Would you feel comfortable listing out the basics of your joint venture… ie. what are the responsibilities of each party, how profit / loss is to be distributed etc.?
I’ll provide some feedback with my thoughts on the set up and it would be an excellent discussion for people who have no experience in joint ventures too.
In Victoria (which doesn’t have the same limitation as Qld) David and I place between 10 – 15 properties per entity structure.
In Queensland, the problem as I understand it is not how many properties you buy in any year, but the number of properties that you sell. Accordingly, you need a structyre that considers the likely number of properties you will dispose in any 12 month period and when you come close to the limit I recommend you begin buying in another entity.
What you say is true if you take your trust deed and type it up again, just changing the names and other variables needed to establish the new entity.
Most of the trust deed (perhaps 98%) is just standard wording that only changes every few years.
However, while you save money in the trust set up (you’ll still need to pay stamp duty), you run the risk that the wording has not changed to reflect changes in legislation – something to be mindful of given the landscape of trust law changes given the Federal Government’s inclination to potentially attack trusts.
If you have a good relationship with a lawyer / accountant, you may like to proceed with your strategy, but I’d recommend contacting them first to discuss the impact of any changes in law on your trust.
I’m not sure about the process for registering for Qld, but in Vic you need to fill in a form and lodge it (free).
Don’t quote me, but I think that there is no registration required in NSW, but the contract needs to include certain parameters that meet the requirements of the Code.
If you are serious about wraps then I’d recommend paying for specific advice from soliciotrs from each State. This may set you back a few grand, but it is an essential cost.
Finally, it’s OK to have a plan like the one mentioned above, but if I were you I’d do a few wraps closer to home to get the feel for the system you will implement before trying to take over the world.
Have you purchased my wrap library yet? If not, for $3k, you’ll find the answers to questions that you’ll come across. You can always reinvent the ‘wrap wheel’, but I’d recommend leveraging off my knowledge and save yourself time and money in doing so.
how about a negative geared property with a positve cashflow?
With respect, isn’t this an oxymoron, like ‘finding an honest policitian’ or ‘male intellect (so my wife implies [])’?
Really, the ‘negative’ in ‘negative gearing’ implies a loss or outflow. In most cases this is cash – or at a minimum depreciation savings to offset other taxible income.
With respect to the depreciation, it is possibile to have some cashflow up to the point when all your tax liability is wiped out. But if you want to replace your salary with passive income, then -vely geared property is not a strategy I’d suggest trying.
I think that it would be a good idea to get some advice from a Qld solicitor re: latest changes to property investing rules in your State. There are new regulations in respect to the number of properties you are allowed to transact in a period without an appropriate licence.
In fact, I’ll try to get a solicitor to make a post about this on the forum when I get back to Melbourne (I’m currently in Mackay until 15 June… what’s with this bad weather? [])
In resepct to a few of the comments that you have sought help on, my feedback is as follows:
There is no right structure that fits best for everyone. However, unless there are unusual circumstances, I’d be very surprised if a unit trust was the best way to go.
This is because a lot of the flexibility you can enjoy with a discretionary trust (such as a family trust) is lost with the fixed entitlement depending on issued units.
As such, I strongly suggest that you receive another opinion on this matter and I’d make sure my adviser was either a tax lawyer, CPA or Chartered Accountant.
Having said this, structuring is important, but it is just one of many issues that you will need to overcome as an investor. In fact, depending on your circumstance, you may find that you could do one or two deals in your own name before needing an expensive structure.
The question is… what do you have to protect and how much are you prepared to pay to protect it?
For what it’s worth, my tips on structuring are more based to asset protection rather than tax minimisation. I’m happy to pay tax so long as I am earning cash profits. More so, I’m not interested in making a loss to try and wipe out my tax bill.
Re: your adviser, from what you have written here I have to say I have one eyebrow raised. Not withstanding that I was not privy to your interview, the idea of one entity per property is quite perplexing!
Perhaps you could encourage your adviser to post his/her thoughts about this on this forum?
Finding an Adviser
It might be wise to shop around for another opinion.
You can also post your general questions here and I will help where possible and within limits.
I would also like to point out that the issue of structuring, include the exact structure that I use to protect assets and also legally keep my tax bill as low as possible is outlined in detail in my Wrap Library.
Qn 1: As much as you can get, bearing in mind your wealth strategy and also the relationship you have with your lender. In our case, we knew that paying off debt increases our cashflow and as such we were happy with a 20% deposit. This does detract from the available cash though.
Qn 2: As Darren has indicated, I believe that you should insure the building for the cost of building a replacement dwelling. Be sure to allow for GST too.
Qn 3: Get the deposit at the point of signing a contract – or earlier if it is held in trust by a solicitor for the purpose of a deposit. Well, that’s my opinion anyway.
