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  • Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85


    Great to see you’re back! I thought you had gone for good. I was actually thinking the other day that it was a long time sinec we haven’t heard from you…

    Please stick around and give us some of your opinions….



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Mini,

    Thanks for editing your post. I wasn’t going to reply, because I didn’t want to start a bickering. (Quite frankly there is enough of that on the forum as it is). However you make a valid point and I want to aplogise to anyone that was “annoyed” by my post.

    It really wasn’t meant that way, let me explain …

    When I first read DinoWeb’s post I wanted to answer him directly and say: “Ask you questions I will try and answer them.”

    Basically I JUST wanted to answer him, without getting involved with all the other discussions that were going on, that is why I said:


    I started reading this thread … Some posts were way too long … I skipped others etc…

    However I think I got the general feel for things.

    But you are right. I should read everything before posting! Or otherwise clearly state who I was addressing.

    I will be starting a new thread in “General Investing” called “People and information” and would love for you all to contribute.



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85



    I know that they don’t pay stamp duty, death duty, financial transfer tax, land tax and capital gains.

    Even though this is true for Kiwis this is not true for Australians investing in NZ. You must declare ALL capital gains in your tax return no matter where in the world you made the gain.

    Concerning the Loss Attributing Company I have no idea…


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85


    Here are some MUST read sites: (In no particular order) (IE only)

    They contain HEAP of the BEST info concerning trusts. (as well as other things.) But the best trusts aren’t cheap (about $1000).

    If you have any other questions just post back.



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85

    Do you see what I mean!!!!

    More than 150 people have read this thread since I first put up my post. Only TWO people have aknowledged it and said they would be interested …

    Goes to show…


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85

    Hi Bill,

    This thread was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

    On a more serious note I have asked Steve if he could set up a forum topic called “Valuable info for newbies”, which would be packed with great info, and avoid people asking the same questions over ad over again. I think one of the first threads will be on “due diligence” … [;)]



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85


    Can I buy BSSs in Trust?
    I am thinking of setting up 2,500 trusts, and buy 4 BSS for each trust.

    I did the sums and this will still work great. A trust will cost me $1,000 each to set up so that is $2,500,000 in total; and then I get close to 100 MILLION a year (with the adverstising.)! This is definitely worth it.

    I might be able to get a discount on the trusts too!

    Eagerly awaiting your reply.


    P.S: When there is a will there is a way!

    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85

    Thanks gus for the tips,

    I would still like to hear from Bill, as he is the authority with BSS.

    If the same property rules apply, this deal will be even sweeter. I will send over a valuer mate of mine and he will put a “good” value on it. [;)]



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Could you please advise us on the “depreciation” schedule for the BSS.



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85

    Again I would check the premiums if I were you.


    P.S: Use the search button. This was discussed about a month ago!!!!

    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85



    I am aware they are all good deals….without exception, each and everyone of them is located on a Bus Route.

    Wow, I didn’t know there were some BSS that were NOT located on bus routes.

    Goes to show you MUST always do your due diligeance…

    Oh yea, I think I recall that those BSS use to be sold by those “special” 2 tier seminars. They would fly you up to Briso, take you in a car and show you all these BSS which you had no idea whether they where on a Bus route or not, and then pressure you to buy them. Yep you know how the story goes… Fake valuations, dodgy financiers etc… I think ASIC is looking into this though. IT IS ABOUT TIME !

    Bill, Do I get a commission for recommending this to some of my clients. Yes I am a financial advisor and I think this would be really good for their portfolio. I could charge them a “management” fee as well…

    Let me know.


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Castle Dreamer,

    I think you want to check out the Bus Stop Shelters (BSS) that Bill has for sale. It is a much better deal!

    When investing in car park spaces, make sure they are sheltered. (open air ones are not as good and if it hails and the cars get damages you could be sued! and even if it is sheletered you have to pay HUGE insurance premiums because people will come at you if something happens to their car. Quite honestly I think this is a bigger problem than the medical indemnity insurance crisis. Note my words there won’t be many carpark available soon because the premiums will be too high… or you will have to pay through the nose to park your car there. More and more people will start using public transport because it will cost them too much to park their car in the city.)

