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  • pinwheel replied to the topic Carly Crutchfield (developing) in the forum Hi there,I am a Town 14 years, 6 months ago

    Hi there,I am a Town Planning Consultant ( and help many people make money from property development.  You can do what Carly does but you need to research and be willing to take the risk (educated of course) and of course have a good head for numbers.   I know someone that started just subdividing the back off houses then as…[Read more]

  • pinwheel replied to the topic What does R17.5/R30 Actually mean in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Lockymac,PlanCheck is right most councils require only sewerage however, i know through experience that  councils such as City of Fremantle, Town of Bassendean and some parts of Wanneroo District to name a few have other requirements.CheersLena

  • pinwheel replied to the topic starting a company to build units on our property in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Richard,In other words wait till we can afford it through winning lotto, savings or substantial equity :)we bought in the boom (wrong timing) so now it is a case of waiting!CheersHelen

  • pinwheel replied to the topic Bough a triplex in the boom and paid to much in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 6 months ago

    The site has an old house on it.. and I have yet to subdivide the property… into three (the existing house will have to go)…we are planning on putting a subdivision application through the system (but was told this only just makes it more attractive rather than more valuable)…It was bought in my husband and my name.. We run a business and…[Read more]


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