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  • Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    sounds obvious, but I hav searched there amd altavista and yahoo..

    That’s why I thought I would ask here to see if anyone knew…

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
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    You seem to be the one with the tight panties now. I thought that it was a healthy debate.. I’m not condoning nor condemning anyone. I just stated that the work that Jenman does helpd consumers. Keeping that in mind, a lot of consumers need to let go of whoever’s hand that they are holding and take a bit of responsibilty for their own actions. A lot of people out there are too gullible for their own good and fall to the like of Henry Kaye.

    I haven’t seen these bad sides of Jenman that you are talking about, so I can’t argue too heavily with you on that point. Perhaps you have had more to do with him than I have, I merely go off my own research and what I know and read.

    I consider myself a sceptic on pretty much any matter and I also look for people’s hidden agendas, but I’m not yet convinced that Jenman does have any. I understand that he recieves a fee for his “memberships and training” but as far as I know (and I do know a couple of people that work in offices under the Jenman System – not his “approved” offices however) he doesn’t recieve any commission, just an annual fee for his training. Personally I can’t see the harm in that. After all, he obviously needs some funding to do what he does in consumer protection. He doesn’t get paid for that.

    Anyway, I can appreciated that everyone has their own view on the matter, and so is your right to. My view is, good on him for doing what he does. After all, no-one else is doing or has done the same thing out of their own back pocket…

    As for the car, “that must mean that you drive a Holden Senator…. what a piece of crap car… ” Again, that is what I choose to drive, I could have bought a BMW for similar or even less money. But I chose not to, because that is the car that I like.. Sorry it’s not to your liking.. But hey, you don’t have to drive it!!

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
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    I understand [biggrin] Just thought I might be able to get a bit of “inside info.” I’ll have a look around.

    Thanks for your suggestions.


    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
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    I agree with Anubis. To have a different opinion is not to suggest that we are in bed with Jenman. I am not on Jenman’s payroll, I can just see the logic in his writing and the help that it brings to consumers..

    Spot on Anubis, the people that seem to be more sensitive about the topic of Jenman are the “wrappers.” Funny eh?…

    Pelican, no guilty conscience? fine, then what is your beef? What good do you put in to society out of you own pocket??

    Just my thoughts any way, sorry for not conforming..

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
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    Neil Jenman is in consumer protection. Fueling peoples fears? He makes people aware of the dangers in real estate. Obviously not enough people take notice of his warnings, otherwise not so many people would be burnt in real estate. I understand that his views may rub some people up the wrong way, but perhaps those people have a guilty conscience? Or not enough of a conscience? I don’t know… As far as using it to create sales through his own system? Last time I checked he made his money from training real estate agents in an alternative system. One that offers a higher level of protection for consumers.

    As for “doing quite BADLY.. in honesty” how so? where has he lied, I don’t believe that you could provide such evidence…

    “He certainly seems to do a lot of preaching based on Newspaper articles he sees, or, worse yet, based on incorrect or biased information..”
    Neil’s Writing or “preaching” as you like to call it is not based purely on articles in the newspaper, infact a lot of the real estate matters that are published in the media come from Neil’s research. It may seem biased, but when the likes of Henry Kaye aren’t given a chance aren’t you glad he was?

    You do seem very anti-Jenman, is there any personal reasoning for this?

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
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    For those wondering into the world of real estate blindly or that are new to real estate or investing, Neil Jenman’s website is an essential. He exposes the sharks and warns of the possibilities. I too read the website every couple of days to find out what is going on. It is a part of my research also. I also used some of his predictions for my investing which I and my family members have benefited from. The best information that I have learnt has been the simplest. A lot of it is in Jenman’s principles.

    As for those that blindly disagree with him, perhaps there is something to be learnt from him… Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t crusify someone for wanting to prevent harm. If it wasn’t for Jenman, Henry Kaye would probably still be around.. That’s just my thoughts anyway. [biggrin]

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
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    Sounds good, by all means use some of the ideas that you liked. If they work for you, good stuff! I have spoken to a few people that have attended the seminars and they all seem to say that they liked the “no hard sell” approach from custodian. Although a friend of mine ended up hanging up on one of the salespeople today because they were getting really pushy. (after the 4th time they called him I might add!)

    At the end of the day that is what they want to achieve. Making you feel relaxed and safe. It leads to more sales for them. More sales than if they were to push.

    It sounds like you have a good plan though, well done.


    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
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    Marisa, Kay Henry is right. Be careful. Use any good ideas that you get from the free seminars and implement them yourself. You don’t need to pay anyone big money for that. As for the properties, yes Fitzgerald sells properties. He can also organise finance for you. The all in one shop can be somewhat of a trap. Try and research what is selling for what price in the ares that you want to buy in. Agents will give you a rough idea. Then see if what he is offering is worth the money. Otherwise, buy or build yourself.


    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
    Join Date: 2005
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    You didn’t attend the $40 seminar in Norwest the other night by any chance did you?

    Sen [cap]

    Profile photo of senator_255senator_255
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    I have attended a couple of John Fitzgeralds seminars. I also attended a similar one that he had Michael Quinn present. They were pretty much the same speal. I know it all sounds good and a lot of his theories are good, but I’d tend to put that stuff into practise myself. I’m always a bit weary of presenters that run seminars to sell their own properties to investors, especially in QLD like Custodian is. He also owns his own finance broker that arrange the finance for you… Keep doing research and be careful.

    Sen [cap]

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