    Also the “degreasing” charges are quite expensive. You will also have to pay for new lines every 2 or 3 years. (depends on the car park “covenant”)

    As always avoid *rural* car parks because they are more risky.

    Again, do your due diligence, but if I were you I would look into these BSS that Bill is advertising since more and more people will be using public transport (i.e Buses) soon. Carparks will be a thing of the past…



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Castle Dreamer,

    You are a LEGEND!!!

    I thouhgt I was good at “thinking outside the square”, but you beat me! Your idea is close to being genius!!!!

    WOW, $800 a month x 10,000 that means I will get an extra $96,000,000 (96 MILLIION a year, LOL, this is unreal!!! I think I am going to faint… I am not kidding you I am starting to shake….

    (5 minutes later)

    OK the blood rush has calmed down…I am starting to regain my composure…


    OK now that we are on a good brain wave, I have other thoughts.

    – Add MP3 players at the bus stops so people can listen to music while they wait for their bus. We will charge them $5 a minute for property investment info (Hehe … that always sells well.)

    – Shoe polishing machine. (This would only be for the CBD.)

    Com one guys lets get those imaginative juices flowing!!!

    PositiveCash, You are right, I am simply trying to HELP newbies spot a good deal. It requires a LOT of experience… a lot of mistakes, a lot of time and effort. OK I shouldn’t be so kind… Now I am wondering whether you are trying to scare them away and keep all the deals for yourself.. Cheeky!



    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Bill! You are THE MAN!

    I have been looking so hard for positive geared properties … I spent hours on the net … This is IDEAL.

    You know how I warn people about going into *rural* towns and to only buy unless they are ABSOLUTELY sure they know what they are doing. Well this is the answer to their problems… But they better be quick because I want to buy 10,000 of them in all capital cities. Yep, that’s right…

    I did the maths (you know I like maths don’t you?) and this one is a no brainer. $700 p.a for each BSS that means I will pocket 7,000,000.00 (7 MILLION!!!!!)

    Now I want to buy a few off theplan as well. (Hehe, I love delayed settlements…). How about an option on a few others… Please Bill …

    I just knew you were the type of person to dig out these deals …

    Also I really want to hear about the “Bus stop” signs. Think about it. Low maintenance, guaranteed income etc…

    I heard rumours that a few thousand public toilets would be available to savvy investors soon too (check out

    You remember I made a post a week back about being imaginative. Well all you newbies this is it! Think outside the square! and the posibilities are endless…

    Bill, you can use me on your testimonial…

    Yours sincerely, A trully satisfied customer (7 MILLION LOL [:D])


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
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    Post Count: 85


    You will find them again (easily) in about 3 to 5 years time. Be prepared …


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    I started reading this thread … Some posts were way too long … I skipped others etc…

    However I think I got the general feel for things.

    One thing that people don’t realise is that if you want to be a “Steve” you will have to do the things he does and that means giving up your full time job and doing property investing FULL time.

    For people who still haven’t clicked, let me repeat, investing in positive cashflow properties IS A FULL TIME JOB! (That is if you want to get rich quick.)

    Sure you can buy a property here and there and take it easy over a few years…

    Anyway, the most intersting thing about Steve is NOT his property investing, BUT his “business thinking”. Property is JUST a tool. It is his business mind that makes the tool so effective. You must understand this if you are going to get anywhere! It is the way you think, the way you approach things that counts.

    (I am definitely NOT a “believe it will happen and it will happen” type person. Rather, make heap of mistakes and learn from them. If there is a will there is a way…. )


    I would genuinly like to help people and answer ALL their questions, however I am frustrated that whenever I answer someone the post is quickly lost because of the “traffic” on this forum.

    So this is what I suggest….

    Steve, could you please start a new forum topic called “Valuable Info for newbies”, and make me the moderator.

    What I will then do is go through all the posts and put the most valuable ones there.

    Newbies ALWAYS ask the same questions … so having those questions in one spot would make it easier for them.

