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  • saxonk9 replied to the topic Request Seminar for Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago

    Count me in for a Brisbane seminar, if there’s a chance we can get one. I’m on the Sunshine Coast and can’t make it to Melbourne this time.
    (Too cold anyway!)

    No try!
    Do, or do not!

    Yoda – Return of the Jedi

  • saxonk9 replied to the topic Tassie West Coast in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago

    Matt, regarding west coast of Tassie, I grew up there (Zeehan) but haven’t been back for a while. From what I hear Zeehan has turned into a bit of a retirement village since the mine closed with a lot of mainland retirees moving in to grab the really cheap housing. My only comment would be to make sure that there isn’t a company still running the…[Read more]


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