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  • noddies replied to the topic Global Warming and Renewable Energy in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all,[biggrin]

    Please get inolved and informed.. A quick way could be to go see Al Gores movie ” An Inconveneint Truth”

    Hi Cazmeister ; I hope my writing has encouraged others to see this movie, it presents global warming in lay terms and a DVD has now been released and I suppose it will be available for hire shortly. Another great source of…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Global Warming and Renewable Energy in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all,[biggrin]

    The way to stop or alter global warming is complex as it requires tackling on many fronts; the first step is to understand the mechanics involved. Once this is achieved further progress can be made.

    To the skeptical, the changing weather patterns are not just happening in Australia, we are not experiencing a localized one off…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Global Warming and Renewable Energy in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all [biggrin]

    Why is that just because Johnny Howard starts talking about something, then all of a sudden it is a catastrophe

    It is only a catastrophe if we continue to ignore it; what is lacking is the political will to change and that can only be resolved thru public awareness and the subsequent political response that this brings about,…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Global Warming and Renewable Energy in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all[biggrin]

    Apart from the recent Stern report which excludes mention of Australia, various newspapers around the world ran the story below about a report released by the CSIRO which covers our surrounding area.

    The story is reproduced below but if you google CSIRO and go to their web site,, you will probably be as surprised as…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Global Warming and Renewable Energy in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All[biggrin]

    My wife is a full time PhD scholar in the field of sustainability and has studied environmental issues for over 10 years.

    I wouldn’t call her a greenie (yet) but her findings have raised her concerns and have changed her attitudes.

    Australia (to its shame) is one of the only two developed nations in the world who have not rati…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Confessions of a Financial Planning Student in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All[biggrin]

    I have never read an article that is so full of mistakes and inncorrect asumptions written by a student who has never been an employee in the Financial Planning Industry.

    The first mistake he makes is in the first line of the article

    “I am working on the sixth of eight modules to obtain my Diploma of Financial Planning and Adv…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic reducing Home loan Debt with Investment income in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 4 months ago


    When converting equity to cash to be used for investment purposes, it is better to use a split loan.

    for example,
    LOC no 1 is used for personal use and LOC no 2 is used for investments
    This keeps the accounting side separate and defined and is less confusing for your accountant and the ATO.

    Note: If you are investing in markets…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Can any mortgage broker explain this sructure in the forum Finance 18 years, 4 months ago

    Hi guys[suave]

    Thanks for your contribution, but how do they make money to operate if repayments are not obligatory.

    Greenway puts down $500,000 and they put down $500,000 without any monthly repayment expectations but with the flexibility to make some repayments and to pay off the loan sooner if they want to

    I assume they would need to…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Can anyone recommend a good Real Estate Agent? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    Hi all.[biggrin]

    “Can anyone recommend a good Real Estate Agent?”

    Could you specify if they are alive or dead.

    Bryce Inglis

    Investment & Implimentation manager

    [email protected]

    Replies on this site are intended as general information only, as any specific investment solutions/advice must only be given in accordance…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic other investment sites in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Debbie[biggrin]

    Try this one

    Bryce Inglis

    Investment & Implimentation manager

    [email protected]

    Replies on this site are intended as general information only, as any specific investment solutions/advice must only be given in accordance with the requirements set out in the…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Investment Vehicle? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Drollings[biggrin]

    Just another thought, an accountant relative suggested using a trust with a company as the beneficiary. The company then pays all profits into the superannuation account of a retired person(s). As a contribution?

    Or 1. with the initial establishment of the Trust and dependant on the Trust deed, the SMSF is appointed as a…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Investment Vehicle? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Time matters[biggrin]

    I would suggest that you research this area of the site as the general topic on structures has been covered many times.
    Advice on basic structure set up is quite common.

    The following is a brief overveiw of some of the considerations that can be taken ,however I encourage you to undertake further research on your own or…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Independant brokers in Melb???? in the forum Finance 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi as41[biggrin]

    Why not talk to one of the brokers who give their time and assistance to enquiries on this site.

    Bryce Inglis

    Investment & Implimentation manager

    [email protected]

    Replies on this site are intended as general information only, as any specific investment solutions/advice must only be given in accordance…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic An PI group in Melbourne in the forum Heads Up! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Hi all[biggrin]

    There is a property investors group that meets on alternate months at either Swinburne TAFE in Hawthorn or at Victoria university in Footscray.
    The Meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of each month.
    Information on these meetings is posted at another site .The link to this…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago

    Hi All [biggrin]

    given the hypothetical situation of my wife/girlfriend seeking part of a property owned by a Trust, that I am a beneficiary of,

    Trusts are set up to automatically cover immediate family including unborn children as beneficiaries

    Leaving out tax implications for setting up trusts and focusing on asset protection

    Asset…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic ASSET PROTECTION = BUY IP AS TRUSTS? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago

    Hi all[biggrin]

    I was flipping through a Margaret Lomas book and she says that trusts are a waste of time and do not really offer any protection.
    What do you guys think of her statements ?

    It seems a popular ‘fad’ amongst accountants currently to sell a Trust structure on the basis of providing asset protection alone. Since Accounta…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Funding infrastructure in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Splosh [biggrin]

    Actually this idea is not new and was done in the late 1900’s, and you can read about it if you borrow a book titled “The Land Boomers” from the local library as its been a while since its last print.

    My copy was inherited/ borrowed / stolen from my Mother-in-law. The name of the author is Michael Cannon and the publ…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Power of ASIC? in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 11 months ago

    Hi all[biggrin]

    It appears that in one of my earlier posts a complaint was made that matters were unclear.

    The following is reproduced from ASIC explaining actions that were undertaken by them and show a highly complex process due to the limitations of enforcement acting as a Federal body when dealing with State related matters.

    The link to the…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Power of ASIC? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 11 months ago

    Howdy doody All,[exhappy]

    Its that pesky uninformed dude again, except now I need a wash[glum]

    Bryce ….my comments were directed at your post higher up, which you have to agree didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and not at your choice of profession.

    Sometimes I just dash stuff of the top of my head because there is nothing worse than typing a…[Read more]

  • noddies replied to the topic Power of ASIC? in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All[biggrin]

    Its that pesky uninformed dude again.

    Some of the funniest arguments were from some dude who had no facts to back his views but tried to shut me up with the line “I’m a fully licensed finacial advisor, so I know these things”…….all he knows is where his commision cheques come from.

    1. I know how to spell Financial, you…[Read more]

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