    I will also contribute, and tell people everything I know about property investing (well… nearly everything.) Why, would I do this? because I have noticed that even when people give REALLY good info only 2% of people really take it in….

    Believe me, I can tell you that there are some really good deals around Cairns, Rocky, Morayfield, (mainly major cities in Qld) etc… I can also tell you how to find +ve geared places in NOT *rural* towns (actually I already have in another post). But guess what? perhaps only 2% of people who read this will take note!!! (if that)

    So my philosophy is: give the BEST info to people for free … At least for those people that really want to do something about their situation have the knowledge they need, and those that don’t have no excuse!

    I will explain to people everything I know about types of loans, structures, (trusts, companies…), tax minimisation, property etc…

    I have heard a few property “Gurus” say. “Well I want to charge people to come to my seminar to get rid of the “tyre kickers””. I use to think this was fair… However my thoughts have changed. I say “give the BEST info to everybody … and let people decide what they want to do with it. It is their call.”

    So, how does this sound to others? Have a new topic forum for newbies? with HEAPS of great info?


    P.S: Still_in_school, I think you want to double check whether you can claim your uni books as a tax deduction. Are you a professional going to uni or a “student” going to uni? (No, and a “professional student” doesn’t count [;)])

    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    For a 17 year old with lots of questions … I feel obliged… (I will try and keep it simple.)


    Welcome to the forum.


    and I have been hearing a lot of good things about Negitive gearing, and I want to learn more.

    Negative gearing strictly speaking is not a good idea because it costs you money. (That is why it is negative.)

    When talking about “negatively geared” properties, this means that the property COSTS you money every year you keep. Practically this means that the rent you receive from the property is not enough to cover all your expenses. (i.e. loan repayments, insurance costs, maintenance etc…)

    Why would people keep a property that costs them money? Well there are two reasons:

    1) They can claim the loss as a tax deduction.
    2) They expect the property to substancially increase in value over time, so that overall, when they sell the property, the capital gain will be greater than the sum of all their costs.


    How does it work?

    1) Find an expensive rental property for 300K (say)
    2) Get the bank to mortgage the property and lend you 80% of the price ( i.e. 80% * 300K = 240K)
    3) You then have to pay interest on your loan. Because you have borrowed money for investment purposes you are allowed to claim this cost against your assesable income.. Let’s say you have to pay 20K in interest per year.
    4) Rent the place out for 15K per annum.
    5) You will also have other costs associated with the property (insurance, water rates, council rates…) say 4K p.a.

    So this property will earn 15K p.a. but cost you 24K p.a. Therefore it is negatively geared by 9K.
    (These figures are a little bit “wrong”. Generally if you are going to negatively gear it will cost you between 2 – 6K a year.)

    It will cost you 9K to keep this property every year. (well this is not exactly true since the rent will go up over time and these calculations also depend on the type of loan you take. Why don’t you go and talk to a banker, and ask them a few questions?)


    what does it involve?

    It involves loosing money every year!

    Now I am not saying that -ve gearing is always bad. It isn’t! (for some very specific situations) But I will keep things simple for now. (spend time reading the forum. You can even do a search for my name (pinit2000) as I discuss this at length elsewhere.)

    What it means is that you are happy to loose $1 to get $0.48 back from the taxman (that is if you are in the top tax bracket.) or $0.30 if you are in the 30% tax bracket.


    what about tax? Is there away to minimise the amount of tax while maximising your profit?

    Yes plenty of ways… Do a search for
    1) Depreciation (again read my other posts)
    2) Non cash deductions.
    3) Trusts
    4) Discretionary Hybrid Trusts

    It will be well worth the effort!


    I have read somewhere that you can ‘cheat’ the tax system by remaining constantly in debt (or what ever) and end up paying no tax because of your debt, you don’t own anything, but you control everything. True?

    If you are going to learn anything, learn this … good people never ‘cheat’ the tax system. If you ‘cheat’ you will get caught. However you can legitimately “minimise” your taxable income.


    you don’t own anything, but you control everything

    OK, you want to learn about TRUSTS [;)]


    Or am I missing a lot?

