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Michael Oakes

  • Michael Oakes replied to the topic RECOMMENDED US TOWNS TO INVEST IN? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 11 months ago

    The south might be good for cash flow too.  MS, AR maybe LA (Louisianna).  If I was going to buy now I'd look at TX, maybe Dallas/Fort Worth.  The better areas of course. Maybe good capital gains too.  Texas is a growing state and quite affluent. And look at Denver too as it's a popular relocation destination for many Americans.  Protect your…[Read more]

  • Michael Oakes replied to the topic RECOMMENDED US TOWNS TO INVEST IN? in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 11 months ago

    I spent 12 months in the US, looking and travelling and learning and eventually after a lot of research bought a property in SW Missouri.  There is a lot to learn about the US market. The cultural differences to start with (1950's white flight, transport issues, ghettos, etc).  For example you can buy property very close to downtown Chicago for $…[Read more]

  • Michael Oakes replied to the topic Rental returns in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 11 months ago

    Hello all, my first post.  :-)I agree generally with the above comments. I have a property in the Mid West and rents achieved don't seem to be dropping.  It also depeneds heavily on the region.  The Mid West seems to have borne a lot of the brunt of the GFC but things are steady now. NE and Calif seem to be doing OK but ROI's aren't as good.  Jud…[Read more]

Michael Oakes

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