able to explain the whole not paying off the principal amount, sorry not real savvy with the terminology. thanks.
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Has anyone studdied any courses at TAFE or anywhere else to help them with education about property investing?Turns out i may of just taken the interest rates as stated on the NEwcastle Permanent website, rang again this afternoon, was told 12.9% not exactly what i was hoping for lol. Will continue the search for a low interest rate personal loan…[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks Sonya,What affect would having the extra payments just being seen as payments 'in advance' do, am i paying interest on more?I think this may be the case for my loans? From my internet statement for the $6300 @ 16.15% it says.Current balance: -$6300Remaining term: 33 monthsRepayment: $115.67Next Repayment Due: 18 Feb 2010 (My next pay i…[Read more]
Todd Giles replied to the topic Debt reduction v Deposit saving. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks everyone for the advice and information.At the moment i think i'm going to go with what most people have said and start with paying off the $6300 at 16.15% first. and then work my way down the percentages. I've been in contact with my other bank (Newcastle Permanent Building Society) in regards to refinancing through a secured personal…[Read more]