    Yes, but you are on the right track. I hope this has helped… make sure you use the “search” function on the forum. It will take time to understand everything fully… so just take it easy and if you have more questions, just ask!

    Finally. You may wonder whether there is a way of minimising your tax and having a property that doesn’t cost you anything and increase in value over time. The answer is YES! (just read my other posts.)


    P.S: You better concentrate (focus) on your exams before spending too much time looking for property information. If you want you can copy this information into a word document and keep it for later.

    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85



    Each strategy has their pros and cons and I will try and be as balanced as possible…

    -ve gearing per say is not a good strategy. HOWEVER -ve gearing with positive cashflow is good. see my other posts on this.

    -ve gearing, +ve cashflow


    – Good for high income earners
    – Saves money AFTER tax
    – Choose the right location and you will have high growth
    – Always beats +ve geared properties in my analysis, not so much on ROI but on “total cash” on sale.
    – Doesn’t require too much time.


    – Not good for lower income earners.
    – Hinders future borrowings.
    – If no rent comes in, this strategy can hurt.

    +ve gearing


    – Good for everybody
    – Nice, yet very little, cashflow every week
    – Does not hinder future borrowings.
    – Easiest way to get the ball rolling.


    – Need a lot of time
    – Administrative headache as you need about 20 to 30 properties to make it worthwhile. (Well of course you could pay someone to take care of them, but does this defeat the purpose?)
    – Growth is not as good. (However during a boom everything grows.)


    Different strategies for different people….


    – I would be very careful about what I buy at this stage (whether it be -ve or +ve), and I would not buy in *rural* towns unless I knew ABSOLUTLEY for sure what I was doing.

    With all property; Location, Location and where it is, is very important, and a lot of +ve proprs simply do not fit the bill anymore!


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Wannabe,

    The numbers look good … let’s do the maths …

    Cost of property = 165,000
    Stamp duty = 4,500
    Legal fees = 1,000
    Mortgage SD + fees = 1,000
    Misc = 500

    So your total purchase cost is = 172,000

    Borrow 100% of 172,000 at say 6% so your annual interest repayments will be:

    172000 x 6 / 100 = 10,320 p.a

    Your rent per annum will be 355 x 52 = 18,460 p.a.

    Management fees at 7.7%: 18,460 x 7.7% = 650

    Insurance = 300

    Rates = 3,500

    Misc = 1,000

    TOTAL COST PER YEAR = 10,320 + 650 + 300 + 3,500 + 1,000 = 15,770

    TOYAL RENT PER YEAR = 18,460

    TOTAL PROFIT = $2,690 p.a.

    Your cash on cash return if you put NO money into the deal is INFINITY (this is the BEST return on investment you can aim for … I did say best “return on investment” NOT the best type of investment strategy! You may ask “if an infinite ROI isn’t the best then what is?”. I will leave this for you to think about…)

    By the why all positively geared properties have a potential cash on cash return of infinity (by definition). (this is assuming you don’t have to do major maintenance work on the units every year etc…)

    Numbers are very interesting and well worth understanding…


    Profile photo of pinit2000pinit2000
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Investron,

    If you want to find out if a property is positively GEARED do your sums on 100% borrowing.

    If however it is a negatively geared property, you can easily calculate how much of your own money you have to put into the deal for it to become positive cashflow.


    Property costs 300K (all cost included)

    If you borrow 100% at 6% then your interest repayments per annum will be 300K x 6% = 18K

    Rates + management fees + insureance etc … = 3K

    Rent per year is 25K (this is unrealistic but possible).

    So the property is POSITIVE geared by 25 – 3 – 18 = 4K p.a

    Let’s say the rent is 15K then this property is negatively geared by 15 – 18 – 3 = -6K p.a.

    However you can make it positive CASHLFOW if instead of borrowing 100% (i.e. 300K) you only borrow say 60% since you have the other 40% in the bank in a term deposit (say).

    This means that you will only pay interest on 60% of 300K which is 180K. (so you would have to put in 220K of your own money.)

    180K at 6% = 10,800

    So your property is positive cashflow by 15 – 3 – 10.8 = 1.2K p.a

    This is just a silly example… I hopw it helps,


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