1. Know the difference between fact and opinion. Fact: interest rates are at 30 years lows. Opinion – how long they will stay there.
2. Good deals exist in all markets. Rising interest rates will kill some deals, but you can still buy today and lock in rates for five to ten years.
3. Accept the market will never be perfect. Having said this I expect that in 5 years time people will kick themsleves that they didn’t invest in property when i/rates were so low. Alas… they missed the boat through inaction or buying poorly and capping the # of deals they could lock up.
Taking action leads to a reaction and a spot in the game… but taking no action leads to a seat on the substitution bench.
Don’t rush your investment decision, but avoid being spooked by natural market forces where the investment risk can be mitigated by sensible property management.
Prior to starting the post I had signed a contract to buy it for $50,000 on a six month settlement, subject to (a) finance and (b) a builder’s report to my satisfaction.
Well, finance wasn’t a problem, however as the case study mentioned the building report came back with a problem with the roof. Some of the older sections were rusting and it owuld cost about $2,000 to fix. There were also some other general maintenance issues which would need repair in the medium to long-term.
I went back to the agent and said that I would be happy to buy, but only if the owner:
(a) repaired the roof OR
(b) dropped the sales price for the roof AND also some of the other issues (drop of $4,000)
The agent took a few days to come back to me and then said the vendor wasn’t happy to do either.
So I canned the deal and moved on.
This underpins the lesson that you don’t need to buy every property that you come across and that not all deals are equal.
My business partner David has a good saying… “It’s our investing game, we make the rules and we always win”.
If someone doesn’t want to play our game then we move onwards and upwards and find vendors and agents who will.
if u currently have a mortgage and wrap it to someone else…do u find it hard to get financing for another property and another seeing as that the banks will think u are exteding too far wont they ? and want u too pay put the loans first b4 getting the second and third ??
There is a problem if you buy it in your own name as you will eventually max out at the 30% debt service ratios that most lenders impose.
This is why I buy in a company / trust structure and then reproduce the entities when I max out. This allows me to go on into perpetuity, although it can be expensive in accounting fees to keep running.
The bigger issue about wraps and finance is finding someone who is happy to disclose to lenders that you are actually wrapping… see posts on this forum for more about this.
My thoughts on property investing is that it is as hard or as easy as you make it.
Steve McKnight
P.S. As you start looking for properties, apply the 11 Sec. solution to give yourself a guide as to what deals you should be focusing on to find +ve cashflow deals.
Of the 40 or so wraps that we did 3 three years ago, 50% have now terminated as either moving out (and we have resold, re-wraped) or they have cashed us out.
This large atrition rate is primarily due to our poor classification and qualifying techniques over potential clients – something that took time to fix but which is working better today!
Funnily enough, the remaining 50% seems to have been our best clients.
Investing is a learning process… and there is no doubt that I’m still learnig today. I don’t pretent to know everything and I’ve now doubts that in ten years from now I’ll look back and shake my head and the mistakes I’ve / I’ll make.
Oh well, sometimes the best lessons have to be experienced first hand.
Firstly, I think that the information provided by the replies you have received all contain good advice.
To be honest, it is difficult for me to comment on your deal beyond very basic indicators. But sometimes these are best because they tend to cut through all the hype and emotion associated with the ‘sell’.
If you haven’t already done so, I suggest you get and read my free newsletters and work through my laws of success.
The first thing I do on any potential deal is the 11 Second Solution. In your case, $2,433 pcm works out at $561 per week. Hmmm, this seems very high.
In any event, $561/2 = $280.50. Then *1,000 gives $280,500 – this is still much less than $365k.
I also get nervous buying an expensive property because:
a. If the property is vacant then the negative cashflow may be extensive. I realise there is a guarantee… just be careful about the clauses that write this up as legalise.
b. You could buy one property for $365 k, or 7 * $50,000 properties. More properties reduces both your interest rate risk and also your vacancies as you spread your exposure over 7 properties rather than one. Ie. all 7 properties would have to be vacant to have the same exposure as one $365k property being vacant.
c. I’d compute how far interest rates have to move before your ‘budgeted’ +ve cashflow is eaten up. 5.65% sounds a little optimistic given the change in interest rate landscape. If you buy on a 60 day settlement, then the rate may be closer to 6.5%. Watch out!
As for other questions – make sure you do your ‘due diligence’. If you have purchased ‘Property Secrets Revealed’, then use then PATTERN Templates included therein and also the negotiating strategies to try and get the price down a bit further.
Bottom line… this isn’t a deal that I’d do as a buy & hold. Too expensive and the risk is isolated across one deal. Even capital gains are now uncertain given the change in interest rate climate.
But my opinion is clouded because my niche is smaller regional properties – not CBD stuff.
Do your numbers very carefully and be sure to factor in ‘buying’ and ‘selling’ costs to get a realistic idea of how much you will make for how much you are risking.