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Ol Painting

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic insurance broker for commercial property? in the forum Commercial Property 12 years ago

    We used this lady for a rather complex property and business insurance (manufacturing & printing). Would highly recommend her. She even bargained down the price after getting the best deal.

       Erika Heletij | Aon Risk Services Australia Ltd
       Client Manager
       130 George Street Parramatta NSW 2124
        t: +61286234046 | f: +61292537747 | m:…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Mortgage Watchdog – Has anyone tried it? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 8 months ago

    Anyone had used Mortgage Watchdog? I'm working on it now. I'm confused us to where the mistake is made in my favor and where in bank's favor. If discrepancy is shown with a minus upfront (eg. -100.00) – does it mean i was overcharged or undercharged? And also, if I look up for "Discrepancies Only in Your Favor" – is it a total refund I can…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic How to find good tradies in Sydney in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 8 months ago

    Guess you already asked your family and friends before posting here. If they do not know anyone – this is how I’m, getting traders when I’m new to the town my renos & developments are interstate) Works like a charm each time: Call the RE office from where property was bought/rented. (You do not even need to talk to the agent. A receptionist wil…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Do property managers / agencies receive kick backs? in the forum General Property 14 years, 5 months ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!I’m going lots of work for Real Estate agents for years as a trader – no one ever asked me about anything! They just source a trader that will do the work quickly and well, so it causes as little hassles for them. That’s all.   I’d imagine RE would prefer property to be well maintained, as their fees will increase and maintena…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic [moved] Property Development in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 5 months ago

    I’m currently building 2 executive homes and doing one subdivision 1-into2 lots. Did 2 major renos and 1 development last year…  I’ll aim to do a larger scale development next – up to 10 apartments. But have to finish my villas first!

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Renovating from a distance in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 5 months ago

    Sense of humour helps.Also try to look at a big picture and don’t loose hart over every problem. I have a goal of doing 30 projects in the next 10 years. So when you got problems with your project and things are going wrong, late, or not going at all. Just breath in and remind yourself that this is just 1 of 30 projects – you can’t allow yours…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Renovating from a distance in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 7 months ago

    I do interstate renovations and developments. Most of them in busy remote mining towns. I do not have any project managers – Their cost makes development unfeasible.  It’ really not as hard as it sounds! (and I’m just a normal girl with a common sence and can-do attitude) Don’t be scared off that easily. In fact treat all negative comments…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Window Furnishings for new property to rent out in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 7 months ago

    Aluminium venetians are the best!Who cares if they damage it – you have bond.  Never had mine damaged. But they would be easy and cheap to replace.I always order them online.Cheppa Blinds seem to always be the best deal – I measure and install them myself – and I'm a girl with no special training. It's easy. 3 bedroom h…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Buy, “Rejuvenate” and Sell in Sydney in the forum I was not able to find a 14 years, 9 months ago

    I was not able to find a feasible project in Sydney for a long time. Very rare you hear someone going well in Sydney with property (and it is always questionable). There seen to be some margin in upped market projects – but it is very uneven market and I can not justify risk. You estimate your return at +/-200K.  I’m mainly doing interstate proje…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Purchasing Off The Plan in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 9 months ago

    What else do you expect to hear on this seminar? They will not tell you the exact town or developer to talk to. They can not tell you what the market will do in a future – no one knows this.It sounds like you understand the principle.Go take some actions!

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Renting home to recieve tax benefits in the forum I chose to move our of my 14 years, 9 months ago

    I chose to move our of my property, rent it our, and go on rent mysef. The area I like to live has a small rental return. As an investor I refer to my which gearing properties – they are usually one bedroom or working class properties. It comes to the choice: Buy a house for al least 1.5mln in my area, have undeductible mortgage for a very long…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Construction vs brand new built home. in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 9 months ago

    Thumbs up for project homes! I’ve done few development and always used project homes. They ended up more feasible and easier process. My developments are all interstate – I obviously can not afford going here to oversee every small thing.  Plans are usually very practical, market driven and you can always change façade (some project builde…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Building courtyard houses in South Australia in the forum The cost of subdivision 14 years, 9 months ago

    The cost of subdivision depend on few factors and be quite different depending on type of your subdicision (eg. free title, community title, common water meter, etc) The best way is to set us an initial meeting with a local town planer. It will cost you about $100-150.  Give them addresses of your prospective buys – they will tell you what you…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Timber flooring questions. in the forum Value Adding 14 years, 9 months ago

    If it’s rental – put carpet (or vynal)! The simple reason is: It is a tenant’s responsibility to maintain carpet and leave clean when they move. So most of tenant care note to put stains. If they don’t – you are holding their bond (same applies to vinyl and they look gorgeous these days!)Scratches on a timber floor (and they are inevitable)…[Read more]

  • Actually it's a good point.  Most definitely will use it!

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Investing in dodgy areas in the forum sonyasal wrote:I have a 14 years, 9 months ago

    sonyasal wrote:
    I have a great property manager and have had no hassles at all. Sonya

    Who is your manager, Sonya? I’m with the First National, but not very happy with them. They are trying very hard to screen the tenants, inspect property and get me the best rent and are always on touch. But they keep insisting on what appear to be way too h…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic budgeting – which system? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 9 months ago

    Always keeping a record how much you can spend on groceries or going out is depressing! Takes all fun away!Try to record for a week (honestly) all of your expenses. Sounds silly. But you will be surprised every single time you do it! It will show you where your money are waisted, so you know where to discipline yourself.If you straggle with…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Investing in dodgy areas in the forum Bando St.Where are you? 14 years, 9 months ago

    Bando St.Where are you?

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic budgeting – which system? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 9 months ago

    My system is:  Walk through the house room-by-room and write down every single thing, no matter how small that you like to do in each room, same for the exterior & garden.Group expenses per trade or type (eg. all electrical, painting, total number of door handles to replace. You must end up with the list of thing to do for each trade and a list…[Read more]

  • Ol Painting replied to the topic Investing in dodgy areas in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 9 months ago

    I bought 2 years ago a completely trashed ex-housing property in housing areas with bad reputation in Gunnedah, small rural town in Upper Hunter Valley in NSW. I'm overall happy with the purchase. The house looked like from “tenants from hell” stories on news. Everything that can be was smashed – walls, windows, bathroom, kitchen. Plus graffiti…[Read more]

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Ol Painting

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